other ideas

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Re: other ideas

by gerald » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:32 pm

From Sacred Geometry --- a peek into the structure of creation --- Spherical Geometry & 19.5 Degrees
throughout the solar system. http://www.vortexmaps.com/planets.php

a tetrahedron within a sphere -- when a tetrahedron is inscribed within a sphere so that the apex touches the pole of the sphere and the base touches it's surface, the points of the base touches the sphere at approximately 19.5 degrees. At 19.5 degrees north or south latitude an active celestial body will have a major point of energy out flow. This energy out flow combined with the celestial body's harmonic applied at acupuncture points can provide healing. I have done this while in Hawaii, and it worked. This is done to balance one's energy structure, thereby correcting "disease" an imbalance.

On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degreees north and south.
a good image of the sun showing the two bands of greatest solar activity ----

/www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp& ... 180%3B1096

On Venus: the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees.

On Earth:
Mauna Loa, Hawaii (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 155 degrees 37 minutes W) The largest shield volcano is at 19.6 degrees north. This is Mauna-Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii.

On Mars: the "vast" Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees.

On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees.

On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north.

We have much to learn.

Re: other ideas

by gerald » Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:40 pm

An excursion down the rabbit hole - a mind game for amusement, an insight, or whatever.

. Eastern spiritual science describes seven planes – the lower planes
> express more of the matter aspect and are therefore more "material",
> and the higher planes express more of the energy aspect and are
> therefore more "subtle". The seven planes are not specific locations;
> they all interpenetrate each other and occupy the same space.
> Different levels of consciousness are required to perceive the
> different planes or dimensions http://www.esotericscience.org/article3a.htm
NASA keeps secrets -- Disclosure Project


And further down the rabbit hole -- regarding other planes etc.


Re: other ideas

by gerald » Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:55 pm

An interesting 2 hour video which is a general overview of the
historical and current research status of the "starchild " skull with
Lloyd Pye

The video covers ---
How the skull was found
Lloyd Pye's background
Early thoughts about the " skull's deformity " leading to the
realization that it may not be a deformity, but may be something very
The official scientific community's ridicule, dismissiveness and
suppression of research data and analysis of the skull,
( which is similar to what is mentioned in Rupert Sheldrake's book
"Science Set Free" -- on how science deals with unacceptable ideas
and data)

The to date skull analysis outlining the -
unique structural configuration of the skull
unique chemical and structural details of the bone -- it does not
compare to any known animal bone, the skull has a density and hardness
of tooth enamel.
partial DNA analysis indicting that its DNA does not match any
known life form in the NIH DNA data base.

Lloyd and others are working to obtain a complete DNA analysis so that
mainstream science will have to accept that the skull is from a non
terrestrial being.

Side note --
The construction of the skull indicates that the being could have had
telepathic abilities, because of the nonexistent sinus cavities. The
placement of eyes their size and the location of neck indicate, ( from
the many statements in the ET literature ) that the being was most
likely one of the smaller "Gray" specie.

This could get real interesting. --- Think of the impact on global
politics, religion, evolutionary theory, human history, technology,

And now for an example from the past of the "knowing experts "

Scientists and Engineers Who Thought Heavier Than Air Flying Machines
Were Impossible

"The number of scientists and engineers who confidently stated that
heavier-than-air flight was impossible in the run-up to the Wright
brothers' flight is too large to count. Lord Kelvin is probably the
best-known. In 1895 he stated that 'heavier-than-air flying machines
are impossible', only to be proved definitively wrong just eight years

Further, as late as January 1905 -- more than a year after the Wright
Brothers' historic first flight -- Scientific American magazine
expressed skepticism about whether they had flown. An article titled
"The Wright Aeroplane and its Fabled Performance" states: "If such
sensational and tremendously important experiments are being conducted
in a not very remote part of the country, on a subject in which almost
everybody feels the most profound interest, is it possible to believe
that the enterprising American reporter, who, it is well known, comes
down the chimney when the door is locked in his face--even if he has
to scale a fifteen-story sky-scraper to do so-- would not have
ascertained all about them and published them broadcast long ago?
"http://invention.psychology.msstate.edu ... SiAm1.html

Re: other ideas

by gerald » Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:11 am


Sounds interesting.

A major problem with studying ancient human history is that much has been lost, and those that do study it, sometimes work under difficult circumstances due to funding, peer pressure, etc. All that one can do is seek as best as possible. Humanity apparently has a very complicated history. Studying that history is like a blind man going into a great library, randomly choosing ten books and then giving them to a scholar to write humanity's history. The chances of getting it right are slim.

An interesting side note regarding the peoples of Mesoamerica is the "Olmec civilization". Some of their sophisticated carvings have strong Negroid or Oriental characteristics, unlike the physical characteristics of the current native population. It is very possible, and likely, that there was major trade with or occupation of Mesoamerica by Orientals and Africans a thousand or more years ago. There are many interesting anomalies around the world.
Photos of some Olmec sculpture ---
//www.google.com/search?q=olmec&hl=en&tbo ... 0&bih=1087

Maya Calendar Truth Revealed

by John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:10 pm

A friend of mine has written a book on the Mayan civilization.
Here's her press release:

For Release November, 2012 From: Lia Machel, Author
Maya Calendar Truth Revealed

It is astonishing how readily so many people worldwide are embracing
the date on a Calendar to tell them that the world is coming to an
end. It is reminiscent of the run up to the Millennium 2000 and the
Y2K frenzy.

What is it about human nature that feeds on apocalyptic prophecies
that bear no comparison to a religious belief, one that details the
events and the purposes in bringing them to fruition? What Higher
Power is involved or even included in the current calculations for
a hell on earth?

What does anyone really know about the Maya, their culture and
history, as the end of their Calendar approaches? Are they even a
little curious?

Now we also hear about the prophetic end that includes the Hindu,
the Chinese, the American Indian Hopi tribal elders and their own

They might also be interested in adding the Babylonian and Chaldean
Cal-endars to the mix.

So why would all these Calendars and prophecies be signaling the same
End of Time? Why would prophecies, from long dead savants and modern
spiritualists, be given us to underscore the “truth” of an approaching

Someone needs to call a time out. If there is to be such keen focus
on a Maya inspired epiphany, one should know more about this enigmatic
and vanished culture and civilization.

In recent history, a new breed of archaeologists, ethnographers, famed
explorers, and researchers, have uncovered many answers to the once
unknown peoples of Mesoamerica. These answers are often in direct
con-flict with old established theories and declarations by lettered
professors who have refused to acknowledge the breakthroughs made, or
who have even sought to discourage scientific inquiry. Some are even
now buying into the current creation of half-truths and publishing

Lia Machel, author of the new Guidebook titled TIME PORTAL: The World
of the First Maya, has researched and compiled discoveries and
findings by the new generation of scientists and anthropologists, to
bring truths to light that will astonish the reader and student.

The Maya were once a people of the Canaanite tribes, descended from
peoples dispersed and scattered at the Tower of Babel, throughout
the world, as commanded by the Lord High God. Peoples from Africa,
China, Japan and ancient Syria, Carthage, were among the first to
occupy what would become the Maya Lands, in regions covering
Mexico, the Yucatan, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Then came the Cambodians, the east Indians, the Hebrews, peoples
from Polynesian islands.

There are records of all these traders and settlers in what was a
network of international trade, starting in 1000 B.C. Great ships
brought them there.

The famous Calendar has been traced all the way back to the Chaldeans,
thence to Babylon. It was given to the Olmec and Maya peoples by the

page 2 TIME PORTAL: The World Of The First Maya

Chinese! In Chapter Two of her book, As Above, So Below, the author
cites the change made to the Maya form of calculation (and using the
zero) that is based on a number 13 instead of 12 in other
calendars. It begins on the Maya Day of Creation, August 14, 3114
B.C….before there were Maya.

The Han Chinese and Babylonian Calendars are greatly similar, with
time- lines corresponding to 1400-1000 B.C.

It should surprise no one who accepts this fact that all of the
alleged prophecies of the end time dates would be recorded by the
calendars of all those who became the Maya peoples, or who traded with

Another fact: The Maya Dresden Codices feature a calendar order based
on a complex system of 20 intermeshing rounds. The most important of
these are the Venus Tables*, not the Moon Tables that are being used
to signal the end of the world. The Calendar does not end, but
computes to be the end of an era. The next cycle completes on Oct. 15,
4772…in the Moon

Calendar. * Prof. Gerardo Aldemay, UC Santa Barbara, recognized this
error of calculation based on the Moon Calendar. His report, Timeline
error in Maya Calendar deduction, with Gregorian Calendar: Oct. 7,
2010. It is the Venus timeline that is most accurate for
synchronization between the Maya and Western Calendar dating. That
date is perhaps 50-100 years from now!

If the end of the world was coming, why did the Maya astronomers
compute in great numbers of years, like the pictun: 160,000
years…all the way up to the alautun: 64,000,000 years?

Further, the Maya gave no details of what would happen at such a
juncture of descent into chaos. They simply called our Fourth World
Age The Age of Strife, when all the elements of earth would be quite

For those who want to enter the time portal to the world the Maya
peoples created, and how they lived, read the entire Guidebook,
illustrated by the author, and featuring important photos and figures
to show the historic connections to peoples of the world, who came to
be the Maya.


Available through publisher http://www.xlibris.com/bookstore and with online
booksellers in the USA, UK and Canada. Softcover, Illus. Color, 133

E-book available Oct., 2012

Note: This book was featured at the International Book Fair in Miami,
FL Nov. 16-18 at Xlibris Publisher display and bookstore. Included in
the U.S Library Catalog, January 2013 edition

Author Machel is a student, researcher, and writer about ancient
civilizations. Her background is as an investigative reporter and
feature writer. Her work as an artist covers many subjects as a
painter. The illustrations in the book are part of a larger Card Game
featuring the Maya characters and lifestyle, and designed for
interactive story play. c. 2000

Contact Lia at e-mail: macheldesigns@aol.com Subject: Time Portal

Re: other ideas

by gerald » Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:35 am

Indications of possibly "ancient" very large scale underwater mining tracks made by mining equipment built by "others" on Earth. http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evid ... tery-2.htm

"At this location a mine has made a number of 90º turns with the tracks forming a box shape and which overlaps and blurred previous tracks"

'The 13th image demonstrates mine track evidence of the suck and neatly deposit in the tracks kind but much neater in its formations. It may actually be two different mines with one going over the track of the other. Further, although it strains credulity, it could be possible that both mines are actually present in this image even though one can't be sure of this. This evidence is in 18,000+ feet of water and about 757 km or 470 miles directly east of Bermuda in the open Atlantic.'

"might this explain why the mainstream is collectively unable to take contrary but yet verifiable evidence seriously enough to demand independent investigation of it while at the same time accepting the false manipulated information we're so often fed just because recognized leaders endorsed it? Are we being misdirected and have we always been so at the genetic coded level to concentrate on the mundane (example: social media) and accept secrecy and formless outside control as normal with a built in hair trigger in favor of extreme emotion, violence and war as a disabling distraction should we begin to understand our subtle chains a little too much?"

Re: other ideas

by Sheldonc » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:15 am

i hear that the scientists now are on the verge of discovering the fountain of youth. they are already making good progress

Re: other ideas

by gerald » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:44 pm

Lets go to the twilight zone, a realm where truth and illusions are mixed, and knowing which is which may be difficult.

Background ------------------

The following is from the book "The Doman Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission" by Lawrence R. Spencer, supposedly electronically transmitted to him in the format of " North American English" from an operative of the Doman. The Domain being an intergalactic transdimentional civilization.
This book is a continuation of the" Alien Interview" by the same "author" which contains information gathered telepathically by an individual of the US military at Rosewell NM in 1947.

According to the above books -the following--- #1 to # 8

#1,Humans are spirits or IS-BE's meaning --- " the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of "is", and the only reason for their existence is that they decide to "be".---- Earth is a prison planet for IS-BE's and is run and controlled by the BOTS, a branch of the "Old Empire" a Galactic civilization ( in our galaxy The Milky Way ) which is at war with the expanding Domain. The Domain now considers Earth a potential asset but not very desirable. Earth is only one of many prison planets, and it is considered one of the worst . The Earth inmates are primarily comprised of Old Empire "undesirables" such as artists, free thinkers, creative types etc. About 20% of the remaining population are vicious, perverse, sociopaths, etc. They are used unknowingly as guards of the prison by the BOTS, to control the population. These " guards" tend to be politicians, bankers, priests, war-mongers and irresponsible physicists.

#2, An IS-BE's can't be killed, but it can be imprisoned and have it's memory suppressed. Upon the death of a human body the entrapped spirit (the IS-BE) is lured into another trap, it's memory suppressed and reinserted into another body at the time of a body birth. This cycle is endlessly repeated. Each IS-BE has a particular bent or tendency. Civilizations are built up and torn down buy the same IS-BE's in a constantly repeating pattern, civilization after civilization. ( some what like the flow of events illustrated by Generational Dynamics) These cycles have been going on for tens of thousands of years.

The IS-BE concept would help explain the recurring destruction of libraries and the seemingly out of place technology, such as the fire piston http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_piston. Also it would explain reincarnation and the apparent preference of individuals for certain interests and activities.http://www.patton-mania.com/George_S_Pa ... atton.html

Through a Glass, Darkly
So forever in the future,
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter,
But to die again, once more
George S. Patton,Jr --- General US army WWII

#3,This Earth prison is extremely sophisticated and difficult to dismantle. Part of the control structure is located in the Cydonia region of Mars, it was partially destroyed by the Domain between 1135 and 1230 AD, alowing humanity, the IS-BE's, a little more freedom to develop.

#4,It should be noted that "Earth is extraordinary in that it is virtually uninhabitable by any sustainable civilization for more then a very short period. It has a superheated, liquefied metal core, on top of which the land masses drift and crash into each other causing volcanic eruptions that poison the atmosphere. Virtually constant earthquake activity devastate the land. Also the magnetic poles generated by the molten core, shift every 20,000 years or so, which displaces the oceans randomly, overwhelming land masses with devastating deluges." http://www.crystalinks.com/crustal_displacement.html

#5, The BOTS cover up and eliminate any indications of off planet intelligence, this is done to help maintain control of and the ignorance of the prison population.

#6,The BOTS would rather have the Human population destroyed then allow the inmates to escape.

#7, The Domain operatives are spirits (IS-BE's) that interact with the physical universe using "doll bodies". These are physical bodies that do not require food, etc, and are animated by their will. The advantage of these "doll bodies" is that they do not give off wastes as do biological organisms and thus negatively effect their inter-dimensional / inter-galactic craft. Also, "doll bodies" are operable in a vacuum and are not affected by wide swings in temperature or radiation.

#8,The Domain has the ability to sanitize a planet,-- that includes removing all life and starting over.

Fukushima ------------

Fukushima is one of over 400 nuclear reactor facilities in the world, many produce plutonium there is is a growing storage and disposal problem. (involving thousands of tons of spent fuel ) Note, at Fukushima the storage pool for the spent fuel is ABOVE the nuclear reactor, the facility needs to be constantly supplied with power to prevent problems, ---. If one were to study the design and location of the facility,- on a fault - it is as though it was designed to CREATE a catastrophe. Note the quantity of spent nuclear fuel and the location of the fuel pools http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/20 ... -fukushima & http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/20 ... -fukushima & http://www.maxkeiseronfacebook.com/fuku ... ling-apart. see bottom video on the right. Considering all of the existing reactors, is a global disaster being set up?

Coronal Mass Ejections -----------------

They occur intermittently and when extreme can short out and essentially destroy electric systems and the grid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_storm_of_1859 This loss of power would adversely effect nuclear power stations and possibly cause melt downs in hundreds of nuclear power stations around the world at the same time, leading to a possible human extinction event. However, action to mitigate this problem is hindered by politicians. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/03/ ... rophe.html

The March 2012 event ---The apparent brief reversal of the Earths Magneto sphere and the missing NASA data ----------


Possibly caused by A, B or C?
A) nothing to see here, just move along
B) a precursor to a pole shift- such an event can apparently take only a few hours.
C) the effects caused by the propulsion system of a large trans dimensional craft? -- something like this? -Phobos Russian Mars Mission 1989 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... trGQX4mtxw

Could there be a battle between the BOTS and the Domain, over who controls Earth? or by others? Are the BOTS trying to create an extinction event for the humans? is the Domain intervening?


Now back to your regularly scheduled illusion.

Re: other ideas

by gerald » Fri May 06, 2011 1:22 pm

In the “real world” educated and intelligent people like to think they deal with reality in a logical manner, and things that are illogical or can’t be proved are dismissed or consigned to the realm of faith , such as religion.
However there is a facet of reality that many prefer to dismiss because the implications are disturbing , profound and difficult to prove. So let’s take the red pill and get a glimpse of this important , complex , elusive and multi-faceted part of “reality”.

It has been said that to present a disturbing truth it is best to present it -- as fiction. Because it takes a while for a disturbing truth to be accepted, and it is best if it is presented as a story, a fiction, and far away in distance or time , and therefore it becomes safe to think about. Kind of like ET’s could exist but they are far away and not nearby --- a somewhat commonly accepted concept.

The movie “Star Wars “released in 1977 begins with a written prolog, “ A long time ago in a galaxy far far away” --- is this a prelude to a truth, that we may begin to understand?

In the movie there is an important theme “ The Force” it can be good (positive) , or evil (negative)-- is it real?

When the Empire destroyed an inhabited planet, one of the characters on a distant planet experiences ( for lack of better words ) a “sudden death awareness” this character responds as though a wave of emotion or energy washed through him, ---- how interesting.

Many years ago I experienced a “sudden death awareness “ this was caused by the death of a close relative in an auto accident a hundred miles away. I was officially notified, hours later of his death.

Years later, I had a similar experience of a “sudden death awareness” when out of necessity I had to kill a hive of yellow jackets (the living entity is NOT the individual yellow jacket but the HIVE ---It is kind of like we are not the individual cells in our body ,but the collective of the cells)

Religion uses this “force” as a way to present credibility.

“The Force” in some fashion, appears to be accepted by “others”, it is respected, but apparently not always worshiped, as in religion, Two examples---

In the Sumerian Book of Enki” there is a debate amongst several Anunanki (ET’s) as to whether they should create humanity for their terrestrial labor needs. One group took the position that humanity should NOT be created because it would interfere with the” forces of creation”. The group that prevailed, took the opposite position that creating humanity would be acceptable, since by creating humanity the Anunnaki would be acting as TOOLS of Creation.

In the “Alien Interview” ( an ET of a different specie then the Anunnaki, and substantially more advanced )made an important comment regarding humanity ‘s immature level of spiritual development. , “ Airl” (the ET) indicated humanity would destroy the Earth because we do not have the spiritual maturity to handle the toys of technology. The Roswell crash appears to have been a set up to convey information.

Many years ago, I gave advice to a very close relative on her death bed. About 12 years later I met “her” as in infant and “she” acknowledged me. “She” or now maybe “HE” was of a different ethnic background then before. As an American of European decent I seem to have in interesting and detailed familiarity with Japanese Seppuku, and consider it an acceptable course of action, though not without having other later consequences beside the obvious. http://victorian.fortunecity.com/ducham ... ppuku.html

Is this familiarity possible? Here is an interesting video about a child who previously was killed as a World War II pilot.
http://www.fox8.com/wjw-reincarnation-t ... 0900.story
John, a while back you commented that people ask you why you spend so much time with your site, for what end? If I understand correctly, you seem to have a need to.
Why do I post on your site, I am sure some of my comments sound a “ little crazy”.

May be the answer to our question is a little like the answer given by Matilda MacElroy as to why she sent the military notes for the “ Alien Interview” to the author Lawerence Spencer to be published AFTER her death. “ I do not want to keep playing the game of “ maybe I should have, or maybe I shouldn’t have”, through the rest of Eternity”

This puts a “different “perspective on things and events. I wonder how many people have similar experiences, but fear discussing it.

Re: other ideas

by gerald » Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:10 am

A bit of possible information regarding my above April 22 nd post, and the possible "Alien Interview"

http://vault.fbi.gov/hottel_guy/Guy%20H ... Guy+Hottel


March 22, 1950



The following information was furnished to SA [redacted] by [redacted].

An investigator for the Air Forces stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.

According to Mr. [redacted] informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controling mechanism of the saucers.

No further evaluation was attempted by SA [redacted] concerning the above.

