Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:51 am

Navigator wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 12:45 am
I am not a prophet, but can only guess by probabilities.

The political discord in both Taiwan and US make it increasingly likely. Any significant economic event could tip the scales. But we are getting closer and closer. October and April seem to be the best months for weather concerns.
Russian and China just need to be patient to see America self immolate.

Re: What say you?

by Guest » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:50 am

Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:21 pm
Guest wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:25 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:32 am

But what evidence do you have this was a kangaroo court? You have a right to spout nonsense, but what have you got to be taken seriously?

This seems to be the modus operandi of the MAGA movement. You make many absurd claims that contradict serious investigations of the courts. Somehow, you think this justifies taking each other's claims seriously. I don't see it.
You never offer evidence of anything, Bob. Why should he (or her)?
Evidence was provided by Pecker, Stormy, Cohen and others to the jury, backed up by the documents, and reported by the MSM. It was quite adequate to convince the jury. Opportunity was provided for Trump to provide contradictory evidence, but instead he attempted character assassination. He had no evidence. Since, the conservatives have provided nothing other than their unsupported bald partisan statements. This is typical of their modus operandi, to repeat what their audience would like to hear.

It is not how the court system operates. The voice that counts is the jury's, which has spoken.

Not that the sentencing will arrive before the election. The sentencing and appeals process looks to take years. It will be settled by 2028, by which time Trump's mental deterioration will be obvious even to MAGA. The difficulty with a cult of personality is finding another cult leader after the old one ages out.

I suspect the best deal would be for him to acknowledge he isn't sane enough to either stand trial or run for president. That would end the mess as little else would.
You keep harping on about 'despicable' Trump, despised by all right-thinking folk like you and Abraham Lincoln.
His strengths are great, his flaws are trifling. No-one else has the will and the ability to face up to the profoundly corrupt Democratic Party.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest JT » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:40 am

If Trump does not win, the USA is lost, along with much of the 'West' as we know it.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest » Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:58 am

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:45 pm
“Every year for three years, a new Chinese defence minister has come to Shangri-La," the official said. "And every year, they’ve given a speech at complete odds with the reality of the PLA’s coercive activity across the region. This year was no different.”
Dong's speech comes a day after U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told delegates the Indo-Pacific region remained a key focus for the United States, even as it grappled with security assistance for Ukraine and the war in Gaza.
"Let me be clear: The United States can be secure only if Asia is secure," Austin said. "That's why the United States has long maintained our presence in this region."
Dong and Austin met for more than an hour earlier in the conference.
In response to Austin's speech, Chinese Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng said the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy was intended "to create division, provoke confrontation and undermine stability." ... 024-06-02/
The pot calls the kettle black.
Communists are defined by their state of mind.
Will Communism triumph in the Clash of Civilization or the basic tenets as put forth by the great documents created by the founders of the greatest country in history? Bob is on the wrong side and he'll ride the atom bomb all the way to the ground. Then be ground to bits in the gulags. That's just simple trajectory calculation together with historical precedent
"Why there’s this special hate for him escapes me. The deadliest thing a president can do is go to war, yet Trump avoided it " - there's your answer.

Watch Tucker's recent interview with Jeffrey Sachs.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest » Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:11 pm

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:45 pm
“Every year for three years, a new Chinese defence minister has come to Shangri-La," the official said. "And every year, they’ve given a speech at complete odds with the reality of the PLA’s coercive activity across the region. This year was no different.”
Dong's speech comes a day after U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told delegates the Indo-Pacific region remained a key focus for the United States, even as it grappled with security assistance for Ukraine and the war in Gaza.
"Let me be clear: The United States can be secure only if Asia is secure," Austin said. "That's why the United States has long maintained our presence in this region."
Dong and Austin met for more than an hour earlier in the conference.
In response to Austin's speech, Chinese Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng said the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy was intended "to create division, provoke confrontation and undermine stability." ... 024-06-02/
The pot calls the kettle black.
Communists are defined by their state of mind.
Will Communism triumph in the Clash of Civilization or the basic tenets as put forth by the great documents created by the founders of the greatest country in history? Bob is on the wrong side and he'll ride the atom bomb all the way to the ground. Then be ground to bits in the gulags. That's just simple trajectory calculation together with historical precedent
Liberal Bob Butler and his kind have won. For 60 years they hammered away at western traditions and culture until they totally destroyed it. Now, nothing is left. The Liberals are standing in the chaotic ruins of civilization and saying, 'See. Isn't the world a better place now?' The liberals will never get it. They will never understand that they have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. They have turned the west into a ghetto and made life miserable for everyone; and they call that equality. No matter how bad it gets, they will refuse to accept it. And they will continue to blame others for all of their self-inflicted woes.

Time to walk away.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by FullMoon » Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:45 pm

“Every year for three years, a new Chinese defence minister has come to Shangri-La," the official said. "And every year, they’ve given a speech at complete odds with the reality of the PLA’s coercive activity across the region. This year was no different.”
Dong's speech comes a day after U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told delegates the Indo-Pacific region remained a key focus for the United States, even as it grappled with security assistance for Ukraine and the war in Gaza.
"Let me be clear: The United States can be secure only if Asia is secure," Austin said. "That's why the United States has long maintained our presence in this region."
Dong and Austin met for more than an hour earlier in the conference.
In response to Austin's speech, Chinese Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng said the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy was intended "to create division, provoke confrontation and undermine stability." ... 024-06-02/
The pot calls the kettle black.
Communists are defined by their state of mind.
Will Communism triumph in the Clash of Civilization or the basic tenets as put forth by the great documents created by the founders of the greatest country in history? Bob is on the wrong side and he'll ride the atom bomb all the way to the ground. Then be ground to bits in the gulags. That's just simple trajectory calculation together with historical precedent

Re: The Right Side of History?

by Bob Butler » Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:15 pm

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:22 am
The pot calls the kettle black.
Bob has a one track mind together with misunderstandings and deliberate cobbling together of falsehoods to maintain his cult fantasies and demonic hatred of anything different from his psychotic belief system. Convincing a cult member of the falsehoods inherent in the cult rarely works.
In recent times, the blue values championed have included rule of law, democracy, equality, science, and containment. I would not qualify these things as 'falsehoods'. Trump's habitual criminality, his cheating on elections, his support of racist bigoted groups, promotion of religious superstition and support of Putin's conquest seem to be the conservative answer. I would agree that convincing a cult member to change values rarely works. In the conservative case, what has always been is assumed to continue. The belief seems to be to fight progress. Progressives perceive it differently. What conservativse choose to champion seems very questionable at this time.

As Lincoln quoted, "Woe unto the world because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." You need a crisis as the 'woe due' to remove foul cultural traits. Every four score and seven years, a new birth of freedom. Such should be celebrated rather than fought. It does take a large woe due to get a significant cultural change. I wish it not so, but that is how it seems to be.

The Right Side of History

by Bob Butler » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:53 am

The observation is that the side oppressing other people has lost recent American crises, that releasing folk from oppression is the ‘right side of history’. Knowing this, people here would keep oppressing people?

[[Nonsensical paragraph deleted by The Moderator.]]'

Re: The Right Side of History?

by FullMoon » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:22 am

Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:33 am
Guest wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:04 am
You have said nothing. Moral relativism? Whatever, Bish. Whatever.
It is less that I have said nothing than you have heard nothing.
The pot calls the kettle black.
Bob has a one track mind together with misunderstandings and deliberate cobbling together of falsehoods to maintain his cult fantasies and demonic hatred of anything different from his psychotic belief system. Convincing a cult member of the falsehoods inherent in the cult rarely works.

Re: The Right Side of History?

by Bob Butler » Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:33 am

Guest wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:04 am
You have said nothing. Moral relativism? Whatever, Bish. Whatever.
It is less that I have said nothing than you have heard nothing.
