Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... in-russia/ ... ish-empire ... on-message

WHO is taking over the states as your fools lawfare.

For the geographically retarded, compare it to this map of the current war in Ukraine. ... quality=80

History is nothing but agreed upon lies.
Meat grinder for todays Christians and you know what side used ovens and turns the grinder today. ... r-doorstep
Of course uniparty left the border open for the proper messaging.
Anyways the average American has the attention span of a squirrel on meth.

I'm seeing the Ukraine flags quietly being put away by the woken cults now.
They stole billions now they think canned sun shine and dead for Biden molek baby killer cult in a trench for the na zi Kazarian waffen patch
cut out zone.

It is what always happens when the powerful now have an Alzheimer's meat puppet as a facade to deflect as they had Morrel to burn out the
other sock puppet then.

1987 article in the Historische Zeitschrift journal,
the German historian Klaus Hildebrand argued that both Hitler and Stalin had separately planned to attack each other in 1941.

As for the fools today plans to kill since Cain and Able.
They conveyed adjectives are just messengers being shot.
My experience is even in wheelchairs, they are still arrogant.
It is inherent in the species.
H was and is correct in - It's all they know and understand.

Page 110 - Such individuals had no consciousness of the general Idea they were unfolding, while prosecuting those aims of theirs; on the contrary, they were practical, political men. But at the same time they were thinking men, who had an insight into the requirements of the time— what was ripe for development. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William L. Shirer ... 880D51188B
But this cultured and reflective man served that Politburo for the better part of his life, and he did so until his disillusionment overwhelmed him, and he made a complete break with the policies of the Soviet leadership. The obvious question is why Litvinov continued this bizarre relationship so long—one between the cosmopolitan “citizen of Geneva” and the reclusive and often violent men in the Kremlin. A definitive answer is, of course, impossible given the sources, but a clue can be found in an examination of Litvinov before the Bolshevik Revolution, a topic that has received virtually no attention from western scholars. As will be shown, the rotund and cooly analytical diplomat was for a considerable period of time a man wholly dedicated to violent revolution—and not just in the abstract. Litvinov was one of the apparatchiki of the movement who was not afraid to get his hands dirty in the sometimes messy business of fomenting revolution. Litvinov changed greatly over the course of his life, but it seems clear that for a few decades he was never fully able to repudiate these early years. Therefore he remained at his post, continuing to serve the government that sprang from the revolution, even as his own disillusionment grew.

For the others guns and butter just reorganized in ruschin provinces.

We are ruled by midwits surrounded by morons that are also surrounded by yes men of the CRT DEI.
They basically believe their own cult propaganda.

I was told the mice will eat the turtle.

We learned then the wind blows the grass and then goes.

The Bantu files shows when elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.

Uniparty has no plan other than lie cheat steal burn loot murder.
Miry clay as it was written.
You are deceived.

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men:
but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

The words global, urban, rural and dependent on the State Structures covers your miry clay as twenty percent here from
the wasting are crushed.

European and American citizens will still be stupid enough to go fight wars in distant lands for corrupt politicians owned
by bank juice boxes. Of course they will the crt dei pagans diluted any sense out of them many decades ago.
You learned nothing from even Bella Dodd.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

monopolies and cartels has fatally distorted markets and politics
mmt just rolled the carpet and the dust of the middle class with it in a ditch already selected
they know exactly what and why as the uniparty vortex take those onboard down ... 4_95_cloth ... onceit.pdf

The rules of morality are not the conclusions of our reason. David Hume ... f-a-nation

People are not going to be ready for how bad it gets.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The ones who want bail reduced to zero are on the menu now.
The people are going Galt. The swamp disease is upon the body farm lunatics.
They serve only darkness.
Women view men as disposable commodities as they cursed not helping.

The feral was dragging to Her doom. Bystanders intervened appears to be only reason She survived.

How many Pollocks does it take to remove a cross from a public building.
You poles didn’t get enough of this nonsense between 1945 and 1990?
Discrimination with discrimination. Typical molek move. Poland has fallen. The virus spreads.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

233% more than it did 5 years ago as the retards worship a Washington grifter corpse.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

They lie and they get paid to uniparty do so.
Structural inflation will end more and simply will.
The wasting is a feature. They are being ground to dust.

It does so to conceal the destructive results that inevitably flow from its irresponsible policies.
Inflation is always and everywhere the result of government policies that increase the supply of money circulating in the economy faster than the productive sectors of the economy can expand their capacity to produce goods and services for purchase.
From day one, the Biden administration has flooded the economy with borrowed money in the form of transfer payments, subsidies, and grants designed to purchase the political support of favored constituencies such as those in the green tech sector. At the same time, Biden-controlled federal agencies have unleashed a tidal wave of crushing regulation designed to reduce the productive capacity of disfavored constituencies such as the oil and gas industry. The inflation that afflicts us was inevitable. ... 32282.html Morrel juiced. ... source=web

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Terrorizing the planet while the common people pay for it.
The commoners fill the body bags while the elites fill their pockets.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

They cast everyone who did not agree and follow the narrative as evil and place you in camps.
https://www.uspresidentialelectionnews. ... lockdowns/
They know you are stupid and will remain so.
They did not come in for a cup tea also after five.

The retards frothing at the mouth to hold down your children and inject them with poison,
the demons chuckling about how they plan to fire you, let your family starve, and throw you in a re-education camp.
Idiots will not wake up.

Yes, we are educated past your ability as thought in more than few areas of fact.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

quality drops as carbon credits scam ramps up.

30kmiles equals 30$thousand repair and 30percent increase in retard carbon scam credits in a shit segment by 2030
with 100 percent consumers knowing .govtards in the wheelhouse.

2023 70% jump in greenwashing incidents
greenmasks watermellons
Zurich report

In all these countries, there is an underlining uncertainty
about whether companies must follow any rules before
communicating on their green credentials.

Steel Could Increase Price 10%-20% in the EU as the greentards go under as they ramp up coal there.

Retarded Penguin march to mud huts. ... 202023.pdf
deny debase disrupt decieve depression

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

You have no right to demand that American taxpayers be forced to fund your wars.
He votes against all foreign aid. You know this. You smear him because you can't argue against his principles.

We are being looted and you will be ground to dust to just blow away is the fact.
The sounds of taxpayer victims sucked empty with brain dead red and blue straws stabbed into them.
Swamp fools, tax thieves with open border butchers with human traffickers.

Watched the devastation as F3 and F2 in real time again as locals wiped off the planet and you owe them a few hundred bucks they
will toss you in gutter as they cannot track billions.

criminal thieving open border animals

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ilding.png

beyond popper and the reflexivity theory
jethos double knot spy theory ... -ppt-2.jpg

Do you agree or disagree with Druckenmiller's financial outlook?
Agree 87%
Disagree 11%
Other / No opinion 2%

Biden is a problem. 100%
His ship is on fire and no amount of his MMT cult members will save anything already not in flames.
Another 24 billion vanished by these fools and if you pulled that shit you would never survive these .gov criminal fools.

Instead they conjured stagflation back to life. Jpow will do whatever the MMT cult tells it.

It won't change anything. Interest payments ends it as uniparty will just slab you.

8 hours ago
The rising food prices are hitting our elderly very hard! My mother and aunts are beginning to feel this due to their fixed income.
I have began adding to my groceries each week to send the extra to them. Continuing to pray for our Country!

Swamp animals will make you dei and crt ass kiss worship these swamp lunatics.

Your tax cattle and blood bags to steal from. More cookies.

Hunger and thirst and 1000 yard stares. Local. Swamp Alinky Gramsci disease ran its course.
60 business blown away last week told.

Hardship withdrawals are at a 19-year high, admittedly from a low level but increasing and concerning none the less.
Putting all of this together, it would seem that cracks are starting to show for what has been a resilient consumer. t

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