Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to build shorts as the market rises.

Other left coast zones will be and are shuttering from the input costs as the deflationary collapse gains traction and is in real time.
Warned was time is a factor as they go dark as margin collapses as inputs engulf them.
We will utilize the usual suspects as the other lagging indicators do catch up.
The days of drips under presure will end. The current envy cult is reaching into the darkness it serves.
Some years not months to the onshoring efforts barely underway.
Maslow's hierarchy does not care what they think since they never prepared.
They will suffocate progress as we seen with frivalous lawsuits and lower the river flows of intent for materials.
Impedemants removed they never mentally processed and the utility they never undestood to even produce.
As warned the wont of a nail will assure the butcher, baker, and candlestick maker understand this is true price.
These climate luntics are paid to believe on your equity not theirs.
They do not care and will not ever care since they started before you are willing to consider. Uniparty is responsible.
Way over 100,000 dead from drugs and countless others from the moleks.
As we see the Bob Bish route has hitched their alleged DNC meesage wagons to the politics of envy.
They have lost the working class that does think.

Matthew 24:12. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Enjoy you Amsterdam steering wheel since you created the broad road in miry clay.
Zones are entering collapse as the politics of envy allow burn loot murder lie cheat steal.
LA Turns To A "Mansion Tax" To Try And Solve Its Homelessness Problem
TYLER DURDEN FRIDAY, NOV 11, 2022 - 11:20 PM ... struction/

It feels as before in this current wasting. ... p9b4mZpIZ4

As J noted (The stock exchange collects transactions for three seconds, and then executes
them in random order.) Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:34 am

So do we.

thread: 39xx, amos
Last edited by aeden on Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

spill over
as we noted letter of credit
in our case real reserves and viable real assets
as such says law

decent analog view and yes lockouts from lockins.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ameda-knew ... s-ideology

Matthew 7:13-14

thread: 270 ... s-ideology beach bum boi toy ... struction/ ... ameda-knew deathcultdemocrats as bob bish is crushed with burn loot murder lie cheat steal as the failed in life try hell - filth - death cult moleks

deceive and being decieved
" evil men and seducers " who would be deceiving others-but who are also suffering from deception themselves.
And this describes the workers of iniquity.

No they are not democrats.

They are evil.

thread: 270, dcd, bobbish, filth

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

They are falling like Leafs.
What a tragedy to gain the whole world and lose their own soul.
Democrats exist now only for lie cheat steal.
The spill over is real and countless thousands just got wiped clean.
They ignored the wasting.
Book4 adds. SPX short added also. Do not care about theta burn into march sweeps.
Tiny bubbles called consumers as warned will not even pretend to listen.
Cariboo just simply wiped clean.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The alleged experts are so concerned with information herding arbiters as we alluded
to they produced and maintain the body farm malevolence. A splinter of the dialectic we are keenly aware of to avoid.
I trimmed back purchases as your view that....

The problem with that kind of thing is not the few billion. It's that it influences the whole market for the particular thing like
MBS or in this case crypto or maybe stated more properly indicates the whole market has been influenced.

The inclination does not change says law in fundamentals as we trade the technical pecentages of change at hand.
The pair trade we noted was a derived function to attain what we already knew to lower the river.
I will admit to the extent the market or the goverment and we know the per capita realities.
Capex as the insourcing is the seed they avoid since the fig tree will not provide fruit. It only takes.
As we seen real time the measure utilized was control not respect for what should be.

Your dealing with a system that collects data in terms being unpacked once again just as we
noted in the first endogeneity files.

Once again it is about control as always and the very system they wish, or think to amend is the very system that produced it
to fit into the very chains they forged on others.
We utilized local nodes and are to supply since for those who would pay attention so parsed in terms the others gamed and continue
with since the dragonfly files. The main point is parity was never the objective or will it be. They will not make the Gorbachev
level issue as they filter out anything that does not concede. The fig tree and the two olive trees will be. As for the miry clay it
is as real as the darkness they wish to serve.

As for the current root issues to spare the defi space. No, they had been warned in real time to the avenue to escape what was certain.
Of course they take offense. True believers will never make amends to the dead assets even when they could. No to CBDC since it serves
interests not alighned with free Men and yes we understand the FX issues. Predatory usury and Consumer knowledge base.
The current issues are sanctioned assets to survive as such between what Hayek seen and to what was ignored in Keynes as the lightswitch.

thread: isa55, dragonfly

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Königin der Verdammten oder Sea Hag und verdammt Bürgermeister sind nur bereit, uns zu säubern, nicht aufzuräumen.

Toss over phase as the recent topping process is on the menu.

Toe tags up as democrats cower in fear.
The streets are gone.
The Calvary is not coming.

Almost inhuman incompetence of our politicians noted so many zones now it is
past remarkable was the report.
Australia reports that expecting career politicians to comprehend the technicalities before decision making in this area is wishful thinking....
weep for the future.
Tis here children your liberal are now looking up at the grass roots also with closed eyes as toe tags are issued.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

BlockFi and for so many others. We are working around the clock to evaluate all of our available options.

Where do things stand today?

We determined late last week that in the current environment we could no longer operate our business as usual. Given that FTX and its affiliates are now in bankruptcy, the most prudent decision for us, in the interest of all clients, is to continue to pause many of our platform activities for now.

At this time, withdrawals from BlockFi continue to be paused.
We also continue to ask clients not to submit any deposits to BlockFi Wallet or Interest Accounts.

Lighter fluid on the hookers as we warned you.

I was surprised isa55 took so long as filter fork for the complete burn.
It was never about an arm or a leg lost.
Remember that law suit for covenant assets. Amenesia is always complete with these educated things.

The burn tokens as warned, well got burned also with the rest of the Cariboo.
This current bull trap will run out if its diseased mind soon enough.

Also Zhong, the defendant in the Silk Road heist of 2012, has pled guilty to the theft of over 50,000 Bitcoin. ... conviction

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Hypocrisy of Fiat and more thin air.

Last edited by aeden on Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:51 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Oil markets in the months ahead could propel crude prices to about $120 a barrel and then keep them there, according to Energy Aspects' Livia Gallarati. Among the most near-term risks are European Union sanctions on December 5 that will ban seaborne Russian crude oil imports.
Subsidies and tax incentives from governments intended to help people pay their bills will stoke demand further and prevent supply from catching up.

They had to cover short so now its gets real as it ramps up in the wasting.
White papers matter on actual sustainabilty facts not from the pets UN chorus of frogs.
Earning do matter Homey. The wide path is taking them out in real time.
Last edited by aeden on Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

when it was true they will stay retarded as they also go insolvent

May 2021, the DTCC misled congress by saying something different to congress in August 2021. Their story changed. The dnc rot will not deal with it.

H is correct in the current assertion.

I would add if the fed has a balance sheet in crypto they deserve to implode as such and jailed for ever.
Right, audit the usury beast.
The senate uniparty and the agency issue rot is the root to this barren tree.

Isaiah 48:20
Last edited by aeden on Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

To cut to the chase, Mark Wetjen has been FTX head of policy and regulatory strategy since Nov 2021. He served as Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner under President Barack Obama from 2011. He was deputy to the Gary Gensler, until the latter became Securities and Exchange Commisioner.

If the penny hasn’t dropped: how could the government not have known that FTX was a fraud for at least a year?

Sam met Gensler at the SEC several times over regulatory issues — perhaps linked to FTX’s acquisition of U.S.-based crypto lender BlockFi, which already had the regulatory approval, to see if this could be extended as an umbrella to cover FTX.

No evidence has emerged that Gensler did anything wrong — actually he has a reputation for slow-walking a regulatory framework that would encourage the crypto industry.

The U.S. is inconsistent in its regulation of crypto exchanges, banning in particular those it considers anonymous. While authorities do not recognize crypto as legal tender, they regard it as a value transaction and thus subject to tax.

Then, in early 2022, Sam met the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

A FOIA request shows that around midday on Feb 1, 2022, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell was scheduled to meet with: Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO and founder, Brett Harrison, president, Ryne Miller, general counsel, and Mark Wetjen, head of policy and regulatory strategy, FTX US and Zach Dexter, CEO, FTX US Derivatives.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) helped promote FTX. Sam was a speaker at Davos last year, on a panel with Google financial chief Ruth Porat and Bill Winters, CEO of the London-based financial giant Standard Chartered. The WEF has since deleted a web page that listed FTX as a partner.

Sam’s aunt Linda Fried is a Columbia Univeresity epidemiologist. The WEF funded her study into brain aging in 2012 and she sits on the WEF’s Council for Human Enhancement. Her husband is an expert in AIDS.

Brother Gabriel works for Sen Chuck Schumer and runs an organisation, Guarding Against Pandemics. FTX funded a trial that dismissed Ivermectin as a pandemic treatment. Sam's foundation also gave $5 m to ProPublica to investigate “biosecurity and public health preparedness.”

Their mother, Barbara, runs Mind The Gap, that uses statistical models to calculate how Democratic donors can have the “greatest marginal impact.” It was launched two weeks after then Sen Joe Biden announced his presidential run. FTX head of ventures Amy Wu used to worked for the Clinton Foundation. Sam himself was the biggest donor to the Democratic Party in 2021-22 after George Soros.

Father, Joseph Bankman, is a Stanford University law professor who has advised Sen Elizabeth Warren on the drafting of legislation.

This past April Sam sat on a panel with President Bill Clinton and former British prime minister Tony Blair at an event in the Bahamas.

Trade organizations the Chamber of Progress and the Association of Digital Asset Markets on which FTX representatives sat, have deleted references.

The attempt is underway to rewrite history. Moneycircus.

This is a woke op. Cariboo never had a chance. ... email=true

Lie cheat steal burn loot murder and uniparty will do nothing.
You are warned again.

They are not democrats. Burn loot murder lie cheat steal is the evil root of this bish.

[1] FTX funded study — Ivermectin trial was exposed as fruadulent
[2] FOIA, Feb 2022 — Federal Reserve meeting (PDF)
[3] Wayback Machine — WEF page celebrating ties to FTX
[4] NYT, Nov 14, 2022 — How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Crypto Empire Collapsed
[5] CoinDesk, Nov 14, 2022 — Ukrainian Official Refutes FTX-Ukraine Money Laundering Rumors
[6] Darshana Narayanan, Current Affairs, Mar 2022 — The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari
[7] Alex Krainer , Nov 12, 2022 — The FTX, Theranos fraud template
[8] Daily Mail, Nov 10, 202 — 'Paranoid' crypto millionaire drowns in Puerto Rico after tweeting that CIA and Mossad were after him

Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues. rv18

The code was written from -- So much more will be. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

--- the bish never talks about. Amazing, he can't discern cause and effect. How novel! ---

The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The happy voices of brides and grooms will never be heard in you again. For your merchants were the greatest in the world, and you deceived the nations with your sorceries. rv23

You had been warned and told how and when the fork was put in and dated. How novel...

thread amos, peleg, isa55

isa55 was the root code of the inception file you consider btc.

The Abstract features a clear, succinct account of “one simple argument” concerning causation and the formation of belief. Hume's elegant summary presages his “recasting” of that argument in the first Enquiry. Hume never held an academic post.

Avarice the spur of greed. Hume

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