Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... e_vignette thar Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Here we see the seed corn eaten.
This can be viewed as Fisher noted the ravages of deflation. wiped clean

How much rope burn did they get.
May the looting continue in proportion cubed to the ability of plausible denial of the seven steps.

7-Year Cycles That Crush The Uninformed:
1. unbridled enthusiasm
2. mass confusion
3. sudden disillusionment
4. search for the guilty
5. punish the innocent
6. rewarding of the non-participants
7. see step one

Non essentials are getting kicked to the curb en masse and poverty accelerating. We will worked with the saved just to give them
time to be themselves as a shelter from the storm. Demsheviks are death and molek infected insane.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Byproducts as animal fats, hides and inedible proteins, if not used or reduced, can end up in landfills. In this case, Tyson can send what’s in the stomach of cattle it has processed to a Protix facility, where it’s fed to insects. For the company, creating a larger market for this type of waste can not only reduce waste but offer a larger revenue stream.

Those flies are not going into human food, at this point.

Yep your as trusted as the bat soup clan.

MMT lunatics at the helm. Brilliant.
And know he pays the komrade dues.
Crashing and burning as another pulls out also. Curbed stomped.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

H-Town was destroyed over the weekend by the Copper bandits.
This is Wokeville Central in Choke City ... g-station/

EV dumped any where they can dump them. Resale value is as sharp as the MMT lunatics running the asylum.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

President Joe Biden's comments to donors on Tuesday about miry clay and exit strategy's.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

People are beginning to fear their governments and with good reason.

Sanity as simple as twin turbo the motor seized under 30000 miles and 30000 to repair is now baked in and near
impossible to repair EV in cost basis. Everything this swamp body farm is part of a dung heap multi point failure node
listening to no window central planning Bureaucrats as the systems is smoked on multifronts as they worship
a maybe seven percent circular economy doubling down in molek logic failure. You will be so modern in no footprint.
One example was in ten years one to ten million units, and you wonder what's not going on. Avoidance to any view
is discerned for a narrative only. Forty-five years ago, keep them in suspense. He had a plan that included value added
as change the wheel not the tire also. Structural inflation is a feature, and they had a plan also as burn loot murder lie cheat
steal and we know taxpayers are only a rentier map since they as .gov add zero value as you are and will go under.
The terminal rate cults and the zirp cults have one plan. Not you as debt serves one purpose.
Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski was right and they cannot piss themselves out of a paper bag.

Communists learned one very valuable economic lesson.... Congress is for sale.

Everything Democrats touch eventually turns to rot. Fact.
Let's not forget, these are the same people that constantly cry about conservatives supposedly threatening democracy, yet they are quick to criticize when democracy doesn't work. Fact.

Get the dust off your sandals they are insane. The end of the watchman is the seven of sign. Wake up.

Luckily, a majority in the Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the creation of St. George and the residents there have been given a chance to go their own way. Selah.
Its etymology and precise meaning are unknown.
No, it is not you are deceived.

The poor and middle class has no meat left on as the bone chewers liberals move to eat what is not already consumed.
The next course is already set as the rot collapses into itself.

When the Blue district break away from a Red one the media would tell us how great it is and how Democracy was working as they double
your taxes to destroy you and are.
They prefer paper shuffling. So we get $5 gas, expensive electricity when it stays on, 500K houses, etc.
It's often said we should have picked our own cotton. Two hundred years later same stupidity and the steam engine eliminated the model
as the internecine wars already set in motion as Lincoln told you.

Trump is the designated ZIRP bag holder since the 20 year cohort is rotted fruit as Amos told us and 4 maybe more braindead to the letter and book.
No clue.
Trump Gabbard.

The concept originated in the 1980s and 1990s, when markets became conditioned to the put... ... sf=msgonly
thread: amos

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

MSNBC dumbfounded by a new PBS Newshour/NPR/Marist poll that found more Americans believe Joe Biden is a threat to Democracy than Donald Trump.
The poll revealed that 53 percent of independents believe a second Biden term will “weaken America,”
while much fewer, 42 percent, believed Trump would further harm democracy.
MSNBC political analyst Susan Del Percio derply proclaimed “I find it shocking, honestly. I can’t make sense of that number. ... -scale.pdf ... ture=share

All democrats must be in EVs sales to get educated for one year.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... -03-23.pdf maff ... points.pdf

Interest Costs Just Surpassed Defense and Medicare. MAY 10, 2024

Carville, in your own words: "It's the economy, stupid!"
Debt does one thing.

Retrograde as an adjective still avoids them.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

moar molek ... otections/

fam values they refuse to stop with tax dollars ... gaza-camp/

Cantillon effect. ... nd-economy
Subsequently, as prices rise, the Fed’s policy hurts retirees, those on fixed incomes, and wage earners who receive the new money last, if at all. This is one reason why the Fed and most mainstream macroeconomists vigorously deny the existence and importance of Cantillon effects and adopt the assumption of neutral money. Tragically, they often get away with this ruse because the theft cannot be directly seen, except in the final result. ... formation/

On Liberty (1859) Mill argued that free speech must include the freedom to cause offence, in the same essay he also insisted that the value of freedom lay in its collective utility. He specified that “it must be utility in the largest sense – grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being.”

Free speech has little value if it facilitates the discourse of the “deplorables” or the so-called Right.
In other words, “Like many other 19th-century liberals,” Professor Gray argues, “Mill feared the rise of democratic government because he believed it meant empowering an ignorant and tyrannical majority. Time and again, he vilified the torpid masses who were content with traditional ways of living.” One can hear here, the precursor to Mrs Clinton’s utter disdain for the “deplorables” living in “fly-over” US states.
Alastair Crooke | May 7, 2024

Many decades ago, I was warned dumber than dirt. He cut enough timber to pay his taxes to the revenuers.
As we discussed early, they do not like us Amish.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ces-breach

This involves the implicit necessity to weaken the sovereignty of nation states in order for Globalism to succeed. It’s from this angle that the destruction of the U.S. producing economy has been undertaken through industrial outsourcing and was achieved in the decades following publication of Peccei’s seminal volume, The Chasm Ahead. ... dium=email

For instance, as reported in Jeff Childers’ Substack, May 8, 2024: “In a recent World Economic Forum clip making the rounds this week, veterinarian and Moderna CEO Stéphan Bancel freely admitted that sixteen million Americans now have disabling Long Covid, which most of us interpret in proper English as ‘Long Vaxx:’”
I believe it is accurate to say that the harm to mankind from the COVID travesty already exceeds any single war since World War II and possibly all wars on the planet since 9/11.
And this may be just the beginning.

Further, Karen Kingston wrote in her Substack for May 7, 2024:
Crime Pays: DARPA's $4.1 Billion Synthetic Biology Budget for 2024. These monies are being used to invest in synthetic biology technologies that no reputable private venture capital firm will fund because the human applications of these biotechnologies are criminal.
DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a major funder of vaccine development.
See its website for its article on “Taking Guess Work out of Vaccine

Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency.
See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.

“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. ... u4EAAAQBAJ

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