Generational Hokum

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Generational Hokum

Post by dearprudence66 »

Terms of Service "You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening"

I find it ironic that the generational dynamics articles that led me to this very forum were unbelievably abusive, slanderous, hateful, and itching to be threatening if only enough momentum of intergenerational animosity is built up. Which compels me to point out obvious flaws in these theories operating on the equivalent logic of astrology.

What on god's green earth does Roger Ailes and all 4 beatles have in common with one another? "Silent"?

This article author named John spent how many years (born on date 2005-7?) making excuses for why he got fired from his IT position? The evil gen x'rs conspired to dethrone the boomers and a millenial got fired over it? Good grief man! Get over yourself!

The awful truth about glass ceilings some of us gals found out about--- what's going on in that thin air is morally repugnant. Too bad the minutes of those meetings aren't published for their kids to read. Go get em Julian!

The awful truth is those carefully honed high minded business ethics my grandparents raised me on got thrown under a bus when Uncle Reagan came to town and America has been in chop shop mode/ false prosperity ever since.

The awful truth is everyone's job was stolen when ambitious managers made millions in 'cost saving measures' cutting out the rungs of ladders, cheapening the quality of product, and allowing accountants & lawyers to determine how low they could go with customer service policies.

The awful truth is American law for sale to the highest bidder protects criminals, not the public. The more you steal the lesser your chance of prosecution. Equal opportunity for any generation to abuse if only you were willing to kill 50 people a day and call it making a living.

The awful truth is all too many of you are easily led around by crabs in a barrel politics. When I mean to steal and have 3 enemies standing in my way, I'll set up enemy A, point a bony finger of blame at enemy B, and enemy C (cops) chase down enemy A forever while I'm free to steal with impunity because enemy A (convicted by popular opinion) is a fugitive from the law.

The awful truth is Americans have been steadily conditioned to abandon every ethic, every relationship, every commitment, every noble trait to make slaves of themselves for the mighty dollar that can provide some things they want, but what they need is deliberately beyond their grasp. Quality is job last, and they'll blame it on the shareholders, but no one with stewardship qualities is permitted in office without being undermined from every direction by unmitigated evil.

The awful truth is Americans have been steadily conditioned to not be team players aimed at a higher calling together with rewards going to the team, but pitted against one another in negative competition. Pitting states against states, and generations against generations. Pitting countrymen against countrymen, and families against themselves. Our civilization has been steadily directed as term and condition of employment to cannibalize itself. The pimps are the new american century.

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