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French Resistance fighter inspired OWS at age 94

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:57 am
by rolivier79
Check out this Video:

It's about Stephane Hessel, who wrote a book called indignez-vous in October 2010. He was born in 1917 in Germany and was a french resistance fighter during WWII. This small book inspired the "Indignados" in Spain and the Occupy movement. He is calling for the values that he as a french resistance fighter fought so dearly for.

I know the GD theory states that the social fabric of the hero generation unravels once they are no longer in power. But It's inspiring that a 94 year old man is still so vibrant and can write a little pamphlet inspiring the new hero generation to stand up and pick up the values his hero generation had faught for 73 years ago. This shows that you technically don't have to be in power, to still be powerful. What you believe can spread like wildfire (amongst the correct generation).