Generations and survivalists

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Generations and survivalists

Post by jcsok »


I've begun reading several survivalist blogs and trying to reconcile the role of the different generations with the survivalist mantra. Generally, I equate the survivalist mentality with Boomers that were involved in Vietnam and military personnel. I've also read some of the preparedness information published by Latter Day Saints, who in general espouse preparation/self sustaining/ personal responibility by having a simpler lifestyle and maintaining a store of supplies (although mainly food, also including items to maintain a simple lifestyle). In reading various blogs, it seems that many Millenials are also beginning to make such preparations. As for myself, I'm a very late Boomer; no military affiliation; however my parents grew up very poor in the Depression, which scarred them for life, and consequently they instilled a knowledge of how to work, be versitile, and the attitude that I can get get by in life on much less of a lifestyle if necessary. In a clash of civilizations war, do you have any thoughts relating to role of survivalists and their associated self reliance/firearms/social breakdown concerns?

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Re: Generations and survivalists

Post by Felix34 »


I believe I belong to generation Y and in fact am "preparing" myself so to speak. I'm moving to San Francisco this fall and all I can think is that I need to get a job so I can raise several months rent before I leave. In case I don't find a job for several months, I'll at least be able to pay rent. My friends seem to be doing the same thing as they are all graduating college or struggling to put themselves through. I'm in fact moving with one of my friends to San Francisco.

Even my brother, the laziest person in the world is starting to fear for his future and is buckling down.

I do believe my generation is starting to do the same thing as we're just graduating college, or still in college. The future looks a bit grim for our generation, especially considering the fact that boomers refuse to retire, congress appears to be going in the same direction (Anti progress.)

I've noticed something similar in Generation Jones, except it's different. For example, my dad just paid 18000 dollars for a new driveway not too long ago...yet my parents go on and on about whether or not they will be able to pay bills and how I "need" to find loans and grants and financial aid...

What about that 18000 dollars they wasted on a driveway?? We also have HD tvs with HBO in everyone's bedroom and other inane things...I never asked for an HD television with HBO in my room and never would have thought about buying such a thing because my first priority is college and getting an education.

GJ's first priority seems to be maintaining the middle class lifestyle they've worked their entire lives for, rather than the future of the world. Perhaps it was always this way, except when they were young, their lifestyle was based on the future.

Not to generalize here btw, I can only speak about the observations I've witnessed in my own life.

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