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other ideas

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:33 pm
by gerald
The future influencing the present.

This is from the thunderbolts site, a site run by researchers and theoritians who believe in an electric universe,
because the electric charge is 10 to the 39 power greater then gravity,

"Influences from the future attempting to prevent something from taking place in the past—our present—to ensure the creation of that future? The discovery of the Higgs boson is, according to Nielsen and Ninomiya, so antithetical to the future's existence that the future is protecting itself by causing the machines capable of finding the particle to fail or never be built." ... 16what.htm

Re: other ideas

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:39 pm
by gerald
Something for your entertainment, an interesting idea and seeminly well put together, to be taken as one wishes.

Re: other ideas

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:13 pm
by gerald
gerald wrote:Something for your entertainment, an interesting idea and seeminly well put together, to be taken as one wishes.
interesting timing, ... l#comments

the first quote has interesting scientific and historical -reasearch/links

Re: other ideas

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:35 am
by gerald
John, since it appears you invited me to comment on the pyramids in Egypt, I will. However, I will limit my comments to the Egyptian stone Pyramids in Giza and will not digress into the Chinese Pyramids in Xi'an, Or with the various inferior collapse or in great disrepair in Egypt.

You quote a familiar misconception regarding these Giza pyramids,

I will mention only a few things about the ones at Giza,

tolerances between blocks are generally within 1/100 of an inch, regarding the masonry ability http://www.theglobaleducationproject.or ... dunn-9.php

they are located at the geographic center of the worlds land masses

the pyramid of Cheops contains more building material than is found in all of the churches and cathedrals built in England since the time of Christ

a sophisticated understand of the Earth and mathematics ... -Giza.html

Etc, etc, etc.

I will not deal with the above and just deal with the number of blocks in the pyramid of "Cheops"
Cheops was Pharaoh for about 20 years and it was he who supposedly built for it for his tomb, the pyramid contained about 2,500,000 blocks weighting from 2 1/2 ton blocks of locally cut limestone lime stone, to 50 tone blocks of granite from Aswan about 350 miles to the south.

Therefore, depending on various sources on reign and number of blocks we will assume the following,--

20 years of his reign x 365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes = 10,512,000 minutes in 20 years divided by 2,500,000 the number of blocks = about one block every 4 and 1/4 minutes.
So we are to believe that the ancient Egyptians using hand tools and human labor, quarried blocks , dressed them to a tolerance of one hundredth of an inch , moved them up to 350 miles, and set the blocks at a rate of one every 4 and a quarter minutes around the clock, day and night. ---- really?

As for "Martians" you may want to check out
This site is run by an insurance investigator, analyzing NASA photos with links to the official photos, it helps if you have some background in , botany, geology and photo transmission and processing.

Re: other ideas

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:14 pm
by gerald
another interesting perspective regarding the Norway "lights" ... spiral.htm

Re: other ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:17 pm
by John
Egypt tombs suggest free men built pyramids, not slaves

"These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates these people were not by any means slaves," Zahi Hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the Egyptian excavation team, said in a statement.

"If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's."


Re: other ideas

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:24 am
by gerald
John wrote:Egypt tombs suggest free men built pyramids, not slaves

"These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates these people were not by any means slaves," Zahi Hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the Egyptian excavation team, said in a statement.

"If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's."



There is some evidence to indicate that the pyramids at Giza were not tombs, but were a sophisticated energy device using an understanding of physics
that we are only beginning to understand.

For example, the "grand gallery" which is theorized to have contained 27 banks of Helmholtz resonators which transduced the Earth's energy into electromagnetic energy.

In the late 1960's when I worked in the labs of a large electronics company I had the opportunity of having access to numerous scientific journals.
In one of them ,I forget which, there was an article about NASA installing in the subterranean chambers under the great pyramid a type of electromagnetic sensor to learn about the pyramid's structure and it's odd characteristics. The results -- were classified.

There is much more .

Re: other ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:47 am
by OLD1953
I don't know why anyone would believe the Egyptians didn't use some form of powered cutting and drilling instruments, they had the necessary components and the kings coffins show clear evidence of powered equipment at work, probably propelled by treadmill. For that matter, foot powered treadle lathes have been around so long that I don't believe anyone knows when they were invented, but certainly very far in the past.

The kings coffin (according to a analysis made by an engineer) was hollowed out by using a core drill and then knocking out the cores with a hammer. The evidence for some form of powered drilling is quite simple, some of the cores were drilled quite a bit deeper than others, errors you'd be very unlikely to make if you were doing this heavy work by hand. I'd assume very simple treadmill powered machines, that simply never made it into the relics we have, metal tends to get reworked over time, and what relics we have are generally tomb or religous artifacts. For comparison, how many images of modern machinery do you find in modern burials? Or in churches? Are there any?

Also, the end of the coffin had a saw error that was several INCHES in depth, the saw was backed out and realigned, then the correct cut was continued. Given the time it would take to cut through stone by hand, I really doubt two guys and a blade would misalign and swing away for hours without checking the line they were cutting! A donkey or a slave on a treadmill, however, would do just that.

As for moving stones, they couldn't put them on wheels, but they could put them in cradles. And that would make it very easy to move them along, if the roadbed was decent. A cylinder will travel much more easily than a rectangle.

Re: other ideas

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:14 pm
by gerald
Why does the structure of generational dynamics appear to exist? Why might a nuclear clash of civilizations occur? What could modify the singularity into a very different outcome?
For a possible answer or a mind game go to "other ideas" under "science, technology and the singularity" .

Why does the structure of generational dynamics appear exist and be correct? Why might a nuclear clash of civilizations occur? What could modify the singularity into a very different outcome?

For a mind game, --- the following ---

The indicated sources have varying degrees of validity and acceptability.The ideas presented can be interpreted or dismissed as wished. Foot notes are numbered, and are at the end.,-- So,-- lets take the " Red Pill" as in the Matrix,-- and go down, the rabbit hole.

This is an intermingling of ideas from three books and other sources, and yes there are time correlation issues.

The first book "The Lost Book of Enki" ancient Sumerian, written about 2,000 BC compiled and translated by Zecharia Sitchin, published 2002 (1a, 2a, 3a)

The second book, written by Michael Tellinger and published in 2009. It deals with various topics, such as genetics (mitochondrial DNA & the human genome), gold mining in South Africa and elsewhere, translations of ancient writings (such as Sumerian ), archeology, planetary astronomy, and comparisons and histories of some of the major religions, both ancient and current . The title of the book, "Slave Species of god", -- god lower case.

Michael Tellinger states we have a -- " disorder (which) is the direct result of our bastard race status, with unpredictable animal behavior lurking in our manipulated double helix DNA. Our intelligence has been suppressed, our knowledge has been erased, our lifespan has been genetically shortened and our memory has been removed. We are an inferior, genetically cloned mutation of the great civilizations of the past, left behind to pick up the pieces, or to put together the pieces of the Great Human Puzzle."

Our creation, by hybrid genetic manipulation, was preformed by the Anunnaki from the planet Nibriu. They combined a primitive Homo species with some Anunnaki genetic material to produce our ancestors. (2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f )

The third book is an " interview" that occurred during July and August of 1947 between a member of the U.S. Army Air Force ( that is what they were called in 1947) and "Airl". About half of the book is a transcript of the interview and the other half is footnotes, provided by the editor Lawrence R Spencer, published 2008, the title -- "Alien Interview" ( 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g, 3h, 3i, 3j )
The interview deals with a number of topics, some of these involve "Airl", who is a member of the "Domain Expeditionary Force" working this sector of the Galaxy and at war with "The Old Empire". The Empire controls portions of this Galaxy and using installed devices on or near the Earth, uses the Earth as a prison or dumping ground for spirits/souls that they deem uncooperative, undesirable, deviants, or sociopaths. And were sent to Earth from their multi planet empire. Also, other planetary civilizations have been using Earth for the same purpose, a dumping ground. Since spirit/souls have individual intrinsic traits and cannot be killed or destroyed the only way they can be dealt with is by imprisoning or quarantining them. Part of the workings of this prison structure is the reinsertion of the individual after body death and the removal and suppression of it's memory.

Humanity as an intelligent species has a short life. About half of ones life is spent maturing and reproducing, and toward the end of life one's faculties deteriorate, leaving comparatively little time for gaining knowledge about ones situation. In running a prison system would it not be advantageous to set up a pattern and structure in the inmates which prevents them from gaining too much knowledge and escaping?. This could be accomplished by keeping their lives short and structuring things up so they fight amongst themselves, either by groups, generations, cultures or beliefs and ideologies-- thereby destroying what they have learned and built, consequently reinforcing and assisting in, the maintenance of the prison structure.

Regarding this recurring pattern of control, aren't those patterns the kind of things that are outlined in the theory of "Generational Dynamics" or in the concept that history repeats it's self?

Since we have defective genes , due to the hybridization process, and have Anunnakin genetics,
wouldn't we also have some of their defects? According to the book of "Enki" The Anunnakin were envious, promiscuous, seeked power and control, had a rigid hierarchy, and fought amongst themselves. This led to a planetary wide nuclear war on their home plant of Nibiru.

Is our coming "cash of civilizations" and possible nuclear war a genetic repeat of their mistake?

If the above genetic suppression is true and, if we were to make the necessary corrections, (allowing our true potential to develop), couldn't our abilities be exponentially greater then they are now? After all, the power of a computer is determined by it's architecture (brain) and its programing ( genetics ? ). However, we are also more complex then a computer, since our mind acts as a transceiver and due to our spirit/soul aspect.

If true and our genetics can be improved or corrected, ( with or without assistance ) wouldn't this impact how the singularity plays out?

Oh well, enough of this, lets take the blue pill and get back to -- "reality".


(1a) The Anunnaki made interesting obsevations about Earth and it's differences with Nibiru. Such as, strange creatures,( like snakes ) the short days, the bright sun, the rapidity of the life process, the large moon, and the blue sky.

(1b) The Sumerians considered Earth the seventh planet of the solar system, they began counting from Pluto IN toward the Sun.

#1 Pluto -- "Little Gaga"
#2 Neptune --- "Antu" blue as pure water ... f-neptune/ --49,500 kilometers in diameter
#3 Uranus --" An" , Antu's spouse, equal in size a greenish blueness lying on it's side containing water and having a host of moons ... ay=Gallery ---51,800 kilometers in diameter, note diameter compared to Neptune
#4 Saturn --" Anshar" foremost prince of the heavens , with bright rings
#5 Jupiter -- "Kishar the giant" foremost of the firm planets with swirling storms and colored spots moving about, obscuring it's face and having divine lighting ---- &---- ... CA0Q9QEwAg
#a The asteroid belt --- the " Hammered Bracelet" made of rocks and boulders, formed by the destruction of "Tiamat", Tiamat's core formed the Earth, and the remains, the asteroid belt.
#6 Mars -- "Lahmu" the red-brown plant with lakes, rivers and snow white poles.official ... ivers.html unofficial ... life-2.htm
see part 2 of report, image # 9 nasa-jpl-msss mgs moc e13 00738
#7 Earth , the former Tiamat, snow hued with a white top and bottom and blue and brown in between. It's moon captured from Nibiriu in the long ago Celestial Battle with Nibiru.

(1c) A summery of some of Sitchen's work Note predictions are difficult to make.

(2a) Nibiru is part of our solar system and has an approximate 3,600 year orbit and enters our part of the solar system from below the elliptic [from the south] and crosses the orbits of the inner planets and is known as the "planet of the crossing" it is reddish in color, has a very thick atmosphere, and is heated from with in, kind of like a brown dwarf star and it does not need light or heat from without to support life -- unlike Earth.

(2b) About 240,000 years ago humans were created by the Anunnakin to do the dirty work for their terrestial gold mining operations in southern Africa. ( why not robots? ((see 2bb)) Gold was needed to repair their planets atmosphere, and Earth has plenty of gold .However before humans were created the Anunnaki had heated debates regarding whether they should or should not do the "creation". The issue being that such a creation would be in conflict with " the code of planetary non- intervention". Such a creation would alter a planet's evolution and interfere with the plan of " God The Creator of All," However, others argued that by doing the creation they were acting as a tool of God and implementing God's plan. The later prevailed, and the "primitive worker" was created,-- our ancestors.

((2bb)) Why not robots?, well human slaves had a number of advantages..They self reproduced, took care of themselves, and were intelligent and strong enough to do the required work. BUT, being weaker, less intelligent, and could not evolve, were not a threat. Also since they were related to the Anunnaki the slaves could provide companionship. Females were considered especially desirable since the mining operations were considered as "hardship duty" and they could also provide offspring. The offspring then became the ancient "men of renown".

(2c) Ancient gold mining in Africa about 200,000 years ago

(2d) mitochondrial eve , lived about 200,000 years ago in southern Africa The DNA female bottleneck issue, indicating a small population of possible founders for a population

(2e) The Anunnaki , (after much genetic experimentation, around 240,000 years ago), had seven Anunnaki female volunteers carry to term the genetically altered zygotes. It is interesting to note that in the Hindu religion there are the Seven Divine Mothers or Saptamatris ... thers.html . Initially humans, because they were a hybrid, were sterile (like mules) The Anunnaki wanted self reproducing slaves. To solve the reproductive problem they did a bone marrow transplant. The bone marrow was taken from the ribs of some Anunnakin.

(2f) When species are hybrid, there are individuals with genetic defects. There are at least 4,000 genetic defects in human DNA

(3a) The 1947 Roswell incident ... O_incident

(3b) The Bookings report regarding handling of space discoveries

(3c) Airil , with material provided by the Army/Air Force personnel, learned English in less then two weeks including a sophisticated understanding of OUR various historic, scientific and technical material. Airil communicated telepathically with the Army/Air Force interpreter and with it's mother craft and personnel.[[The interpreter was an individual who later realized was a Domain operative captured by the Old Empire prison system 100's of years ago.This in one of the reasons Earth is considered a " Danger Zone" and must be avoided or entered very carefully]] Airil did not consider "herself" a biological being, and did not need to rest, eat, or breathe, since " body" energy was obtained in some other fashion. Also Airil could leave or discard it's body and obtain a new one at will. Interacting with the physical environment is the only purpose of a body.

(3d) According to the "Domain" Earth is an undesirable planet for an advanced civilization due to its poor location, ( relative to other planetary civilizations ) and it instability. The only good use for Earth is as a zoological garden or prison, ( it's current use). Earth's undesirability is due to it's instability which is the result of pole shifts and other catastrophic events. An example being "the Deluge", described in the book of Enki. The Deluge was created by a close encounter of the planet Nibriu, causing planetary havoc on Earth, Mars and Nibiru. Nibriu's gravity disturbance triggered the catastrophic collapse of the Antarctic ice sheet into the surrounding ocean, creating a massive global encompassing tsunami which devastated the Earth's surface. This event created such artifacts as miles long Islands and deposits of muck, composed of animal and plant remains off the northern coast of Asia and North America,.---- During this close encounter, Mars was also devastated, losing much of it atmosphere and water

(3e) In the 15th century the Doman was partially successful in reducing the strength of the Earth's "Old Empire prison apparatus," allowing for an improvement in human development. The Domain plans to return to finish the job, but they have more pressing issues, to them, time is not relevant.

(3f) Since Earth is used as a prison, it has a very high percentage of sociopaths and undesirables compared to other planets. This may explain the cause of our social and political problems.

(3g) reincarnation.

(3h) In the ancient Chinese religion "Shi-Tien-Yen-Wang" the rulers of the underworld, had various tasks , one of these was to give a soul a "brew of oblivion" before reincarnation, so souls would not remember their former lives.

(3i) "The installation" in the Yakut area of Siberia, A device which apparently is involved in some form of terrestrial quarantine or protection activity," The Installation" destroys specific incoming outer space material. An example being the Siberian Tunguska event of 1908.----- ... stallation.

(3j) It should be noted that technologically and spiritually the Domain are light years ahead of the Anunnakin.

etc., etc., etc.


Re: other ideas

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:42 pm
by VinceP1974
This was an interesting diversion from doing actual work, so I found the following fun facts about these things

Thirty times larger than the Empire State Building, the Pyramid's features are so large they can be seen from the Moon.

Its base covers 13.6 acres (equal to seven midtown Manhatten city blocks), each side being greater than five acres in area.

A highway lane eight feet wide and four inches thick could be built from San Francisco to New York and put inside the Great Pyramid.

The oldest structure in existence, having been started 4,617 years ago, it is the sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Only a solid stone mountain could endure the Pyramid's immense weight. And indeed, a flat solid granite mountain happens to be located just beneath the surface of the ground directly under the Pyramid.

It is built to face true North.

The Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. That is, its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. Similarly, the longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid.

Since the Earth has enough land area to provide 3 billion possible building sites for the Pyramid, the odds of it's having been built where it is are 1 in 3 billion.

Construction Unequaled by Modern Technology

Like 20th century bridge designs, the Pyramid's cornerstones have balls and sockets built into them. Several football fields long, the Pyramid is subject to expansion and contraction movements from heat and cold, as well as earthquakes, settling, and other such phenomena. After 4,600 years it's structure would have been significantly damaged without such construction.

While the bulk of the Pyramid's core was constructed of 4,000- to 40,000-pound blocks of soft limestone, the outer layer of the Pyramid was made of a beautifully bright, protective layer of polished stone. These outer "casing stones" are missing today because about 600 years ago they were stolen by Arabs, (This accounts for the very worn appearance of the Pyramid today, since the inner limestone blocks are not immune to attack by the elements-wind, rain, and sandstrom.) This protective covering was made up of 100-inch-thick, 20-ton block of hard, white limestone, similar to marble but superior in hardness and in durability against the elements.

The Great Pyramid did not always look as "rough" as it does today.

Originally it was encased with a layer of tight-fitting, highly polished 20-ton stone slabs.

The casing stones, 144,000 in all, were so brilliant that they could literally be seen from the mountains of Israel hundreds of miles away. On bright mornings and late afternoons, sunlight reflected by this vast mirrored surface of 5-1/4 acres distinguished the Pyramid as being visible from the moon.

(Note: For those interested in possible symbolic significance, in Bible prophecy 144,000 is the number of people-12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel-who are supposed to evangelize the world at the endtime.)

The people of the area had viewed the Pyramid and its polished stones with awe for centuries. But when a 13th century earthquake loosened some of these casing stones, the Arabs recognized a great quarry of precut stones that could be used to finish off palaces and mosques. For instance, the casing stones were used to rebuild the new city of El Kaherah plus Cairo mosques and palaces, including the Mosque of Sultan Hasan.

Amazingly, the outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. And they were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch. Modern technology cannot place such 20-ton stones with greater accuracy than those in the Pyramid.

Even more amazing is that the 0.02-inch gap was designed to allow space for glue to seal and hold the stones together. A white cement that connected the casing stones and made them watertight is still intact and stronger than the blocks that it joins.

We know from geometry that there is a universal relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. Consider this: The height of the Pyramid's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159, which just happens to be pi. Incredibly, this calculation is accurate to six digits. So the Pyramid is a square circle, and thus pi was designed into it 4,600 years ago. Pi is demonstrated many times throughout the Pyramid.

Other numbers are also repeated throughout. Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches. At first glance, this number may not seem significant, but move the decimal point over and you get 365.24. Modern science has shown us that the exact length of the solar year is 365.24 days.

The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low and the Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites and computers, happens to be 5,449 inches. That is the exact height of the Pyramid.

All four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in, or concave. This effect, which cannot be detected by looking at the Pyramid from the ground, was discovered around 1940 by a pilot taking aerial photos to check certain measurements. As measured by today's laser instruments, all of these perfectly cut and intentionally bowed stone blocks duplicate exactly the curvature of the earth. The radius of this bow is equal to the radius of the Earth. This radius of curvature is what Newton had long been seeking.