German Plan For Europe - More Europe - More Elite Control

Threads created by Reality Check
Reality Check
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German Plan For Europe - More Europe - More Elite Control

Post by Reality Check »

German Chancellor Merkel is still trying to accelerate and drive the transformation of the European Economic Union into a single political entity ruled by the European Elites.
From the Below Linked Article wrote:Meanwhile, the respected German weekly Der Spiegel reported in its latest edition that Merkel wants EU leaders to forge ahead with deeper political integration within the unwieldy 27-nation bloc.

Merkel has long advocated closer political integration as a means of preventing the European project from unraveling under the strain caused by the eurozone crisis.

Asked about her plans, the chancellor told ARD television Sunday: ‘‘Our task now is to remove the founding mistakes of the currency union, namely the lack of political cooperation, and that’s what we are going to discuss in the coming months.’’ ... story.html

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Re: German Plan For Europe - More Europe - More Elite Contro

Post by gerald »

From the twilight zone -- a book

"The Rise of the Fourth Reich" by Jim Marrs, published 2009

In the book there is a quote attributed to Wernherr Von Braun. ---- " Germany lost two world wars we will not lose the third." ---- This war in large part will be through banking.

"In this explosive exposÉ, the legendary Jim Marrs explores the frighteningly real possibility that today, in the United States, an insidious ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago is actually flourishing. At the end of World War II, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protÉgÉs, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, worming their way into corporate America. They brought with them miraculous weapons technology that helped win the space race. But they also brought their Nazi philosophy based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—which has since gained an iron hold in the "land of the free."

Jim Marrs has gathered compelling evidence of the effort that has been under way for the past sixty years to bring a form of National Socialism to modern America, creating in essence a new empire-or "Fourth Reich"!

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