Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:26 pm
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:11 pm

Yes, John, you know that I know what
I'm talking about. You are very
intelligent - but you lack humility.

We all need to repent, me of course
foremost. But when you've been given
the gift of faith and discernment,
it speaks for itself.

You can say anything you want of
course, it's your site. But I don't
think you should censor me.
When your posts make ridiculous
anti-Semitic claims, then they get

When your posts make ridiculous attacks
on this forum and its members, then they
get censored.

I've come to assume that you make these
ridiculous posts because you just want
to annoy me, because you want them to be
censored, and then you can go "Boo hoo,
see? I'm a poor victim here!" just like
the feminists.

I've got some specific questions for

1. Do you believe that the Jews are to
blame for the murder of Jesus Christ,
and that they deserve to be punished?

2. Do you receive instruction from your
Russian trollmasters about being

3. Do you agree with Louis Farrakhan
when he says things like “The Jews have
control over those agencies of
government. When you want something in
this world, the Jew holds the door.”?
Are you an acolyte of Louis Farrakhan?
I have nothing to do with Farrakhan, or anyone like him remotely. Does Farrakhan, who I've never mentioned, run Hollywood? Does he force David Geffen to do what he does? Does he support the porn industry? Does he own or sit on the board of many of the banks, besides the Nation of Islam being some silly, small, religion? What's weird about Mr. Farrakhan is that he actually claims to believe in God, he doesn't just call himself identity X and then do all manner of things to destabilize society and make money at all costs.

Do you know the Gospel? You claim to be learned, it's clear what the position/person of Jesus Christ is, and why He was treated the way He was. Being Russian, which I am not, has nothing to do with anything. If having that ethnicity gave you knowledge about God and faith in the Holy Trinity, then it was a positive for your life. But I am not ethnically Russian. Many of their holy elders have more wisdom than anyone on this board, and it's not even close, so I'm not sure why you guys are so obsessed with the "Russians." Learn from the Saints, not government people. And certainly don't listen to the disgusting American administration and its Israeli dual citizens.

What does anti-Semitic even mean? Besides nothing. You haven't figured that out yet? Are you too afraid of the ADL, who censors and cancels people for saying the obvious truth to people? You must love the SPLC, also founded by a guy who called himself a "jew" but didn't believe in God, either. Ironic.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2968
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Ho hum shorted again and people could have made 10% in one day.

Yeah, I don't make any great predictions. LOL, you guys kill for 3%

I just gave you 10% in 24 hours. Where are all the posts about how I nailed it?

My point exactly.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2968
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Heee wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:34 am
Why do governments allow for open borders for 3rd world migrants. It is nearly impossible to get my Asian wife a visa to live with me in America, but illegals walk in and free housing, medical, and cash. I have friends in England who say it is like that there too.

Why have governments allowed this? None of this makes any sense to me or anyone I know.

Are the conspiracy theorists telling the truth?
John is worried about language restrictions, while the Barbara Spectre's of the world told you long ago what the plans were, and are. We're not theorists, we state facts, and we've been right. Now, of course, it depends on what the topic is. There are a lot of looneys out there.

You wanna know the truth? Learn why people censor me here and call me names. That comes from the same people who have indoctrinated, to some degree, even the owner of this site. It's quite breathtaking.

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by FullMoon »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:50 am
Heee wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:34 am
Why do governments allow for open borders for 3rd world migrants. It is nearly impossible to get my Asian wife a visa to live with me in America, but illegals walk in and free housing, medical, and cash. I have friends in England who say it is like that there too.

Why have governments allowed this? None of this makes any sense to me or anyone I know.

Are the conspiracy theorists telling the truth?
John is worried about language restrictions, while the Barbara Spectre's of the world told you long ago what the plans were, and are. We're not theorists, we state facts, and we've been right. Now, of course, it depends on what the topic is. There are a lot of looneys out there.

You wanna know the truth? Learn why people censor me here and call me names. That comes from the same people who have indoctrinated, to some degree, even the owner of this site. It's quite breathtaking.
This fits my definition of rubbish. Bloviating nonsense. Neither proving your point but reinforcing criticism levied.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Immigration (Il)logic

Post by Cool Breeze »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:45 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:47 pm
Conservative politicians, and we have had not a few recently, generally do not want to finance the assimilation.
Robert, I have tried to ignore you, but when you post outside of your own thread, it is hard. "Finance the assimilation?" Are you out of your F-ing mind? (of course you are). Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Koreans, West Indies, Mexicans, EVERYONE WHO COMES IN LEGALLY, the list goes on and on, don't need financing, they just come over and KICK ASS working within the rules of our system. We should vet every immigrant to make sure they come PLANNING on assimilating, or they are worthless to us (us being the citizens of the United States, all citizens, not just the white ones, slow down boy). Your statement is the epitome of liberal cognitive dissonance. You somehow have to believe that it is our (white conservative US citizens' fault) that these illegal aliens are a liability, not an asset. Now, everyone watch, if Bob responds at all, it will be with some rambling incoherent nonsense which does not remotely address the substance of what I've said.
The sooner the Bishes of the world get Pinochet'd the better it'll be for normal people and the nations. But God's got another plan, it seems.

Democracy is a failure, and always will be, because it devolves to leftism. A "Republic" works the same way, via oligarchies and media manipulation, for all you "gotcha" guys who want to point out the meaningless difference. Normal people have no need for the collective, since they are secure, have good families, and are thus strong, not weak like the Bishes. The Bishes all were given a voice, and look what they did.

Bring back the helicopters.

"... van a darse cuenta que este gobierno tiene razon"

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:13 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:50 am
Heee wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:34 am
Why do governments allow for open borders for 3rd world migrants. It is nearly impossible to get my Asian wife a visa to live with me in America, but illegals walk in and free housing, medical, and cash. I have friends in England who say it is like that there too.

Why have governments allowed this? None of this makes any sense to me or anyone I know.

Are the conspiracy theorists telling the truth?
John is worried about language restrictions, while the Barbara Spectre's of the world told you long ago what the plans were, and are. We're not theorists, we state facts, and we've been right. Now, of course, it depends on what the topic is. There are a lot of looneys out there.

You wanna know the truth? Learn why people censor me here and call me names. That comes from the same people who have indoctrinated, to some degree, even the owner of this site. It's quite breathtaking.
This fits my definition of rubbish. Bloviating nonsense. Neither proving your point but reinforcing criticism levied.
Of course it does. John is an arm of the ADL at this point. The same groups that effectively convinced him/propagandized him. Are you a supporter of filthy Hollywood, porn, bank bailouts and manipulation of people, inflation, debasement of culture and races, Full?

Wake up. And counter the points, with a real statement. Barbara was doing the same thing in Sweden. Do you even know who she is? What about Arlen? LOL

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Smartphone wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:24 pm
Russia is crushed under corruption and violence. Why have millions of Russians emigrated out of Russia if it is so wonderful? How many Americans or Germans have emigrated to Russia in the last 20 years?

I agree that the West is screwed, but Russia is not the golden alternative you think it is.

I wish there was a place I could escape to.

I used to envy Jews, they had Israel. They could escape the collapsing West. But now Israel is becoming a religious nutter dictatorship. Now the average Jew doesn't have such great options anymore. Israel is about to become a banana republic.

I'm open for any ideas for safe bolt holes.
People love materialism? What's your point. They were under Bolshevik (oh yeah, godless people who called themselves jews) rule forever, then Stalin, another murderer, got Lenin and them. Takes one to know one. I never said Russia is wonderful. There is no place, right now, to escape to, you're pretty much right.

The economic system run by your boys is gonna collapse ... I have some ideas, but why would I tell you here when you don't even recognize what's going on?

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

aeden wrote:
Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:04 am
Canaries in the coal mine have been dead since Keynes buried paper in bottles and buried them in a mine.
He even told you what would happen. No way do they listen they just lawyer up for the mop up operations.
I wonder if Jamal and Tyrone will care when the bish tells them he's an ally, and they are at his door for their reparations? lol

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:44 pm
Great calls. Know what both of these show? How spoiled and obnoxious modern women have become. Why would anyone want to have kids with them, when all you do is guarantee they'll spend or take your money through some excuse like a divorce or what not. Of course, the ones who don't have kids have pets. Women and children get far too much attention in society, and of course, that's why we see rapidly dropping fertility rates. It's sad when muslims have a better society in ways than the west, think of how pathetic that is, and how debased western women are.
Islam: the cure for feminism.
Hating ZOG like they do has had 1 benefit ...

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Tom Mazanec »

FullMoon wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:33 pm
I think John should be "censoring" more of CB and BB. I've seen many hate filled inflammatory remarks that don't get censored. Real rubbish that needs cleaned up. John's being lenient from my perspective
BB is now on my foe list. He is an anti-Catholic bigot.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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