The Tiki Bar

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Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by CH86 »

The problem is that the population boom started in the 19th century. Since then there have been according to you many Crisis wars. Yet None of those wars caused a population crash. The Middle Easts has had a population boom since the collapse of the ottoman empire but yet there was no collapse during the Iran-Iraq war or during Both Syrian Civil wars. Even the Current war in syria reduced the population via refugees, however the actual death toll is comparably much smaller.

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Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by CH86 »

John wrote:
John wrote: So these are three things that are contributing to an enormous
bulge in populations, especially in Africa, the Mideast and
Asia: the reduction in infant mortality, the Green Revolution,
and the Sunni Muslim birth rate.

This has created many cities that are packed with people living
shoulder to shoulder, with no survival skills, dependent on outsiders
for food, water, medicines, pandemic control, electricity, internet,
and so forth.

Any one of these cities will be a fat target for nuclear weapons,
conventional weapons, famine, or disease. A 90% death rate in many of
these cities wouldn't be a surprise.
John wrote: And those 3-4 billion people rebuilding the world will be getting lots
of help from those new super-intelligent AI robots that are becoming
available, able to help with everything from farming to nursing care,
at least until they figure out that they don't need us.
Translation: There is too many non-whites in the world. We boomer globalists desire a global version of Scandinavia. We need a clean planet without these "untermenschen". It would be like the jetsons after the nuclear exchange (that is conveniently concentrated in the third world).

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by John »

CH86 wrote: > Translation: There is too many non-whites in the world. We boomer
> globalists desire a global version of Scandinavia. We need a clean
> planet without these "untermenschen". It would be like the jetsons
> after the nuclear exchange (that is conveniently concentrated in
> the third world).
The problem with people like you -- Millennials with limited reading
and comprehension ability, and no clue what's going on in the world --
is that when you run out of your usual nonsense, you just go to
Hillary's "basket of deplorables" and start calling people "racist,
sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it." You and
Hillary would make a great couple.

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Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by Higgenbotham »


The historically low birthrate, explained in 3 charts
US women are having fewer and fewer babies. In some ways, it’s a sign of progress. ... rths-women
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

CH86 wrote:
John wrote:...<insert John stuff here>...
Translation: There is too many non-whites in the world. We boomer globalists desire a global version of Scandinavia. We need a clean planet without these "untermenschen". It would be like the jetsons after the nuclear exchange (that is conveniently concentrated in the third world).
Globalists are "one-party-staters", which is not what most "boomers" are. No age "cohort" is globalist simply because they are a member of their particular cohort. People are globablist because they find the idea of universal scientific "rational" government to be the best (theoretical) system of governance. NO globalist (who isn't a slaver) actually has any idea that such a system is simply another goofy utopian fantasy.

You seem to eternally confuse "boomer" with "globalist". The globalists are those who want ONE "party" of "experts" to "authoritarialy" (!?) rule over their "elite brothers" (pool of potential leaders) who will in turn rule over their "slaves" (pool of laborers).

Boomers want to be comfortable (in their old-ish age) and to not be pestered by their obnoxious offspring.

There are "one-party-state universalist" PEOPLE, "one-party-state nationalist" people, "competing factionalist universalist" people, and "competing factionalist nationalist" people. None of these "varieties" is tied to an age cohort.

Most people are of the "We live in nations composed of various factions who negotiate with each other for what we want and as a NATION we negotiate with other nations in the same way" camp, while some are of the "We live in nations where we are of one faction and negotiate only with other nations" camp.

There are also the "globalist" groups (the "universalists"), but neither of "us" are that sort of folk,.. so why bring them into it, eh?

Only the "one-party-staters" have any use for "untermenschen", and that use is either as "internal slaves" or "external adversaries" (nations that compete for resources) which will "eventually" become "internal slaves" of the eventual greater nation-of-us,.. or so it is hoped.

He who strives for "national purity" will eventually become the victims of the slaves they created, whom they could have called other-faction nationalists and striven with for national prosperity.

Yeah,.. I'm a nationalist,.. but my nation is composed of factions that don't divide along genetic attributes.

Aloha to you, as you need it badly. :) <shaka nui!>

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by John »

A Tiki Bar Is Popping Up in Cambridge This Summer


Image ... cambridge/

Posts: 1313
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Re: The Tiki Bar

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Mmmmmm,.. me want a Suffering Bastard and big bowl of Salmon Pōke (though I like Blue Fin Pōke better)..!!

..tiny umbrellas are just TOO cute! Me want... ME WANT...!!

Aloha nui, dude! :) <shaka!>

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