Societal collapse

Read Navigator's book, How To Prepare For The Coming Storms,
for valuable detailed information on what what's coming.
Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Societal collapse

Post by Navigator »

Jack Edwards wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:47 pm
John said:
That's a really great analysis!
Thanks... Mostly just repeating stuff you've been saying for years John. :)

I do like the balancing analogy, we're walking on a tight rope and are generationally at a point where we over correct on everything.

Why didn't we have a generational crisis war right after 9/11? I remember personally thinking going to war was a great idea at the time (not how I feel now.. :| ). There were enough people in the world who didn't over correct - who kept us in line.

Why didn't the 2007 housing crisis sink us into a depression? There were enough people in congress and in the executive branch who listened to advisors and acted in some semblance of unity.. Hard to imagine our leaders responding with any kind of unity now.

It's the over-reactions that cause us to lose our balance. We've forgotten the virtue of compromise - in fact not being ideologically pure is a political curse word now.

One day, something will happen and we'll be mad/scared as hell about something and over-react, and off we'll topple into chaos.

Best regards,
Thanks for the support Jack.

It won't just be the USA that over-reacts, it will happen in lots of places.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

Jack Edwards wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:47 pm
John said:
That's a really great analysis!
Thanks... Mostly just repeating stuff you've been saying for years John. :)

I do like the balancing analogy, we're walking on a tight rope and are generationally at a point where we over correct on everything.

Why didn't we have a generational crisis war right after 9/11? I remember personally thinking going to war was a great idea at the time (not how I feel now.. :| ). There were enough people in the world who didn't over correct - who kept us in line.

Why didn't the 2007 housing crisis sink us into a depression? There were enough people in congress and in the executive branch who listened to advisors and acted in some semblance of unity.. Hard to imagine our leaders responding with any kind of unity now.

It's the over-reactions that cause us to lose our balance. We've forgotten the virtue of compromise - in fact not being ideologically pure is a political curse word now.

One day, something will happen and we'll be mad/scared as hell about something and over-react, and off we'll topple into chaos.

Best regards,
This sounds about right. I was against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I favored doing a commando raid or smart bomb strike to kill Bin Laden, which we did eventually anyway.( a commando raid) The reaction to 9/11 was the end of America as far as I am concerned. I said that openly back then and paid a price for it. I was right. I don't expect any of my detractors to apologize for their treatment of me. I'm glad I was smart enough to prepare for the denouement of 2008. My detractors called me "chicken little, the sky is falling " back then...

I'm now trying to position myself so that I will have options while still enjoying my life now.

I don't waste my time with conspiracy theories. I have been following this website since I listened to your interview with Warren Pollock some 11 or 12 years ago.

I rarely post here, but I appreciate most of the posts I read on this site.

Ex pat

Re: Societal collapse

Post by Ex pat »

Navigator wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:47 am
FullMoon wrote:
Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:59 am

We haven't heard from Navigator for a while. I would still very much value his perspective on this and other issues.
I have been taking my own advice and am getting things in order for myself and family. Building chicken coops, gardening, and so on.

I will start to post frequently again soon.

Have focused a lot on keeping up on the developments in Ukraine and watching daily situation reports.
A chicken coop? Your homestead better be a good four hundred miles away from the nearest urban center. When the POC population losses life support (free stuff) they will rape, loot, and kill on a scale that is only seen since Rwanda. America's cities are dumpster fires now. I lived in the suburbs for the last two decades after fleeing the city. Then the suburbs burned. During the BLM riots, a police officer that I have know for over ten years retired and moved to Canada. He now lives in a backwater town with his Canadian wife and his in laws in a modest A frame house he built on their land. He says he has never been happier. He has a greenhouse. Navigator, if you live near a city, you are in trouble. My ex-policeman friend will be better off than you.

I left America a couple of months ago. That was my bug out plan. Covid held up my escape until recently.

When WW3 begins, America will be The Lord of the Flies. It will be racial violence on steroids. Cool Breeze gets this part right, even though I still disagree with him on most other things. A few other posters here understand the true situation too. If your book doesn't deal with the racial dimension of what is coming, I won't buy it.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

Ex pat wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:20 am
Navigator wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:47 am
FullMoon wrote:
Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:59 am

We haven't heard from Navigator for a while. I would still very much value his perspective on this and other issues.
I have been taking my own advice and am getting things in order for myself and family. Building chicken coops, gardening, and so on.

I will start to post frequently again soon.

Have focused a lot on keeping up on the developments in Ukraine and watching daily situation reports.
A chicken coop? Your homestead better be a good four hundred miles away from the nearest urban center. When the POC population losses life support (free stuff) they will rape, loot, and kill on a scale that is only seen since Rwanda. America's cities are dumpster fires now. I lived in the suburbs for the last two decades after fleeing the city. Then the suburbs burned. During the BLM riots, a police officer that I have know for over ten years retired and moved to Canada. He now lives in a backwater town with his Canadian wife and his in laws in a modest A frame house he built on their land. He says he has never been happier. He has a greenhouse. Navigator, if you live near a city, you are in trouble. My ex-policeman friend will be better off than you.

I left America a couple of months ago. That was my bug out plan. Covid held up my escape until recently.

When WW3 begins, America will be The Lord of the Flies. It will be racial violence on steroids. Cool Breeze gets this part right, even though I still disagree with him on most other things. A few other posters here understand the true situation too. If your book doesn't deal with the racial dimension of what is coming, I won't buy it.
Some advice: If you are white or Asian, live with your own kind (if you can afford it). If you are white and live in a black or hispanic neighborhood, you are asking for trouble. If you don't have much money, buy a single wide and an acre of land outside of town. American and Western European cities are all racial tinder boxes now. Abandon the cities. When the SHTF, on time delivery has assured that the food stocks will run out in a single day. I used to be a manager at a supermarket. When the power goes out, the frozen food section spoils much quicker than the public realizes. Also, half the store is filled with things that most people can't really eat: dog food, kitty litter, duct tape, and magazines. There is a lot of Jello mix; I suppose people could eat that. Big box stores have a lot of boxed food that will last a long time, but those places will be hit hard.

I have lived through riots myself. The police used to move in and restore order. Now they don't.

I fully expect machine gun toting gangs to seize these stores when the SHTF and the police in America will do absoultely nothing. You will be on your own.

A mid-sized camper pulled by a mid-sized truck is also good. Buy an acre somewhere really isolated and try to find other like minded people who look like you and have a lot of guns.

Most of the inner city welfare crowd will be dead in a few weeks, maximum. MAXIMUM. Survival will be more of waiting out the chaos. If you can hide out for a few weeks, most of the troublemakers will be dead. No one is going to save them.

And no one is going to save you. Save yourself and your family.

There. Your answer.

You're welcome.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Societal collapse

Post by Navigator »

Ex pat wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:20 am

I left America a couple of months ago. That was my bug out plan. Covid held up my escape until recently.
I am curious as to where you moved to. Naming the country would suffice.

My issue with moving is that we would stick out as "rich Americans" (at least in the minds of the locals), plus lack of family/tribe support when things completely break down.

I live well outside a small city, which is rather unique. There are no masses that would engage in looting, and everyone around here is armed to the teeth, so even if they did try, it wouldn't last long.

But I do agree with the grocery store/supply chain collapse described by others here.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:48 pm
Ex pat wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:20 am

I left America a couple of months ago. That was my bug out plan. Covid held up my escape until recently.
I am curious as to where you moved to. Naming the country would suffice.

My issue with moving is that we would stick out as "rich Americans" (at least in the minds of the locals), plus lack of family/tribe support when things completely break down.

I live well outside a small city, which is rather unique. There are no masses that would engage in looting, and everyone around here is armed to the teeth, so even if they did try, it wouldn't last long.

But I do agree with the grocery store/supply chain collapse described by others here.
And you will be using bows and arrows after congress takes your guns...

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Societal collapse

Post by Navigator »

I don't see congress making any realistic moves to take away guns you already have. None. This is just catastrophication based on what the extreme left wants to do. It isn't going to happen. There is still too much political power behind preventing it.

Ex pat

Re: Societal collapse

Post by Ex pat »

Navigator wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:48 pm
Ex pat wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:20 am

I left America a couple of months ago. That was my bug out plan. Covid held up my escape until recently.
I am curious as to where you moved to. Naming the country would suffice.

My issue with moving is that we would stick out as "rich Americans" (at least in the minds of the locals), plus lack of family/tribe support when things completely break down.

I live well outside a small city, which is rather unique. There are no masses that would engage in looting, and everyone around here is armed to the teeth, so even if they did try, it wouldn't last long.

But I do agree with the grocery store/supply chain collapse described by others here.
I didn't move to a third world dumpster fire. I won't say where. The place is already starting to fill up with Californian leftists douche bags who really don't understand that it was people like them that killed California. Some of the posters on this board deserve to die horribly deaths. And the ones who do don't realize that I am talking about them.

Drop the dead weight friends if you want to survive. Also, don't believe in the conspiracy theories. This is no grand design. This is stupidity bearing fruit. If you buy into conspiracy theories to explain what is going on, you deserve to die a horrible death.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

Ex pat wrote:
Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:38 am
Navigator wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:48 pm
Ex pat wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:20 am

I left America a couple of months ago. That was my bug out plan. Covid held up my escape until recently.
I am curious as to where you moved to. Naming the country would suffice.

My issue with moving is that we would stick out as "rich Americans" (at least in the minds of the locals), plus lack of family/tribe support when things completely break down.

I live well outside a small city, which is rather unique. There are no masses that would engage in looting, and everyone around here is armed to the teeth, so even if they did try, it wouldn't last long.

But I do agree with the grocery store/supply chain collapse described by others here.
I didn't move to a third world dumpster fire. I won't say where. The place is already starting to fill up with Californian leftists douche bags who really don't understand that it was people like them that killed California. Some of the posters on this board deserve to die horribly deaths. And the ones who do don't realize that I am talking about them.

Drop the dead weight friends if you want to survive. Also, don't believe in the conspiracy theories. This is no grand design. This is stupidity bearing fruit. If you buy into conspiracy theories to explain what is going on, you deserve to die a horrible death.
Okay, I get it. You're angry about having to leave the country. I get it.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest » ... ognizable/
Greyerz – Is The World Entering A Singularity Event That Will Change Our Civilization To The Extent That It Will Become Unrecognizable?
“Perfect Global Economic & GEOPOLITICAL Calamity”
Let’s look at some of the preconditions that will set this calamity off:

1)Global debt of $300 trillion.

2)Unfunded global liabilities of at least another $300 trillion.

3)Off balance sheet derivatives of $2+ quadrillion

4)Global inflation out of control and rising.

5)Food, energy and housing costs inflation at least 20-30%, probably more.

6)Shortages of food, energy and commodities.

7)Starvation for 325 million.

8)Acute Hunger Hotspots in many 3rd world countries like Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, Congo, Kenya, Lebanon, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, 9)Zimbabwe and many more. Much more to come.

10)Many in the West cannot afford to buy proper food.

11)Major geopolitical conflict with potential for nuclear war

12)Zero attempt to achieve peace by the US or the West.

13)Instead increased risk of greater conflict by sending more weapons and more money to Ukraine.

14)Sanctions of Russia, the world’s biggest commodity country, and the total annihilation of global trade. As George Washington said although Biden is not listening:

“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.”

15)Increasing crime rates in most Western countries often due to governments’ total inability and incompetence in dealing with major immigration flows.

15)In an era of economic and moral decadence, most major Western nations have the incompetent leadership they deserve.

16)Inept central bank heads who NEVER get a single forecast right and constantly take the wrong actions which create one economic and monetary disaster after the next.

17)The world economy would fare much better with no central banks and a laissez-faire policy, allowing the laws of nature and supply & demand to regulate monetary policy.

18)How can the heads of the Fed and the ECB get away with years of failing to reach their arbitrary and ludicrous 2% inflation target in spite of unlimited money printing and negative interest rates.

19)And then when inflation goes from 0.2% to 8.6% over two years the central bank geniuses call it transitory. APPALLING!

20)The debt and asset bubbles will first lead to hyperinflation before the inevitable deflationary implosion.
The whole article is worth reading. Any comments?

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