Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Guest »

Sounds like a bio-weapon.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by tim »

https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarit ... -concerned
Children's hospitals in the USA are experiencing a major surge of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Parents are worried. It seems that the infectious disease specialists and other "experts" have little or no understanding as to why this is occurring. Why is this happening and should we be concerned?

Although I do acknowledge the current surge in RSV cases, I don’t think it’s a critical priority. I’ve written several contributions on other epidemics/pandemics (including RSV) that I predicted to occur as a result of mass C-19 vaccination.

In my opinion, the reason for the surge is that vaccinees now serve as an asymptomatic reservoir for RSV and other viral infections.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »


Father collasped. Head smacked off plastic trash can. Very slight mark over eyebrow.
Got the call, got there 22 miles away, took to immediate care, stablised, checked vitals
stabled enough also to again avoid ambulance in areas swamped with calls.
Call ahead from immediate care with ecg data sent to area Hosptial diagnosis indicated no nueorlogical and
no coronary issue. Blood work indicated Influenza A...

Upon arrival at regional Hospital man crawling just inside main entrance moaning help me and another lying acrossed
a table in agony until bellowing out after 10 minutes so 5 security to protect the nurse and assure the patient its for Her safety
as we are here to help both of your safety.

As indicated earlier daughter set up with teams covid areas in that regional Hospital then also a few years back some may remember here.
Staff was great and crushed with patients. No you have no idea or limited view which is a condition also.

All is well after 10 hours with Dad Home late 80's and recovering from recent issues.
Daughter is making a visit to confirm futher action items if needed.

God was on our side on this. Be on his no matter what.
The Effects of the Flu virus was the culprit to the nerve attacks.
It's important to know that not everyone with flu will have a fever.

From splitting wood and 48 hours face down in His bathroom has given Him new view what are medical folks are up against.
Support and pray for them.


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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

The Christmas Light Indicator

Tonight while I was driving through my apartment complex, which I would characterize as lower middle class, it didn't take too long to realize that something seemed off this year. As the years have gone by here, I've noticed there are fewer and fewer Christmas displays on the apartment balconies, but it was always comforting to notice at least some. Being a week before Christmas and having been reminded repeatedly today that this is the Christmas season, I realized there was not a single one in sight. Besides the security lights, which are kind of dim anyway, the whole place was pitch black as far as the eye could see. Not even a lit Christmas tree could be seen through a window. So I decided to go off my usual path. I didn't cover the whole complex of 400 some apartments, but went out of my way to see if there was anything at all. I found 3. They weren't ostentatious but nonetheless there were signs of life. I've been here 17 plus years and would estimate that this same drive 17 years ago would have netted 20 or 25 displays, some beautifully done. Last year maybe 5 to 7. The numbers seem to steadily go down as the years have passed. I've also noticed this on July 4th and New Year's Eve. As the years have gone by, there are fewer and fewer indications of anybody celebrating with firecrackers or what have you. Finally, a year or two ago, I heard nothing on one of those holidays except dead silence.

Five miles down the road, there is a subdivision that has unique and beautiful million dollar plus homes. It would be interesting to go over there and take a look. My guess would be that there are the same number and quality of Christmas light displays as there were 17 years ago.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

These are my thoughts on whether a vaccine is an effective weapon for an adversary to use.

Starting with what an adversary would consider to be the characteristics of an effective weapon, the following might be identified:

The weapon will hit a high percentage of the targeted population.
It can be determined in advance to a high degree of accuracy how many people can be targeted.
The logistics of the weapon can be planned out well in advance.
The weapon is non-detectable.
The weapon kills quickly.
The weapon is based on technology where the adversary has a large technical advantage.
The weapon only impacts the targeted population.
The weapon kills the people within the targeted population who are the greatest threat.
The weapon can be deployed from a distance.
There is no ability to undo the damage from the weapon once it is deployed.

Let's look at the vaccine from the standpoint of these items.

The weapon will hit a high percentage of the targeted population. The best weapon is one that will affect every member of the targeted population. For example, something that travels through the air and stays in the air long enough for everyone to breathe in while having a 100% kill rate would be ideal. From this standpoint, the issue with poisoning a vaccine is how many people will be injected and whether all the vaccines from the various manufacturers can be tainted by introducing something that is in all of the manufacturer's vaccines.

It can be determined in advance to a high degree of accuracy how many people can be targeted. It would be hard to estimate in advance how many people will receive a vaccine.

The logistics of the weapon can be planned out well in advance. There wasn't much time to figure out how to taint a vaccine, as it was developed and rolled out quickly.

The weapon is non-detectable. With today's analytical methods it would be difficult to taint a vaccine without the targeted population being able to detect it.

The weapon kills quickly. This can't be achieved with a vaccine because it would be too obvious. The vaccine would need to kill slowly and in ways that are not obvious and not understood.

The weapon is based on technology where the adversary has a large technical advantage. The US is the leader in biotechnology.

The weapon only impacts the targeted population. The vaccine impacts the targeted population and excludes the adversary's population.

The weapon kills the people within the targeted population who are the greatest threat. Although it would have been difficult to know this with certainty in advance, the vaccine has been directed to all age groups who would be a threat to the adversary.

The weapon can be deployed from a distance. Provided tainted vaccine ingredients can be shipped from the adversary to the target, it can be deployed from a distance.

There is no ability to undo the damage from the weapon once it is deployed. It would be very difficult to undo the damage from a tainted vaccine.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by tim »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:00 am
Starting with what an adversary would consider to be the characteristics of an effective weapon, the following might be identified:

The weapon will hit a high percentage of the targeted population.

Who was forced to get the injection? The military, first responders, health care workers, people critical to keeping a country running.

It can be determined in advance to a high degree of accuracy how many people can be targeted.

A long planned attack would be carefully studied and war gamed before being carried out. The U.S. institutions are compromised by Chinese agents and have been for a long time. See the Fang Fang scandal with Eric Swalwell.

The logistics of the weapon can be planned out well in advance.

Chi Haotian spoke of a biological attack in the early 2000's.

The weapon is non-detectable.

The spike protein itself is toxic, it makes no sense to hijack your cells to produce spike proteins especially when these spike proteins go places they never would with a natural infection. You can easily trick people by saying the "vaccine is working" as your body is being damaged by the injection.

The weapon kills quickly.

Ideally the weapon would not kill quickly as this would lead to retaliation. The weapon would kill slowly so most people would have a hard time connecting death or injury to an injection 1 - 2 years ago.

The weapon is based on technology where the adversary has a large technical advantage.

The genetic sequence for the SARS-COV2 virus was uploaded by Chinese scientists. Moderna used Chinese information to create their injection.

The weapon only impacts the targeted population.

What countries have been using mRNA on their people? All countries that would be enemies of China in war. Japan and Taiwan have also been using mRNA.

The weapon kills the people within the targeted population who are the greatest threat.

Most of the American military has been injected. Most fighting age American men have been injected either out of propaganda, fear, or threat of job loss.

The weapon can be deployed from a distance.

If a Chinese soldier came up to you in person to inject you, you would resist. If China uses their agents in our institutions along with exploiting fear to convince you that you are doing the right thing there is no resistance.

There is no ability to undo the damage from the weapon once it is deployed.

From Dr. Robert Malone's book Lies my Gov't Told Me page 123:
The original idea behind using mRNA as a drug was that mRNA is typically degraded quite rapidly once released into a cell.The stability of an individual mRNA molecule is regulated by a number of genetic elements but typically ranges thirty minutes to a couple of hours. Therefore, if natural (or synthetic that mimics natural) mRNA is introduced into the body, it should last for a very short time. And when asked, "How long does the injected mRNA last after injection?" PFizer, BioNTech, and Moderna have all replied that it lasts for only a few hours.

But we now know the "mRNA" in the vaccine incorporates a synthetic nucleotide called "pseudouridine" and can persist in lymph nodes for at least sixty days after injection. This is not natural, and this is not really mRNA. These molecules have genetic elements similar to those of natural mRNA, but they are far more resistant to the enzymes that normally degrade mRNA. In addition, they seem capable of producing large amounts of protein for extended periods and evading normal immunologic mechanisms for eliminating cells that produce foreign proteins.
...incorporating RNA modifications, including pseudouridine, in foreign RNA allows for escape from innate immune detection. This makes RNA modification a powerful tool in the field of RNA therapeutics where RNAs must make it into cells without triggering an immune response and remain stable long enough to achieve therapeutic goals. In addition, the presence of modified nucleotides in viral genomic RNA could contribute to immune evasions during infection.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by tim »

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

The posts below all fit together. As surpluses disappear, it is likely that producers will hold onto them and become more selective about what they exchange them for. When that happens, asset values will plummet, as aeden notes they already have this year, while the value of base money like currency plummets with them or disappears into black holes, as noted in the news article on the first page of this thread and today in aeden's thread. If surpluses continue to disappear and turn to deficit, there isn't anything the Federal Reserve can do to prop up asset values and base money long term - it will all go to zero.

aeden wrote:
Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:01 pm
10 trading days remaining, major equity markets across the globe have posted double-digit negative returns for the year, with the S&P 500 down ~19%. Government bonds, which typically come to the rescue when equities see a significant drawdown, didn't deliver as global central banks raised policy rates dramatically, taking the World Government Bond Index down ~17% year to date. Credit markets declined as well, with the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Credit Total Return Index posting a negative total return of ~15%. For traditional investment strategies, there really was nowhere to hide. T
Higgenbotham wrote:
Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:06 am
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:24 pm
This reminds me of my comment about Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio awhile back. When things are on the long term upswing the Permanent Portfolio will both grow and outperform, but when things reverse to the long term downswing the Permanent Portfolio will shrink with everything else but it should still outperform by shrinking more slowly.


Still early, but it looks possible that this is the beginning of a long term downswing. The link shows that all of the components of the permanent portfolio are down this year. That is very unusual.

http://www.lazyportfolioetf.com/allocat ... permanent/

Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:35 pm
We've all seen Exter's Pyramid. What's really at the base of the pyramid, though, is surpluses. Not surpluses that last a long time, but surpluses like grains, cattle, and oil which decay with time, must be sold within a narrow time window, or cost a lot to store. Those are what give base money its reason to exist and determine how much base money needs to exist. As surpluses go, so goes base money and everything derived from it above the bottom of the pyramid. Disappearing surpluses mean disappearing base money and asset values except for gold and silver, which go into hibernation. Surpluses are in the process of disappearing and prospects for the future don't look good, even this Winter. Winter is coming.

Exter's Pyramid

While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:50 pm
The Dow will go to its current intrinsic value, which is zero. When this forecast turns out to be correct, I won't have any bragging rights because nobody will have time to read this forum. Those who are left will be spending all their time trying to survive. Of this I am 100% certain because the die is already cast and I'll put a time frame on that - no more than 5 years.
I quote previous posts that are applicable to current news a lot. I suppose if the stock market had been heading way down and was close to zero within the time frame of this post, I would have repeatedly quoted this. The fact is that I have no idea why this forecast didn't come to pass. I could make some excuse like the Fed held it up or the fracking boom bought a little more time. But actually, I have no idea. Regarding fracking, for example, I would have probably said fracking was a money losing proposition and the added debt from it would make it impossible to extend the bubble.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 7595
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:06 am
The Christmas Light Indicator

Tonight while I was driving through my apartment complex, which I would characterize as lower middle class, it didn't take too long to realize that something seemed off this year. As the years have gone by here, I've noticed there are fewer and fewer Christmas displays on the apartment balconies, but it was always comforting to notice at least some. Being a week before Christmas and having been reminded repeatedly today that this is the Christmas season, I realized there was not a single one in sight. Besides the security lights, which are kind of dim anyway, the whole place was pitch black as far as the eye could see. Not even a lit Christmas tree could be seen through a window. So I decided to go off my usual path. I didn't cover the whole complex of 400 some apartments, but went out of my way to see if there was anything at all. I found 3. They weren't ostentatious but nonetheless there were signs of life. I've been here 17 plus years and would estimate that this same drive 17 years ago would have netted 20 or 25 displays, some beautifully done. Last year maybe 5 to 7. The numbers seem to steadily go down as the years have passed. I've also noticed this on July 4th and New Year's Eve. As the years have gone by, there are fewer and fewer indications of anybody celebrating with firecrackers or what have you. Finally, a year or two ago, I heard nothing on one of those holidays except dead silence.

Five miles down the road, there is a subdivision that has unique and beautiful million dollar plus homes. It would be interesting to go over there and take a look. My guess would be that there are the same number and quality of Christmas light displays as there were 17 years ago.
Another thing that's changed here is about 1/3 of the cars in the parking lot have expired registrations. Some go back as far as 2019 with many expired in 2020. The management will put a sticker on any car that has a expired registration more than 6 months past due. After the sticker is put on, the person owning the car can go to the management and request their car be put on the do not tow list.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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