Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > (( To break character for a moment, YES I am being provocatively
> "profanely humorous". I would suggest that you learn to take a
> joke and a ribbing, dear precious one. And if "Dad", aka John-O,
> tosses me or my commentary from these environs for being "too
> much", I don't have a problem with that in the least. ))
Or, alternatively, you could be provocatively "unprofanely humorous,"
and just write the profound posts that I know you're capable of.
Ohhhhhh,... Dad...!!

..yeah,.. you're right. But it WAS fun... did you catch the nifty alliteration I chucked in there a few times!? Pretty cool, eh?

And that whole bit about the Llama was an amazing bit of kit, which I wasn't expecting AT ALL when it just SPILLED out of my fingertips...

But,.. yeah,.. you're right... I'll be good after the Irish Spring wears off on my tongue. <tastes BAD!>


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

.and sorry for hurting your poor snowflakey safe-space seeking sensibilities. I apologize profusely. :)

Yeah,.. perhaps you should go back to the Student Union and suckle from the lactating Therapy Llama for a while.
Using profanity is not being politically incorrect. Most PC types I have met use it constantly because their vocabulary is so limited. You are just trash attempting to mask your vulgarity as some kind of avant-garde provocation or political act. It is neither. You are vulgar and thin skinned and can't stand any form of criticism. Being profane makes you the snow flake.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:.
.and sorry for hurting your poor snowflakey safe-space seeking sensibilities. I apologize profusely. :)

Yeah,.. perhaps you should go back to the Student Union and suckle from the lactating Therapy Llama for a while.
Using profanity is not being politically incorrect. Most PC types I have met use it constantly because their vocabulary is so limited. You are just trash attempting to mask your vulgarity as some kind of avant-garde provocation or political act. It is neither. You are vulgar and thin skinned and can't stand any form of criticism. Being profane makes you the snow flake.

Firstly,.. I love criticism. It gives me something to work with. Just ask anyone who's been in here for even a short time.

Secondly, you're quite right,.. vulgarity DOES get overused, and is quite counter-productive in VERY short order.

Thirdly, you're simply wrong about me being "trash", just as I'm "probably" wrong about you being a racist, per se. MIGHT be a racist, as I seem to see that in the verbiage that comes from you, but you could also be an ostrich wearing a Teen Titans t-shirt. Why an obviously well educated ('though thin skinned) ostrich would be wearing a Teen Titans t-shirt I have NO idea, but a whole lot of improbable things are still "possible".

How about we trade things of actual value and interest, instead of proceeding WAY too fast to trading vulgarities? Whatcha say? :)

And I'd REALLY like to know where this "Gamma Type" and "Secret King" meme comes from! It sounds REALLY interesting.

Walaʻau wit ya later, Monsieur Le Guest. :)

(( ..and come on, ya' GOTTA give me some points for the Therapy Llama rejoinder!? <chuckle!> ))

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 18-Apr-2019 World View: France blamed for supporting Hafter as Libya war worsens

As I reported in the past, Khalifa Haftar (Hiftar), head of the
government in eastern Libya, has led his Libyan National Army (LNA)
west to attack Libya's other government, the UN-recognised Government
of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, led by Prime Minister Fayez

The attack was launched on April 4, and at this point, hundreds of
people have been killed, and tens of thousands have been displaced
from their homes, and the numbers are increasing rapidly.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been
accused of supplying weapons to Haftar. Turkey and Qatar have been
accused of supplying weapons to Tripoli government.

France is also being accused of switching sides and supplying weapons
to Haftar. According to some reports, France's government has decided
that a successful coup by Haftar, making him a dictator like Muammar
Gaddafi, would be the best way to restore stability to Libya. This
is a view also held by the governments of Egypt and UAE.

A spokesman for France's government denies the allegation:
"As we have already stated on several occasions:
France supports the legitimate government of Prime Minister (Fayez
al-)Sarraj and the mediation of the UN for an inclusive political
solution in Libya.

Furthermore, the president's legitimate interlocutor is Prime
Minister Sarraj, with whom the president spoke on Monday to
reaffirm this support."
Nonetheless, Libya's Interior Ministry on Thursday accused France of
supporting Haftar and said it would halt cooperation with France
in any bilaterial security agreements.

Besides the fact that this might spiral into a much larger war (though
that seems less likely now than in the past), there are some
other major issues:
  • There are some 700,000 migrants from Syria, Somalia, Ethiopia,
    Eritrea, and other African countries, who have made their way to
    northern Libya in the hope of crossing the Mediterranean to reach
    Europe. Thousands of them are in detention centers in Tripoli, thanks
    to an agreement made between Italy and Libyan warlords. The United
    Nations has already moved 150 refugees from a detention center to
    another camp to escape the war. If the chaos in northern Libya
    worsens, then those migrants will once again try to flood across the
  • Since Haftar has moved his army from the east, west
    toward Tripoli, ISIS has been filling the vacuum in eastern
    Libya, killing and displacing civilians in Benghazi and Sirte.
    ISIS was defeated in 2016, but since has been rebuilding itself,
    and is now poised to take advantage of the war in the west
    to regain territory in the east.

--- Sources:

-- Western allies add fuel to Libya's fire with alleged military
shipments to warlord ... 72606.html
(Independent, London)

-- Libya death toll rises to 205 as Tripoli fighting continues: WHO ... 12223.html

-- Libya’s UN-backed govt accuses France of supporting Haftar, ends
cooperation ... ar-warrant
(France 24)

-- France wants Haftar to rule Libya ... rule-libya
(Libya Obsrver, 14-Apr-2019)

-- Armed group attacks air base in southern Libya held by Haftar
-officials ... officials/
(Middle East Monitor)

-- Libya / Haftar has clearly been given the green light to conquer
Tripoli ... r-tripoli/
(Middle East Monitor)

-- Libya / Algeria / Sudan / Tunisia / Arab Spring 2.0 ... -spring-20
(Daily Sabah, Turkey)

-- African, Syrian migrants in crosshairs of Libya war ... FL8N21R47N
(Reuters, 11-Apr-2019)

-- Violence in Libya Could Give IS Renewed Opportunities ... 71069.html
(VOA, 10-Apr-2019)


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by RH445 »

JCP wrote:
John wrote:** 15-Apr-2019 Notre Dame Cathedral is burning down

Notre Dame Cathedral is burning down. It's apparently a total
disaster. The entire structure is collapsing. ... index.html
The cathedral burned down along with Western civilization.
Germany´s already following the path of France to destruction. Merkel´s demented policy of allowing millions of low IQ inbreds from Islamic and African hellholes is just beginning to take effect. Sorry, but Germany as we knew it is over.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

Sounds like France has the right idea!! They finally get it. In the Middle East, nothing bad ever seems to result from the military taking over. IMO, the Arabs have proven that they aren't ready for democracy. Every time it's instituted, the secularists lose and the Islamic fundamentalists win and everything destabilizes. No more!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

mps92 wrote:Sounds like France has the right idea!! They finally get it. ...
What are the French doing right? What is it they finally get?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
What are the French doing right? What is it they finally get?

Supporting Haftar, assuming that's what they're doing. Supporting him is the best way to reduce migrant flow to Europe

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 19-Apr-2019 World View: Trump appears to endorse Haftar's attack in Libya

A symbolic but possibly significant event occurred when the White
House announced on Friday that President Trump contacted Libya's rogue
general Khalifa Haftar on Monday.

As I reported in the past, Khalifa Haftar (Hiftar), head of the
government in eastern Libya, has led his Libyan National Army (LNA)
west to attack Libya's other government, the UN-recognised Government
of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, led by Prime Minister Fayez

According to the White House statement:
"[Trump and Haftar discussed] ongoing counterterrorism
efforts and the need to achieve peace and stability in Libya.

The President recognized Field Marshal Haftar’s significant role
in fighting terrorism and securing Libya’s oil resources, and the
two discussed a shared vision for Libya’s transition to a stable,
democratic political system."
Trump praised Haftar in the statement, but it's unclear whether
Trump wants Haftar to continue the assault on Tripoli. At the very
least, the phone call implies continued support for actions
by Haftar.

Haftar's actions have split the international community. If we
now put the United States on the side of Haftar, then
the scorecard is as follows:
  • Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj supporters: Turkey, Qatar, Italy,
    Britain, United Nations
  • Khalifa Haftar supporters: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab
    Emirates (UAE), Russia, United States
Tsk, tsk. Apparently Trump is colluding with Russia again.

--- Sources:

-- White House says Trump spoke to Libyan commander Haftar on Monday ... SKCN1RV0WW

-- Trump's call to Haftar shows U.S. believes in Libyan army role in
war on terrorism: spokesman ... SKCN1RV17Z

-- Trump Spoke to Libyan Strongman Threatening Tripoli ... ftar-libya

-- International rivalries driving Libya towards war, UN warns ... -1.3866057
(Irish Times)

-- Trump praises Libyan general as his troops march on US backed
government in Tripoli ... index.html

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 19-Apr-2019 World View: China-Japan Book

I've made what I hope are the final rewrites to my China-Japan book.
The major changes were to "Part VII East Asian history since the end
of World War II," in order to strengthen as much as possible the case
the China is planning for launch a war against Japan. I also added an
interesting chapter on Cognitive Dissonance at the end of the book,
and how it relates to generational theory.

It's now 304 pages, 115K words.

I'm going to proofread it a few more times, then push the "publish"
button next week.

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