Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

I've heard a lot about the generational divide in Taiwan between the young, who don't feel much connection with the Communist controlled mainland, and the older generation who are more willing to placate the Communists in hopes of being left alone. The Hong Kong experience probably didn't help the Communists in a peaceful resolution.

Somehow it's mostly forgotten that the Nationalists in the Republic of China are the rightful and.legitimate modern Chinese government. As we had recognized before Kissinger placated the Chicoms to counter the Soviet. I don't see much talk about switching back and actually doing the right thing for all Chinese and for the benefit of humanity itself. Communism is a failure that only destroys.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

How many male white applicants have applied for the Armed Forces only to jump through hoops no other group does? How many male white personnel already serving are leaving because they've basically been told they're going nowhere fast?

DEI and its advocates - many of whom are in the hierarchy responsible for selection and promotion - have already decided the best applicant for the job can't have it because they don't slot into the 'diversity quotas' they've concocted?

If the UK's Armed Forces continually cull decent candidates - you can expect ships and other vital equipment to be decommissioned and more
Cause and effect. Even the brain dead DEI brigade should be able to understand those facts.

As a former Royal Marine and Northern Ireland and Falklands War veteran I can talk with some knowledge about life in the forces. For decades the Armed Forces have been shrinking and immediately after the Cold War that was appropriate. But the 'peace-dividend' was spent long ago and still the cuts came. It's always defence which is raided which is why Shappes is now looking again at the future of the 360 year old RMs because HMG have yet again lost control of spending: Shameful!

We're an island nation with a miserably small navy. Successive governments have talked big and spent little and now we can put perhaps only half a dozen escorts at sea at one time. My old ship, HMS Brilliant was part of the Second Frigate Squadron - I doubt we have enough squadrons to comprise a flotilla now.

The new carriers carry a handful of aircraft and we have insufficient RN escorts to protect them in any event.
The Royal Marines, as you would expect are as busy as ever but much of their work is unseen and therefore not reported - so recruitment suffers. Additionally, who would join an organisation that is constantly reducing in size and throwing its former members to the wolves for alleged misdeeds from decades ago. The Americans wouldn't dream of doing so - but hey, they respect their veterans.

Finally Diversity is dangerous. Standards are massaged to accommodate people who ordinarily should be no-where-near the Forces.

The Armed Forces need a huge reinvestment and rearming - because at this rate we are going to suffer a national humiliation on an epic scale. There are no votes in defence apparently - but try voting when you're defeated.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 14-Jan-2024 World View: Goose Stepping

According to the New Yorker, Trump is a
Goose-Stepping Nazi soldier.


Another guest

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Another guest »

John wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 12:14 pm
** 14-Jan-2024 World View: Goose Stepping

According to the New Yorker, Trump is a
Goose-Stepping Nazi soldier.

What an exaggeration.

I imagine the American press will be hysteria on steroids when Trump wins in November.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 14-Jan-2024 World View: Full Hitler

According to hot blonde Fox News White
House corrspondent Jacquie Heinrich,
appearing on Media Buzz:

CNN and other networks are working hard
to game out their campaign coverage to
decide when will be the best time to
launch their planned "Full Hitler"
coverage of Trump.

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Bob Butler
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Full Hitler

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:18 pm
** 14-Jan-2024 World View: Full Hitler

According to hot blonde Fox News White House corrspondent Jacquie Heinrich, appearing on Media Buzz:

CNN and other networks are working hard to game out their campaign coverage to decide when will be the best time to launch their planned "Full Hitler" coverage of Trump.
Already started. MSNBC at least is referring to Trump quoting Hitler. Apparently, if you call your opponent vermin, you are quoting from Mein Kamph. Does using an insult used by Hitler leave any insults unused? Is insult short of defamation protected by free speech? Does anyone think you could prevent Trump from insulting people?

I am more curious about the Supremes weighing in on the 14 Amendment section 3. They have represented themselves as ruling heavily on the intent of the authors and wording of the text. If so, Trump is in trouble. The judiciary in general has been leaning anti insurrection. 60 - 0 on the Big Lie being a big lie? It feels to me like they would have to declare the insurrection was not an insurrection, and several jury cases (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers) and a state court disqualification from holding office have already said otherwise. While the 14th's authors were alive, it was enforced without a court case establishing one guilty. The disqualification clause was counted as a qualification (natural born citizen, at least 35 years old) rather than a punishment (jail time, capital punishment). Trumps ability to defend his eligibility in recent cases establishes due process. Tribe continues to convincingly make his case. The wording of any ruling would be important.

If they do rule Trump can no longer hold office, the whole Republican primary scene goes nuts. At this point Nikki Haley? How would she fare against Biden in a general election? How upset would the MAGA crowd be? If you decide you don't like what the Constitution says, can you ignore it?

Last edited by Bob Butler on Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by aeden »

Jeb Bush in high heels is a no go.

Godwin's Law is known to be the oldest meme on the Internet, made by Mike Godwin.
The memes meaning is to say: The longer an online conversation continues,
Thus more of a chance there is to mention Hitler.

CBS is in a potato sack race with CNN as irrelevant as they worship Godwin"s Law.
The best recent meme is the high road Marxist's cult calling orange bad a cult.

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Bob Butler
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Godwin's Law

Post by Bob Butler »

aeden wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:37 pm
Godwin's Law is known to be the oldest meme on the Internet, made by Mike Godwin.
The memes meaning is to say: The longer an online conversation continues,
Thus more of a chance there is to mention Hitler.

CBS is in a potato sack race with CNN as irrelevant as they worship Godwin"s Law.
The best recent meme is the high road Marxist's cult calling orange bad a cult.
Invoking Hitler and Godwin's law meant one thing when there were no autocrat wannabes leading a race for a major party. Now? If it flaps its wings like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, he's an autocrat.

The MAGA crowd seems to think anyone trying to help the people must be a Marxist. To me, Marx in theory did advocate revolution in the name of helping the people. Unfortunately, Communism in the real world turned out to be Communists helping the Communists at the expense of the people. In a lot of ways, Marx was right. Kings and dictators ought to be removed by revolution. For example, the American Revolution. Unfortunately, his theory became associated with autocratic rule. To be a Communist party chairman became bad juju. Still is, if you look at Putin and Xi.

But calling someone something they aren't is a cheap way to argue, about as valid as Godwin's Law.


Re: Godwin's Law

Post by Guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:18 pm
But calling someone something they aren't is a cheap way to argue, about as valid as Godwin's Law.
You do just that every day, BB.

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Re: Godwin's Law

Post by FullMoon »

Guest wrote:
Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:02 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:18 pm
But calling someone something they aren't is a cheap way to argue, about as valid as Godwin's Law.
You do just that every day, BB.
Not exactly. Although he's deranged with hate-filled Trump lunacy, he doesn't resort to personal attacks on just anyone until his idiocy has been thoroughly disproven. Then instead of understanding a mistaken perspective or lapse of reason, he'll double down on the obvious mistake by resorting to name calling and cheap shots. It's how they roll.

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