3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by thomasglee »

ridgel wrote:You're angry at me for pointing out that islamofacism is a boogeyman. That's been the response of most islamofacistphobes that I've seen. You guys don't deal in facts, you just like to tell campfire stories to each other and then get mad when someone turns on the light.
No, you're angry because you don't agree with John's analysis and you expect everybody else to agree with you. When they don't, you deride their opinions and deflect. I deal in facts and the facts of 911 are more than enough.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

Tom Acre
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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by Tom Acre »

ridgel wrote:Yes, I'm familiar with the site's purpose... And you're worried about 39 people in Russia killed by a widow in revenge for the death of her husband? Get real.
To whatever degree you are currently familiar with this site, it seems insufficient. The unfolding events in Russia appear to affirm Gen.Dynm. view that Russia will eventually align with the West in the probable clash of civilizations war.

The map struck me in this post, specifically the name of the capital, Grozny, which is also the appellation of Russia's George Washington, namely Ivan Grozny, aka Ivan the Terrible...

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by ridgel »

Back to 9/11? The day that our $500 billion/year military couldn't scramble a single fighter jet on the eastern seaboard in two hours? Hopefully that was a low point in American preparedness. Because it really showed what a sack of puss our leaders were. But even if they've gotten no better, we don't have to worry about terrorists with box cutters any more, because anyone who tried that again will be immediately tackled by the rest of the passengers who will rightfully decide that if they're going to die anyways they're going to go out fighting.

Maybe Russia goes with the west, maybe not. I just saw today that they're selling $5billion in arms to our Venezuela. So Russia is 1. cracking down on bordering countries. 2. selling large quantities of weapons to military dictators in the American sphere of influence. Sound familiar?

Finally, I could care less whether John agrees with me. I read this site because it has an interesting perspective and John works hard to gather different sources from around the world. I don't agree with all his conclusions, and anyone who's sitting around waiting for deflation based on John's predictions has just wasted a decade of their life while oil went from $20 to $80 and gold went from $300 to $1100 and real estate went up 60% and then fell 16%.

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by VinceP1974 »

ridgel wrote:Yes, I'm familiar with the site's purpose. And I think "Islamofacism" is a laughable distraction from the real issues affecting the world.

Yeah.. it's a distraction. I bet you thikn the problems in the world are the Jews right?

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