Generational Dynamics World View News

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Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Guest wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:15 am
When WW3 breaks out, I'm not going to fight. Bill Clinto and G.W. Bush didn't go; I'm not either. Send BLM, the illegals, and Antifa to war. It's their country now.
This sentiment is the one that's going to prevail. John says you're gonna change your tune and unite with your hated domestic political rival when the existence of the US is threatened.

To some extent they gonna TRY to unite people, many will forgive and forget, but a critical amount won't, and recent immigrants won't care about America's survival, at least not enough to die for. And besides it goes way beyond political rivalry, it goes to evaluating exactly what existence we would try to preserve, and who gets to inherit it in the end.

I believe the US will unleash its war machine but I doubt the majority of troops will go into battle already knowing they're dead men walking, yet grimly going in anyway to protect their children and way of life. There is no sense of duty like that among the Millennials and GenZ and it won't spring from out of the blue, even in a crisis.

Once the ease of warfare due to tech gets exhausted, once the nukes are depleted, the satellites destroyed, tech centers nuked to dust, the fighting will be the brutal guns and artillery and filth the coddled youth won't be able to handle.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Snuff »

Anecdotal, but the amount of “friends” on Facebook and in person who have been republican, but voted Biden or switched Dem this election has shocked me. I’m from the NE. The dislike of Trump from people who are/were on the right is surprising. Many state his handling of covid + his anti-mask position + his rhetoric as reasons why they voted Biden or even switched parties. I have heard from multiple people that a gentlemanly demented career politician is better than Trump by far. No one seems to care about Biden’s corruption or his weakness in relation to China - they view corruption as just “part of politics” and think China tension was due to Trump. Biden will likely be Neville Chamberlain 2.0 if China becomes aggressive.

The other shocking thing is how many people have fallen for the Trump incitement/ conservatives are domestic terrorists line whipped up by the media. Too many people think the censorship, job loss, and doxxing of anyone who has “wrong speech” is perfectly acceptable l. Biden and the Dems didn’t even trust the military to provide protection, wanting to remove any registered republican from being anywhere near him. The military is the only thing keeping this from progressing into a full genocide because the Midwest and south make up the bulk of the grunts. I have no doubt that there are plenty of generals who would love nothing more to “purge” the “terrorists conservatives” if given the opportunity.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:53 am
The reality check is that Hispanics are not part of a political divide, they are part of a cultural divide. That's why any predictions of unity are not going to come true. If 500million Hispanics crossed the Rio Grande would they still unite under Kamala? If 1 billion Hispanics crossed would they still unite behind a dumb-ass US Administration? If you claim they all gonna unite with whitey once they cross the Rio Grande then you have to extend that argument to Mexico and Central and South America. They ALL gonna unite against China and become allies of the US.
Sorry, NOPE, that ain't gonna happen.

At what point do the numbers make a difference? At what point do they simply compose a nation with their own ideas? An independent generational cohort? I say that threshold has already been reached.
Do you visit Chinese restaurants? Do you drink green beer on St. Patrick’s day? Is eating Tex / Mex food any different? Immigrant cultures have been coming to the US throughout our history, and eventually their cultures are absorbed as a natural part of the US. It is what we do.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:50 pm
Pure African-Americans will be marginalized or genocided (or bred out) by the Hispanics. Mixed black-hispanic-asian-indo will survive just like they do in South America and the Caribbean.
Before you dismiss me as a racist, hear me out...

[Text deleted]
Damn, I missed the show before the censorship, lol

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Wolf359 »

Do you visit Chinese restaurants? Do you drink green beer on St. Patrick’s day? Is eating Tex / Mex food any different? Immigrant cultures have been coming to the US throughout our history, and eventually their cultures are absorbed as a natural part of the US. It is what we do.

This used to be true when immigrants had no choice but to assimilate if they wanted to survive. Now they can cross over the border and immediately get free healthcare and government handouts. They can take jobs away from Citizens and send all the money back home. They are not coming here anymore for the freedom, they are coming for the free stuff.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

Snuff wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:37 pm
Anecdotal, but the amount of “friends” on Facebook and in person who have been republican, but voted Biden or switched Dem this election has shocked me. I’m from the NE. The dislike of Trump from people who are/were on the right is surprising. Many state his handling of covid + his anti-mask position + his rhetoric as reasons why they voted Biden or even switched parties. I have heard from multiple people that a gentlemanly demented career politician is better than Trump by far. No one seems to care about Biden’s corruption or his weakness in relation to China - they view corruption as just “part of politics” and think China tension was due to Trump. Biden will likely be Neville Chamberlain 2.0 if China becomes aggressive.

The other shocking thing is how many people have fallen for the Trump incitement/ conservatives are domestic terrorists line whipped up by the media. Too many people think the censorship, job loss, and doxxing of anyone who has “wrong speech” is perfectly acceptable l. Biden and the Dems didn’t even trust the military to provide protection, wanting to remove any registered republican from being anywhere near him. The military is the only thing keeping this from progressing into a full genocide because the Midwest and south make up the bulk of the grunts. I have no doubt that there are plenty of generals who would love nothing more to “purge” the “terrorists conservatives” if given the opportunity.
Trump did want to stop or delay the last ceremonial step to certify the election. In hindsight the heavy security of the inauguration was overkill or perhaps the overkill did its job. Still, after the sixth, preventing preliminary scouting and insider aid was prudent. It goes under the category of closing the barn door after the horse has left.

One of the major contributions of the rural conservative cavalier culture has been that they have been eager fighters. A lot of bases are down south, a lot of soldiers southerners. Still, the military has been strong on not being aligned against the American people or being more active than necessary in providing security. I don’t see them suddenly starting genocides.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:21 pm
Guest wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:15 am
When WW3 breaks out, I'm not going to fight. Bill Clinto and G.W. Bush didn't go; I'm not either. Send BLM, the illegals, and Antifa to war. It's their country now.
This sentiment is the one that's going to prevail. John says you're gonna change your tune and unite with your hated domestic political rival when the existence of the US is threatened.

To some extent they gonna TRY to unite people, many will forgive and forget, but a critical amount won't, and recent immigrants won't care about America's survival, at least not enough to die for. And besides it goes way beyond political rivalry, it goes to evaluating exactly what existence we would try to preserve, and who gets to inherit it in the end.

I believe the US will unleash its war machine but I doubt the majority of troops will go into battle already knowing they're dead men walking, yet grimly going in anyway to protect their children and way of life. There is no sense of duty like that among the Millennials and GenZ and it won't spring from out of the blue, even in a crisis.

Once the ease of warfare due to tech gets exhausted, once the nukes are depleted, the satellites destroyed, tech centers nuked to dust, the fighting will be the brutal guns and artillery and filth the coddled youth won't be able to handle.
In my opinion, the deciding factor will be how the war starts.

As I explained in an earlier post, it is very likely that we will soon be forced to fight a major war in the Middle East just to prevent the dollar from collapsing and the economy from becoming Venezuela overnight. While such a war would indeed be about countering a potential existential threat, it would also be about countering a threat whose creation was entirely avoidable, and only made possible because of decades of government corruption/incompetence. Meanwhile, as I also explained in an earlier post, the government will resort to unprecedented tyranny to win such a war, including but not limited to mass asset confiscation (as an insurance policy in the event that the war causes it to default on its debts). So in other words, such a war will cause many Americans to lose both their sons and their stuff.

Let me tell you. I pray that war with China comes before the aforementioned war in the Middle East. Because if it doesn't, the chances of us winning would be slim from the outset. A significant percentage of the American people -- across the board -- would be far too angry at the government to give a shit about who we're fighting and why. At best, they will refuse to fight. At worst, they will collaborate with the enemy out of spite. The pro-CCP left and pro-CCP right will dramatically increase in ranks, to America's peril.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:26 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:53 am
The reality check is that Hispanics are not part of a political divide, they are part of a cultural divide.

If 500million Hispanics crossed the Rio Grande would they still unite under Kamala? If 1 billion Hispanics crossed would they still unite behind a dumb-ass US Administration?

At what point do they simply compose a nation with their own ideas? An independent generational cohort? I say that threshold has already been reached.
Do you visit Chinese restaurants? Do you drink green beer on St. Patrick’s day? Is eating Tex / Mex food any different? Immigrant cultures have been coming to the US throughout our history, and eventually their cultures are absorbed as a natural part of the US. It is what we do.
This is a perfect example of believing in the "magic dirt theory". So regardless of the number of humans entering the US, regardless of the flux, or amount within a period of time, once they touch the magic dirt on the northern side of the Rio Grande, they magically assimilate into a pre-existing culture.

So if 500 Trillion humans crossed the Rio Grande, it doesn't matter, the magic dirt will magically transform them. The magic of Hollywood, the magic of Disney will magically make them Yankee Doodle consumers and the 500 Trillion will blindly follow and die for the demented white dude.

"It's what we do", right?

The magic dirt didn't work too well for the Native Americans did it? The hoards of Europeans who landed in America had no effect on the nature of the tribes of South, Central and North America. The Europeans assimilated to the existing native tribal Indian culture because "that's what we do"?

Oh wait, it didn't work that way.

This mental block Bob and John and many people have is going to result in a major shock and cognitive dissonance when reality hits.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

DaKardii, again, you are wrong about the petro dollar. The issue with the ME will be Iran against Israel et al

The Chinese will be waiting in the wings, the Russians and USA also waiting on the sidelines.

The Middle East doesn't matter. Period. It'll starve when shipping lanes are shut down, and that has far more to do with the larger powers actions than anything. I couldn't care less about Israel and the Middle East at this point, except for what our dumb pols drag us into.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:53 pm
The magic dirt didn't work too well for the Native Americans did it? The hoards of Europeans who landed in America had no effect on the nature of the tribes of South, Central and North America. The Europeans assimilated to the existing native tribal Indian culture because "that's what we do"?

Oh wait, it didn't work that way.

This mental block Bob and John and many people have is going to result in a major shock and cognitive dissonance when reality hits.
To be fair, the Native Americans were not welcoming necessarily, nor offering benefits or welfare as we do now (for a short time, of course). That makes it entirely different; Europeans couldn't be bought off as the natives had little to nothing to offer that couldn't be outright taken, to be frank.

I do agree with Burner that I don't see the unity. I do assign it a low probability though, as should all sane thinkers, who haven't learned around here that you can't rule every last thing out (like there may be no war in the time they claim clairvoyance on).

It's actually MOST likely that degradation and balkanization occur moving forward. Things in motion tend to stay in that trend. That's why it's so silly to say that war MUST happen and it MUST be like what I say it will. I think war will happen somewhere, yes I do, but I do not think anyone here can be certain at all as to how it looks or to how we'll react, etc.

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