14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for war

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14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for war

Post by John »

14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for war in east Ukraine

Russia provides advanced weapons to Russians in east Ukraine

** 14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for war in east Ukraine
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e141114

Russian troops in East Ukraine bring along new advanced weapons systems
Ukraine and Russia prepare for full-scale war

Generational Dynamics, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin,
1RL232 "Leopard" battlefield surveillance radar system,
1RL239 "Lynx" radar system, Mariupol, Crimea

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Re: 14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for w

Post by Trevor »

There's also a question I notice most are ignoring: what are the other countries in Eastern Europe going to do, especially ones that were formerly part of the Soviet Union? This looks like a lot more than just trying to teach their neighbors not to venture into the west's influential sphere. I personally think Putin intends to annex the entire country to the Russian empire. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but it's beginning to look that way.

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Re: 14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for w

Post by burt »


What photos? on my knowledge NO PHOTO is available.
We have to believe "experts" on one camp or the other, but NO ONE has a proof of anything.
Now it looks much more like a "brainwashing war" based on propaganda method

NO ONE can afford a real war, so eventually Russia will take control of the east part of Ukraine but only WITHOUT a real war and what it's supposed to be.

Regards to all


Re: 14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for w

Post by Rowan »

No satellite images? Only photos from journalists which don't show landmarks or other location-identifiable features? More proof is needed of Russian involvement, not just idiotic US propaganda.

Thus far, the side the US supports in Ukraine has bombed maternity units and schools, is demonstrably made up of neo-Nazi thugs, has obstructed investigation into the Malaysian airplane crash (and probably caused that same crash) and still hasn't held an election to legitimise their ousting of the previous government.

Thus far the US has pushed NATO ever eastward despite promises not to do so, has pushed for ridiculous sanctions causing more financial problems across Europe, and has failed to release any definitive proof of any of their claims despite having the most advanced reconnaissance technology.

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Re: 14-Nov-14 World View -- Russia and Ukraine prepare for w

Post by John »

Russia claimed they weren't invading Crimea, just as Russian troops
were invading Crimea. Russia claimed that they wouldn't annex Crimea,
just before they annexed Crimea, a clear violation of international
law. Russia claimed that there were no Russian troops in east Ukraine
at a time when Russian troops were entering east Ukraine. On
September 5, Russia signed an international peace agreement (the
"Minsk protocols") in which they committed to a political compromise
in east Ukraine, and then supported east Ukraine elections in complete
violation of their own agreement. Basically, anything that comes from
Russian state media or Russia's government should be considered to be
a lie.

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