3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

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3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by John »

3-Apr-10 News - Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

** 3-Apr-10 News - Russia's President Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods against terrorists
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 03#e100403

"Russian President Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods against terrorists"
"Al-Qaeda terrorism in Russia"
"Additional Links"

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by ridgel »

While we're complaining about propaganda that helps the other side, just posting the picture of that attractive couple does wonders for the legitimacy of the Chechneyan movement. Yes, she's wearing a burka, but the husband at least could pass for "white", heck, could pass for a college or grad student in many parts of the country. And they look determined, not psychotic. Twenty years ago our country would have considered them freedom fighters against Red Russia. Now John's turning them into Al Quaeda before our eyes without a shred of evidence.

Anyways, the Russians in crisis are reverting to instinct - clamping down. God help anyone who happens to live in a country bordering on those guys.

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by thomasglee »

ridgel wrote:While we're complaining about propaganda that helps the other side, just posting the picture of that attractive couple does wonders for the legitimacy of the Chechneyan movement. Yes, she's wearing a burka, but the husband at least could pass for "white", heck, could pass for a college or grad student in many parts of the country. And they look determined, not psychotic. Twenty years ago our country would have considered them freedom fighters against Red Russia. Now John's turning them into Al Quaeda before our eyes without a shred of evidence.

Anyways, the Russians in crisis are reverting to instinct - clamping down. God help anyone who happens to live in a country bordering on those guys.
John's not turning them into anything they don't already profess to be a part of. It is a known fact that the Chechneyan rebels are Islamic extremists linked to Al Quaeda. Chechneyan rebels have been captured on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as in Bosnia.

People need to get their heads out of the sand and realize that the entire Islamic Ummah is aligning itself against the world. Sure, there are "some" moderate Muslims that don't agree with their actions, but many polls indicate that at least 20% of Muslims support the radicals and when you're talking about 1 billion plus in population, that's more than 200 million radicals.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by ridgel »

"People need to get their heads out of the sand..."

My country's being overrun with Mexicans, not Muslims. Muslims are half a world away. When a million muslims start invading every year I'll start worrying about them instead. Let's set some priorities here.

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by thomasglee »

ridgel wrote:"People need to get their heads out of the sand..."

My country's being overrun with Mexicans, not Muslims. Muslims are half a world away. When a million muslims start invading every year I'll start worrying about them instead. Let's set some priorities here.
When Mexicans start blowing themselves up to kill Americans, when Mexicans start saying they want to destroy us with nukes, when Mexicans start blowing up buildings in the USA, then I'll worry. Until then, I'll do what I can to get officials elected that will protect our borders while also focusing on the threat from radical Islamic terrorists.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”


Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by Guest »

You missed the part where Mexicans shot a rancher on his own land on the Arizona border last weekend? Or where Mexican gangs assassinated an American consular staff and his wife a couple of weeks ago? Or maybe just the slow degradation in quality of schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods as Illegals take them over? Once the Southern border is secure we can start worrying about Russian problems.

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by thomasglee »

Guest wrote:You missed the part where Mexicans shot a rancher on his own land on the Arizona border last weekend? Or where Mexican gangs assassinated an American consular staff and his wife a couple of weeks ago? Or maybe just the slow degradation in quality of schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods as Illegals take them over? Once the Southern border is secure we can start worrying about Russian problems.
Nope, I saw those incidents and I admit they're a problem. But Mexicans are not trying to get nukes. That's enough for me at the moment to worry more about Islamofacists than Mexicans. The problem is not a "Russian" problem, it is a global problem.

And BTW: You do know what this site is about don't you? Perhaps not. If you did, you would understand that the site is devoted to analyzing geopolitical events based on Generational Dynamics.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by ridgel »

Yes, I'm familiar with the site's purpose. And I think "Islamofacism" is a laughable distraction from the real issues affecting the world. Drunk drivers are consistently more deadly than "Islamofacists". The only time terrorism ever affects the typical person is when they go through the song and dance routine to get on an airplane. Anyone who gets their panties in a bunch over an enemy who's deadliest weapon is smuggling makeshift explosives in their underwear doesn't deserve to analyze geopolitical events.

While the U.S. is "battling" islamofacism around the world, spending vast sums of money tilting at windmills, our industry is consistently moving to asia, year after year, and our standard of living is being reduced by invaders from mexico, year after year. Our young people don't study math and engineering because they know they'll end up making less than a union garbage truck worker if they do. Our politicians shovel trillions of dollars of borrowed dollars into politically connected banks without any auditing or oversight. And you're worried about 39 people in Russia killed by a widow in revenge for the death of her husband? Get real.

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by thomasglee »

ridgel wrote:Yes, I'm familiar with the site's purpose.
Obviously you're not. He does daily analysis. The day, that just happened to be the news of the day. Get over it. If you don't like his analysis, I'm sure his site won't die without one more reader.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: 3-Apr-10 News-Medvedev urges 'crueler' methods v terrorists

Post by ridgel »

You're angry at me for pointing out that islamofacism is a boogeyman. That's been the response of most islamofacistphobes that I've seen. You guys don't deal in facts, you just like to tell campfire stories to each other and then get mad when someone turns on the light.

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