28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

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28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Post by John »

28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Trump, meeting Modi in Washington, approves sale of 22 drones to India

** 28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170628

China threatens India over military border clash in Sikkim state
Trump, meeting Modi in Washington, approves sale of 22 drones to India

Generational Dynamics, India, Narendra Modi, Himalayas,
Sikkim state, China, Tibet province, Guardian drones,
North Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK

Guest JP

Re: 28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Post by Guest JP »

Is China planning to fight a multi-front front war? Or are they just misjudging the situation?

When the 100 days President Trump gave the Chinese is up on July 17th, do you anticipate military action against North Korea? George Friedman thinks China will do nothing if America attacks North Korea. I don't think China would want to tangle with America at this point, but who knows what the Chinese are thinking?

I can't make heads or tails of any of this.

If China was planning to defend North Korea, why start a fight with the Indians?

Is this 4D chess? (Whatever 4/D chess means...) Do you think people are just playing this by ear, or is this part of a larger strategy? Or is this just a train derailing off a bridge over a deep chasm?

Help me out on this one, John.

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Post by John »

Guest JP wrote: > Is China planning to fight a multi-front front war? Or are they
> just misjudging the situation?

> When the 100 days President Trump gave the Chinese is up on July
> 17th, do you anticipate military action against North Korea?
> George Friedman thinks China will do nothing if America attacks
> North Korea. I don't think China would want to tangle with America
> at this point, but who knows what the Chinese are thinking?

> I can't make heads or tails of any of this.

> If China was planning to defend North Korea, why start a fight
> with the Indians?

> Is this 4D chess? (Whatever 4/D chess means...) Do you think
> people are just playing this by ear, or is this part of a larger
> strategy? Or is this just a train derailing off a bridge over a
> deep chasm?

> Help me out on this one, John.
In my opinion, things will stay relatively quiet unless and until
North Korea tests another nuclear weapon or another long-range
ballistic missile. If neither of those tests occurs, then the
perception will be that the Chinese have succeeded in convincing the
North to stop.

A new nuclear weapon test would be a major slap in the face from North
Korea to China. So the Chinese are highly motivated to try to stop
North Korea. So if there's another nuclear weapon or ballistic
missile test, that's when the situation would become highly dangerous.
Under Chinese pressure, the North may delay making any such test but,
in my opinion, nothing will stop them conducting one of these tests at
some point in the not too distant future.

Events on the border between India and China and events between
Pakistan and India in Kashmir are completely independent of and
unrelated to the North Korea situation.

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Re: 28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Post by gerald »

Guest JP wrote:Is China planning to fight a multi-front front war? Or are they just misjudging the situation?

When the 100 days President Trump gave the Chinese is up on July 17th, do you anticipate military action against North Korea? George Friedman thinks China will do nothing if America attacks North Korea. I don't think China would want to tangle with America at this point, but who knows what the Chinese are thinking?

I can't make heads or tails of any of this.

If China was planning to defend North Korea, why start a fight with the Indians?

Is this 4D chess? (Whatever 4/D chess means...) Do you think people are just playing this by ear, or is this part of a larger strategy? Or is this just a train derailing off a bridge over a deep chasm?

Help me out on this one, John.
"Is this 4D chess? (Whatever 4/D chess means...) "

It could be. -- 4D chess is playing a game when you "know" the out come ( in the future ) of some moves ( in the now ). However because each move has many implications the "known "out come in the future, can cascade into an unknown result. ---- It is kinda like coming to a fork in a road where you can see some distance ahead say trees or grass. but once you get there you can't go back even if what you find you don't like.
It is like precognition.

precognition, noun -- knowledge of a future event or situation, especially through extrasensory means

Precognition is real, I have experienced it on occasion with details I would have never anticipated regarding events, days , months and even years in the future.



Re: 28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Post by Guest »

gerald wrote:
Precognition is real, I have experienced it on occasion with details I would have never anticipated regarding events, days , months and even years in the future.

So what does your ability tell you about the future now?

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Joined: Sat May 02, 2009 10:34 pm

Re: 28-Jun-17 World View -- As Narendra Modi visits Washington, China threatens India after border clash

Post by gerald »

Guest wrote:
gerald wrote:
Precognition is real, I have experienced it on occasion with details I would have never anticipated regarding events, days , months and even years in the future.

So what does your ability tell you about the future now?
My insights have been personal in nature ( outside events affecting "me" ), However, I think some of the "players" have some abilities, among other things.

Genghis Khan the great land conqueror of much of Asia and part of Europe, who also help get Europe out of its cultural malaise. Would hold very active and argumentative meetings regarding religion, politics, trade, and military strategy with a no holds bared approach. When a major decision needed to be made, he alone, would retreat to the " sacred mountains" for days, to gain "guidance" and he sometimes returned visibly changed.

According to the "news media" Trumps cabinet can be very argumentative.

Nikola Tesla --- "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." (Nikola Tesla http://www.activistpost.com/2012/01/10- ... -that.html) " I don't care that they stole my idea,
I care that they don't have any of their own."


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