24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by John »

24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

The future of Generational Dynamics

** 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181224

Donald Trump's announcement of troop withdrawal signals end of 'War on Terror'
Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria
The future of ISIS and the Kurds
The future of Afghanistan
The future of Generational Dynamics

Generational Dynamics, Syria, Afghanistan, al-Raqqa,
James Mattis, Brett McGurk, Steve Bannon,
Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF, Kurds,
China, India, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, Battle of Karbala,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
Neville Chamberlain, Egypt,
Ansar Jerusalem, Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, ABM, Champions of Jerusalem,
Bedouins, Sinai Province, Al Wilayat Sinai,
Libya, al-Shabaab, Saudi Arabia, Grand Mosque, Iran, Turkey

Posts: 397
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:51 am

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by CH86 »

Throwing away the war on terror would Hurt US military prestige and Reputation abroad. Nations draw conclusions regarding strength and weakness from moves likes that. While a Generation of cowards like the boomers might not think about that, other great powers would be drawing their own conclusions and assumptions in the wake of such an act. We should be waging a blitzkrieg type campaign to win the war on terror after which a pullback would be more than possible. But a pullback without victory would be seen by Russia, China and North Korea, etc; as a sign of US weakness.

Gravely Concerned

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by Gravely Concerned »

I am shocked that you are having financial difficulties. You have books and a column on Breitbart. Has that ended? Are you not compensated for the columns? It would be a grave loss to a sane world if these columns stopped. I rely on them as a clear-eyed view of the current state of global affairs. The rest of the MSM is fake with their heads in the sand or focused on churning out propaganda.
I also work in software but we have completed our rounds of intense hiring. Besides I'm not sure you would want to deal with the drudgery of web applications.
I would strongly recommend several things to improve your reach and vary your sources of income:
1. Start a YouTube Channel. It's Free. You could very, very easily and simply lecture to the camera daily with your Generational Dynamics content. You don't have to show your face, you can narrate with some interesting background relevant video. Seed views by captioning your vids with current relevant affairs or reactions and reviews of other popular YouTubers who have also commented on global events. Daily vids are the best way to attract and keep attention and grow subscriptions. Study PewDiePie who knows how to capture the zeitgeist of tens of millions and is the single most subscribed content creator.
2. Start a Patreon. People like me who value your content will support you every month as long as we are able (employed).
You can plug your books and column on your channel. (don't overdo it)

The most important thing you should understand is that the very young are post Millennials and already have a sense of the things you discuss. You could give them the real substance they are craving. Good Luck.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

When Jordon Peterson's replacement for Patreon comes online, make that work for you!


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Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by John »

Gravely Concerned wrote: > 1. Start a YouTube Channel. ... 2. Start a Patreon.
How about if you set the whole thing up and do the marketing,
publicity, and public relations. Also, take responsibility for
selling ads, getting subscribers, and related things.

Please keep in touch, let me know how things are going, and let me
know when you need me to record or write something for the project.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Gravely Concerned wrote: > I also work in software but we have completed our rounds of
> intense hiring. Besides I'm not sure you would want to deal with
> the drudgery of web applications.
Lol! And I'll bet your "intense hiring" didn't include any older
people. But if you change your mind, let me know. I have a lot of
experience developing web applications, and don't consider them to be
Gravely Concerned wrote: > Good Luck.
Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas!

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Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:05 pm

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by shoshin »

Ok John, I'm the same age as you, and you're right, no sane HR person would hire either of us (I was a PhD in biotech). I would love to see you (or me) as a Walmart greeter, that would be a hoot.

But I am confused by your thesis:
(1) What happened to the US being the "policeman of the world"?You told me that was our burden!

(2) You also told me that our Afghan military base was essential in the coming year with China. You dismised that a little too glibly.

(3) You say Trump was "educated in Generational Dynamics" by Bannon. In the words of John McEnroe, " You cannot be serious!!"

On a serious note, anything I can do for you?


Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by Guest »

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, John. I am also struggling. I used to make a lot of money, but not anymore.

But. Don't give up.

Posts: 1212
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:43 am

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by Trevor »

Be a shame to see this site shut down. I consider Generational Dynamics to be worthwhile and it's the only news source around that I trust. Just about everyone else is full of bullshit. I hope you'll find a way to keep the website up and running or at least have the information saved if you aren't able to come up with the money. Thanks for all the work you've done.

Posts: 397
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:51 am

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by CH86 »

Opening a Patreon site should provide funds for the site. Patreon is autonomous and not excessively regulated like Youtube is. Youtube is a simpler solution, but beware that they like to crack down on content over there.


Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by Guest »

Trevor wrote:Be a shame to see this site shut down. I consider Generational Dynamics to be worthwhile and it's the only news source around that I trust. Just about everyone else is full of bullshit. I hope you'll find a way to keep the website up and running or at least have the information saved if you aren't able to come up with the money. Thanks for all the work you've done.
This. Yes, thank my you for everything you have done with this site. I can't say you opened my eyes to what was happening. I knew. HOWEVER, this website confirm to me that I wasn't crazy. I had thought it was just me. Thank you, John.

Merry Christmas, and here is to a better 2019.

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