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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:48 pm
by FishbellykanakaDude
OK,.. here's a thoroughly wacky idea,.. that might make you (John) a guano-load of money:

(This regards selling your book.)

1) Put a prominently displayed NOTICE on your "sales page" (and everywhere the book is advertised) that reads:
  • Special Introductory Price - <the present price>- Introductory Period Ends 20-Aug-2019, when the price will jump to $18.99, with a further price increase for the "Signed Golden Special Edition" to $28.99 after 31-Oct-2019.
2) Offer smallish-to-mediumish percentage discounts for bulk purchases.

3.0) Request "Contributions" from readers concerning the content in the book during the two "Intro" periods of the book's release (now-to-20Aug2019 and 21Aug2019-to-15Oct2019 [to give time for prepublishing of the 31Oct2019 edition]),

3.1) Offer an "Addendum" book that contains "your thinking" on the "contributions from readers" to the book during BOTH the now-to-20Aug2019 period, and the post-31Oct2019 period, priced at 25%-to-50% of the "then-current book" price.
(( So, the price of Adden#1 would be $5.00to$9.50, and Adden#2 would be $7.25to$14.50 ))

3.2) Offer a 50% discount on the second Addendum book if the first Addendum book was purchased.

4) ..whatever clever stuff you can dig up to make buying your incredibly valuable information a more and more urgent necessity.

All prices, time periods, and other specifics can be tweaked as you see fit, obviously, but the value of your work is more than worthy of being promoted as an increasing value proposition over time. might wanna make the "intro period" end in mid/late July or the beginning of August, actually.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:59 pm
by John
** 22-Jun-2019 Guano load
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > OK,.. here's a thoroughly wacky idea,.. that might make you (John)
> a guano-load of money:
Amazon controls the sales pages and all the pricing deals, once I've
set the book price. One option is a bulk purchase, and I've clicked
the box approving that.

In the past 15 years, I've tried doing things for free including
giving books away for free, and it's never done anything but cost
me money.

And I certainly don't think that dealing in bird feces will work for

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 3:38 am
by truthwinsout
Non US companies are leaving China in droves. Over 3000 have left this year already with another 2000 or more to come.

China has daily riots that have escalated from 1-2 per week to 1-2 per day.

Hong Kong is rebelling and may soon succeed and join Taiwan or go on its own.

There is a depression coming the likes of which the world has never seen but the one with the most excess capacity is China and it will be crippled to the point where the Communist Government may be deposed.

Everyone talks about China selling its US Treasury holdings as some kind of retaliation. Without those sales, China would be bankrupt and in a much worse position than is already has become.

And worse, automation is coming.

The one who needs the deal is China. Not the US.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:53 am
by John
** 23-Jun-2019 US companies leaving China
truthwinsout wrote: > Non US companies are leaving China in droves. Over 3000 have left
> this year already with another 2000 or more to come.
Do you have a source for this claim?
truthwinsout wrote: > China has daily riots that have escalated from 1-2 per week to 1-2
> per day.
Do you have a source for this claim?
truthwinsout wrote: > Hong Kong is rebelling and may soon succeed and join Taiwan or go
> on its own.
This would result in all-out war.
truthwinsout wrote: > There is a depression coming the likes of which the world has
> never seen but the one with the most excess capacity is China and
> it will be crippled to the point where the Communist Government
> may be deposed.
That appears to be true.
truthwinsout wrote: > Everyone talks about China selling its US Treasury holdings as
> some kind of retaliation. Without those sales, China would be
> bankrupt and in a much worse position than is already has
> become.

> And worse, automation is coming.

> The one who needs the deal is China. Not the US.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:19 pm
by FishbellykanakaDude
John wrote:** 22-Jun-2019 Guano load
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > OK,.. here's a thoroughly wacky idea,.. that might make you (John)
> a guano-load of money:
... And I certainly don't think that dealing in bird feces will work for

Indo Bat Guano - $6.00 per Pound

..yeah,.. not overly "value dense", is it?

(( Apparently, actual BIRD guano is a rarity these days. ))

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 7:31 pm
by John
** 23-Jun-2019 World View: Vitriolic racial north-south China split

In the last 24 hours I've really become aware of a very deep racial
divide separating northern and southern China. I'm referring to the
article that I posted yesterday about how the Hong Kong protests are
inflaming the north-south split in China.

I cross-posted this article on Breitbart, where it's gotten hundreds
of comments. One thing that I noticed immediately is that no one
seems to be disagreeing with the article. Typically I get people
calling me a neocon or a libtard or worse, but in this case the
article was quoted only to agree with it.

What's most important, however, is that comments have taken a strong
vitriolic racist turn. One person in particular says that the
Cantonese people in Hong Kong will easily be defeated by the CCP army
because they are filthy and weak, too weak to fight, and will collapse
immediately rather than die.

I've also learned a few Chinese words. A southerner is referred to as
a "hao," a Westerner is a "gweilo," and "Cao ni ma wumao" means "F***
your mother, CCP 50 cent Army troll."

I hadn't realized until now the depth of racial hatred between the
"Han" and the "Hao" (assuming I have those terms right), but it also
explains what's going on with the "Patriotic Education Campaign,"
whose purpose is to direct Chinese nationalistic hatred towards Japan,
rather than towards other Chinese.

Ever since the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, the CCP government has been pursuing a
relentless "Patriotic Education Campaign" to stir up nationalistic
hatred against the West, and particularly against Japan. I described
this in my book, and here's a 2015 Diplomat article that describes it: ... in-action/

As I described in the article, China's last two massive rebellions
(the Communist Revolution and the Taiping Rebellion) began in the
south and moved against the north. The purpose of the "Patriotic
Education Campaign" is to prevent a new north-south rebellion by
stoking anti-Japanese nationalism. But it won't work. All it means
is that there will be a north-south rebellion AND a war with Japan.

Anyone who thinks that this kind of vitriolic hatred won't
lead to war should remember how the Sino-Japanese war got started.
If you had been around in early 1937, and somebody had said to you,
"Before the end if this year, Japan is going to declare war on China,
and in the 'rape of Nanking,' hundreds of thousands of Chinese
civilians will be summarily beaten, tortured, raped, and slaughtered,
even after surrendering," you would probably have thought that was
ridiculous, but that's exactly what happened.

So we have this same kind of vitriolic hatred in China-Japan relations
and in north-south China relations. During World War II, China faced
an internal rebellion and an external war with Japan. The same thing
is going to happen again.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.

---- Source:

-- Japan / China nationalism / China's WW2 Remembrance: 'Patriotic
Education' in Action ... in-action/
(Diplomat, 15-Aug-2015)

---- Related:

** 22-Jun-19 World View -- Hong Kong protests show historic split between northern and southern China
** ... tm#e190622

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:33 pm
by tim
John wrote: Anyone who thinks that this kind of vitriolic hatred won't
lead to war should remember how the Sino-Japanese war got started.
If you had been around in early 1937, and somebody had said to you,
"Before the end if this year, Japan is going to declare war on China,
and in the 'rape of Nanking,' hundreds of thousands of Chinese
civilians will be summarily beaten, tortured, raped, and slaughtered,
even after surrendering," you would probably have thought that was
ridiculous, but that's exactly what happened.

So we have this same kind of vitriolic hatred in China-Japan relations
and in north-south China relations. During World War II, China faced
an internal rebellion and an external war with Japan. The same thing
is going to happen again.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.
I was reading an old interview with an American WWII Veteran who had this to say regarding Dec 7th 1941:
I know that I was devastated. The whole country was. I mean, I was dumfounded that anybody could attack us. Actually, at that time in history, I think we all in America felt as safe as anybody could feel in the face of the earth. Who in the world could even get close to us? Europe was over there. The East was over there. We just didn't have any idea something like that could happen and that's a complete surprise to me.
The same shock to the world is coming and everyone will think it's the first time it's happened. Pearl Harbor is now just a movie or something to read about in a textbook.

"On April 20th 2025 the PLA launched multiple nuclear weapons at the west coast of the U.S. destroying cities, killing millions of civilians, and forever changing world history. China wanted to intimidate the Americans from becoming involved in the Asian war. I never could have imagined anything so horrific - I didn't know where China was on a map, my whole life I heard that China was a poor country where the workers made a penny a day and lived in rice huts! Sure I heard about the horrors of the Indian-Chinese Front but that was on the other side of the world!"

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:44 pm
by John
tim wrote: > "On April 20th 2025 the PLA launched multiple nuclear weapons at
> the west coast of the U.S. destroying cities, killing millions of
> civilians, and forever changing world history. China wanted to
> intimidate the Americans from becoming involved in the Asian
> war. I never could have imagined anything so horrific - I didn't
> know where China was on a map, my whole life I heard that China
> was a poor country where the workers made a penny a day and lived
> in rice huts! Sure I heard about the horrors of the Indian-Chinese
> Front but that was on the other side of the world!"
I suspect that it will be long before 2025.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 11:50 pm
by CH86
John wrote:
tim wrote: > "On April 20th 2025 the PLA launched multiple nuclear weapons at
> the west coast of the U.S. destroying cities, killing millions of
> civilians, and forever changing world history. China wanted to
> intimidate the Americans from becoming involved in the Asian
> war. I never could have imagined anything so horrific - I didn't
> know where China was on a map, my whole life I heard that China
> was a poor country where the workers made a penny a day and lived
> in rice huts! Sure I heard about the horrors of the Indian-Chinese
> Front but that was on the other side of the world!"
I suspect that it will be long before 2025.
This scenario is impossible as described above because you mention an aggressive active China post-attack when if even only a handful of nukes were launched, china would practically cease to exist about one hour later. It is only thinkable due to the tyrannical control of inept globalist "part-warmongers/part-appeasers/part-peaceniks/part-self-saboteurs) in the US. Without the globalists running things this scenario is otherwise practically impossible.

One of the main reasons Xers and Millies dislike boomer governance of the executive is precisely because of how we think boomer globalist leaders would respond in scenarios like the above one. We are afraid that if another 9/11 or even a "nuclear 9/11" or even a "nuclear pearl harbor" occurred, we fear that the boomer if allowed to be the leader in society would wage a conventional campaign in response under some such excuse as "we Americans are humanitarians, we don't target civilians". Established Long-standing US nuclear doctrine agrees with my arguments regarding such matters, said doctrines in no way shape or form agree with you or other boomers. Said doctrines call for and have always called for immediate bombardment nuclear strikes in the event of an enemy attack with Nukes.

Boomer Globalists on the other hand want to do a "WW2 do over" basically because they regarded the existence of the Soviet regime and the soviet allies, the Chinese regime and Arab nationalist regimes post-ww2 as indicative on an unsatisfactory end to WW2 even though we defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Boomer Globalist want a perverse world where liberal laissez-faire democracies are the only governments that exists. Globalists don't realize that the citizens are getting restless and that whistle-blowers like Joel Skousen have already came forward and exposed their disgusting plans to provoke a war and set the US initially for failure in order to implement a globalist military system in the aftermath of their deliberate incompetence. America being caught with its pants down is very much thinkable under boomer leadership, especially since that has already happened once before (9/11/2001). Its obvious that the boomer globalists are more afraid of the American people and what they might do than are of what our external enemies can do. Boomer globalists apparently intend to force us to fight with one arm behind our backs with their control being relinquished only in the event we "lose an arm" and therefore having peace of mind (because there would only be one arm left, rather than two) afterwards.

Note: examples of Skousen's writings are Here as follows: ... Nvt5zsRJvJ ... vJ&index=1

The Tyranny Being exercised by boomer "humanitarian intervene-ers" is patently obvious, I don't even like John Bolton but is blatantly obvious that the recent unprovoked attack on our drone by the Iranians (made more egregious because the shoot-down came just days after similar attacks on oil tankers at the same time representatives of the very countries whose tankers were attacked were conducting negotiations in Tehran in good faith) should have been responded to, as Bolton indicated. Had we swiftly eliminated the 150 Iranians mentioned in the news that would have bolstered US military reputation not just in the Persian Gulf but in other regions as well, Both Russia and China would have been forced to take note at the very least.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:47 am
by shoshin
another book sales idea....get a blurb from Bannon!