EU Summit Results - Increase Migrant Capacity to 100,000 enroute at one time

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Reality Check
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EU Summit Results - Increase Migrant Capacity to 100,000 enroute at one time

Post by Reality Check »

The EU executive announced that the EU will increase it's en-route capacity to handle up to 100,000 migrants at one time so that the EU can better manage the ever increasing flow of migrants from Asia and Africa into Northern Europe, Western Europe and Central Europe along the Greece and then Balkan country migration route into Europe.

Refugee facilities in Greece and the Balkan countries will be increased to allow up to 100,000 migrants to be queued up in this housing while they wait to be moved to the next country.

Nothing like having a more efficient management plan to hurry your cultural suicide by immigrant along.

Great job EU elite.

Now if you can just get those pesky Migrants to use those transit housing facilities that are not where they want, when they want them.

Remember, no force allowed. ... The-Latest

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