Ukraine: Radioactive water and methane explosions. Experts warn against the disaster

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Ukraine: Radioactive water and methane explosions. Experts warn against the disaster

Post by RickDangerous »

The sinking of mines in the separatist republics of Donbas in eastern Ukraine is already affecting the state of water and land in the territory under the control of the authorities in Kiev," the Donbas Realiji portal writes. Experts warn against an ecological disaster.

According to the OSCE, at least 39 plants are currently sunk in the Donbass area. Mykhailo Volynets, the head of the Independent Miners' Union of Ukraine, when asked by PAP about the consequences of this process, assessed that they will be "catastrophic". As he explained, in case of sinking of the mine the water is gradually directed to the surface, methane is pushed out, which accumulates in the cellars, in the buildings there may be later explosions. Mine water goes to rivers, drinking water sources are polluted, highly mineralized water causes salinization of the land. - There will be such a landscape on this territory as on the moon, it will be impossible to live there - he said.

Source: Donbas Realiji

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