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Presidential Election

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:26 pm
by limbus
Come on then...Obama or McCain?

And are you making your decision on whether they will be able to lead the country through depression and war, or for other reasons?

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:00 pm
by wvally

I am making my decision because of his ability to lead us through war--he's been there--and depression--I think Obama would respond with full-blown socialism.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:59 am
by natexermusicmaker
I am looking forward to having an Xer cutting through after Boomer insanity of the past 16 years. My preferred brand would be at the VP slot this year, as the Xer at the #1 spot strongly reinforces the slacker, cynical image with which we all have unfortunately been saddled. His background is very much like that of Prince: whose music I dearly subscribe to, but would terrify me as a leader (Prince is a boomer, but Obama is only 3 years younger!) I don't think that America can get behind someone who's been able to attain his opportunities by merely erasing his opponents, erasing his previous suspect associations (by not acknowledging them), and upon entering the national spotlight via a speech at the 2004 Dem convention has only been able to maintain his popularity by prompter-dependently speechifying about the uniqueness of his multi-cultural ethnicity. Truly the first post-modern candidate. While Prince's musical message has also been historically and universally appealing (illustrating the midwest personality: much like Michael Jackson), on rare occasions that he has been interviewed, I have just found myself cringing at his ideas. Sarah Palin will represent a correction of the culture's family fragmentation that has been evolving since the Awakening of the 60's-70's. Just to have someone up there who is not ANGRY and whose private life is far more important to her than her political life is a refreshing change (ugh...did I use that tiresome word?). She'll learn what she needs to become dependable in foreign policy: and should it be warranted...well, Harry Truman did fine (another "slacker" Nomad!) Yes, "the buck will stop" with her too.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:36 pm
by Tom Mazanec
Pro-life (or anti-choice, if you prefer)
Abortion has killed about as many people in this country as died in all of WW II around the globe.
And they were the most defenseless of all.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:43 pm
by Witchiepoo
I've found my candidate ... Ruben for Prez! ... /alt-vice/

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:51 am
by MikeShadow
I do find it interesting that we have apparently had quite enough of the Boomers after 16 years of yelling and fingerpointing and tearing down the ol' student union...

It leaves us a stark choice. Dial it back and go with a Silent, or play it forward with X. In more detail: do we follow the Silent role in adding more textures and layers of government process to address these difficult issues, or do we follow the X role of getting down to bizness and cleaning up the Boomer mess?

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:32 pm
by axis_of_evil
Democrats will likely win 2008, since the last few Republican administrations were viewed with increasing contempt as the younger generation started to have more say in matters, especially on issues such as the Iraq war, and the older generations have been dying off. But the Democratic administration will only last through the beginnings of the Depression (1 term), with Republicans winning the 2012 election as the Democratic administration would be unlikely to have the opportunity to pull the economy out of the Depression, paralysed by the problems facing it.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:58 pm
by Matt1989
axis_of_evil wrote:Democrats will likely win 2008, since the last few Republican administrations were viewed with increasing contempt as the younger generation started to have more say in matters, especially on issues such as the Iraq war, and the older generations have been dying off. But the Democratic administration will only last through the beginnings of the Depression (1 term), with Republicans winning the 2012 election as the Democratic administration would be unlikely to have the opportunity to pull the economy out of the Depression, paralysed by the problems facing it.
Neither party is in a particularly good position. Obama will win this election, but he'll be facing a worsening economy.

I imagine both parties will suck up the blame. A new popular political party isn't out of the question, and neither is the fall of the current governmental structure.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:16 pm
by Witchiepoo
I can't decide between Nader and Barr.

Any suggestions? Other than the standard response of the brainwashed, of course, which is that I'm wasting my vote.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:30 pm
by Matt1989
Witchiepoo wrote:I can't decide between Nader and Barr.

Any suggestions? Other than the standard response of the brainwashed, of course, which is that I'm wasting my vote.
It's probably closer to wasting your time (not that this is any different from voting for a major candidate).

