Future of politics

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Future of politics

Post by Trevor »

I'll admit, I'm starting to wonder if things are going to end up even worse than they were during the 1930's under Roosevelt. Trump's presidency has lasted for about two and a half months and impeachment is already being proposed. I know there was some talk about it under Obama-not sure how serious it was- but not this quickly.

There's a strong belief that Russia helped Trump win the election with the hacked e-mails showing some of the corruption in the democratic party. I notice they don't like to discuss what those e-mails revealed, talking about the extent of the media collusion for Hilary, rigging it against Sanders to make sure he didn't win (which should say something about her weakness as a candidate)

I'm still of the belief that Russia's goal was to sow chaos and discord. No matter who the President was, they would be victorious. If Hilary won, then she would still be a badly damaged president; she's never been well-liked or trusted and the scandals and leaks have only weakened her further. If Trump won, he'd have to face questions about Russia's role in the election. Either way, the United States would be too occupied fighting among itself to do anything significant about Russia's resurgence.

In order to actually have grounds to impeach him, more than speculation is necessary. You'd need concrete evidence that Russia did it for the specific purpose of getting Trump elected. In fact, you'd need quite a bit more than that; you'd need a smoking gun proving that the Trump Administration knowingly collaborated with Putin in order to beat Hilary.

As for the claims that Obama spied on the Trump campaign to sabotage him the way he had repeatedly alleged... Susan Rice admitted that there was surveillance on Trump associates, so it's not as preposterous as it first sounded. At the same time, that's a long way from proving his specific allegation. They would need considerably more evidence than they currently have... which is likely to be difficult to obtain considering the political climate we're seeing now.

I've got the sinking feeling that this is only the beginning, and it's likely to get a lot worse. Even as bad as it was ten years ago, I'd have never imagined it getting to this point, with the behavior of the media, the democrats, and quite frankly, Trump. We've already seen numerous acts of violence and I truly doubt we've seen the last of it.

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Re: Future of politics

Post by John »

Most of what's going on today is fatuous political nonsense. Some
people may get fired, Susan Rice may be shown to have engaged in
criminal activities, but in the large picture, these are all noise.
We have major crises going on in the world, in the Mideast, in Asia,
and so forth. The local political squabbles are just background
noise, because people can't stand thinking about what's really going
on in the world, which is too horrible to think about.

The other thing to remember is that although half the country despises
Trump, and many would shoot him dead if they could, the other half
really admires Trump, and many would defend him to the death.

If you want to see something interesting, take a look at the comments
on Breitbart in response to today's article. At this moment there are
almost 8,000 comments and still counting. This is the most popular
article I've ever written.

http://www.breitbart.com/national-secur ... civilians/

And these are not admiring comments. A lot of them are bitterly
critical of Trump, and some are bitterly critical of me for writing
"fake news" -- which it most definitely is not. A lot of comments
complain that I said that "Trump was planning military action in
Syria" without absolute truth. Of course that's exactly what he's
doing, and today's news proves it, as the Pentagon has been asked to
provide military options.

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Re: Future of politics

Post by Alosito79 »

How do Millennials change the game should be seen?

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