CNN reports "Protestors" in Eastern Ukraine refuse to leave

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Reality Check
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CNN reports "Protestors" in Eastern Ukraine refuse to leave

Post by Reality Check »

. ... ne-crisis/

Donetsk, Ukraine (CNN) --
CNN, Friday, April 18th, 2014, Donetsk, Ukraine wrote: Headline: Ukraine protesters: Russian foreign minister 'did not sign anything for us'. The self-declared leader of pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Ukraine city of Donetsk on Friday defied an international deal for protesters to vacate seized buildings and lay down their arms.
CNN reports the eastern Ukraine "protestors", CNN's words, refuse to leave claiming they are not bound by an agreement they did not sign.

Neither the agreed upon joint statement in Geneva, nor the statements of Russia, nor the statements of the "Protestors", as CNN calls them, have ever suggested that Russia controls the protestors. So the west and the Kiev government have put themselves in a catch 22 position. They have agreed not to use force, but yet the only way they can remove, what CNN calls protestors, from eastern Ukraine public buildings is to use force in violation of the agreement they signed. So what did the Kiev government do in response to the the "Protestors", as they are called by CNN, refusal to leave ???

The Kiev government again threatened, on Friday, April 18th, to use it's anti-terrorist armed forces to evict the "terrorists" by force if Russia does not use it's influence to convince the "Terrorists" to leave over the weekend. ... ne-crisis/

Another deadline set by Kiev. Will Kiev again fail to meet it's own deadline, or will Ukraine use force in violation of Kiev's own written commitment in Geneva?

Will Russia, simply point out, correctly, that the Kiev government is the government that claims sovereignty over eastern Ukraine, and that Russia never claimed, nor did Russia agree in the joint statement it had command influence, nor any other kind of influence over Ukrainian citizens in east Ukraine, and that the Kiev government has agreed in writing at Geneva to exercise whatever power the Kiev government does in fact have in eastern Ukraine, without using violence, to disarm illegal armed groups?

Will Russia demand that Kiev negotiate with the citizens in eastern Ukraine to grant the citizens of eastern Ukraine autonomy, as Kiev agreed in writing, at Geneva, TO DO, rather that use violence against the citizens in eastern Ukraine as Kiev promised, in writing, at Geneva, NOT to do?

Stay tuned to your 21st century world, the one Obama is always talking about, to find out what Russia will say...

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