2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by guest »

Guest wrote:
FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
Guest wrote:I'm not a snowflake. You are just a rude, bloviating jackass who wastes everyone's time talking in circles and riddles no once cares to answer. You could give lessons on how to speak a lot and say nothing, even less than nothing, to Slavoj Žižek. Don't you ever get tired of playing the fool?
Actually, no. I love playing the fool. :) I REALLY really do.

I love conversation (which is what "playing the fool" is, by the way), and conversing with people who actually like to communicate meaningfully with others. Or even MIGHT like that, though they may not know it, or are simply bad at it.

The essence of conversation, with human discourse, is asking questions, raised by really listening to people, that clarify what each of the partners mean by what was said.

One of the things that makes for a good conversation partner is the ability to "get over yourself", and receive what is given as if it was given in good will and intention,.. even if it wasn't. :)

Of course, "getting over yourself" does not mean "not being who you are". It simply means continuing to converse regardless of attempts to "shut down" the conversation. My "good natured" ribbing and "rudeness" COULD be taken as an attempt to "shut down" conversation, but only if one is easily irritated by "grown up" conversation.

If you want a good conversation partner, just keep talking, as I'll always return the volley ("keep the game going"), and we'll get more and more of an understanding of each other and each other's world. If you don't, simply shut the hell up, Snowflake!


..ball's back in your court! :) Aloha nui īa ʻoe! <shaka>
You aren't even a good conversationalist. You just like hearing the sound of your voice. You're not witty; you're asinine. There is nothing grown up about you. I already have an extremely good understanding of you. You are an angry old windbag, and you have deluded yourself into believing you are clever and charming, when in reality, you are just rude and overbearing. You are the kind of person people go out of their way to avoid. Enjoy another lonely night at the bar...
You forget to mention that he is balding but has a long pigtail and wears bowling shirts.

I see someone is making friends fast.


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

If our fake Hawaiian poseur friend from around the camp fire would just get over himself, his life would be much easier.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:...

You aren't even a good conversationalist. You just like hearing the sound of your voice. You're not witty; you're asinine. There is nothing grown up about you. I already have an extremely good understanding of you. You are an angry old windbag, and you have deluded yourself into believing you are clever and charming, when in reality, you are just rude and overbearing. You are the kind of person people go out of their way to avoid. Enjoy another lonely night at the bar...
So,.. I take it then that youʻre not gonna shut the hell up and end the conversation?

Excellent! Good for you. <chuckle!>

Shall we continue? :)

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

guest wrote:...

You forget to mention that he is balding but has a long pigtail and wears bowling shirts.

I see someone is making friends fast.
Not quite. My maternal grandfather had a MAGNIFICENT head of hair, which all we cousins inherited, and I never had a ponytail, per se, but DID have long and REALLY long hair at various points in history,.. and I wear, nearly ubiquitously (exclusively?), oversized aloha shirts, preferably Rayon, as it feels SO nice and keeps me as close as possible in that Island Time kinda frame of mind.

And yes, I do make friends very quickly indeed!

The cowards that go by the pseudonym "guest" around here, aren't interested in "making friends", but rather are only interested in being cranky old shitferbrains.

..but they are fun to play with. :)

Wanna keep playing, coward?

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Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:If our fake Hawaiian poseur friend from around the camp fire would just get over himself, his life would be much easier.
I'm not a Hawai'ian in any way whatsoever, which you'd know if you'd simply have asked.

I do like polynesian-ness, but other than the <1% Oceanic bit of autosomal DNA that I apparently contain (which is more than likely a noise error in the testing method) I'm quite non-diverse and am really rather boringly BritishIsles/Scandinavian.

What do you think I'm posing as? I thought we were all here to share our thoughts about "stuff"?

If you're not here to ask questions to understand things that seem "odd" to you, why are you here?

Where are your questions? Oh, that's right,.. you know it all and aren't interested in anything but,... but what?

Now,.. what is your interest in the OP (original post) that brought you to this thread? Let's get back to being pertinent about the topic on the table, shall we? :)


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

Now,.. what is your interest in the OP (original post) that brought you to this thread? Let's get back to being pertinent about the topic on the table, shall we? :)
You have very little interest in the OP. You only squawk about useless and unrelated things. You contribute nothing to the debate. Now people are calling you on it, and you are trying deflect.

As for calling people cowards for signing in as 'guest', how is your sign in name any different? You aren't revealing your real name. Why should anyone use their real name online in this day and age? It's dangerous to ask questions. I could lose my job if I ask a question which offends someone. The reason I post here is because I can ask questions anonymously. I didn't expect that you would constantly chime in with stupid comments. I'm not going to thank you for wasting my time.

You obviously don't have a life. That's why you troll this site. Maybe the Kremlin would hire you? On second thought, they wouldn't. Your comments only alienate.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:
Now,.. what is your interest in the OP (original post) that brought you to this thread? Let's get back to being pertinent about the topic on the table, shall we? :)
You have very little interest in the OP. You only squawk about useless and unrelated things. You contribute nothing to the debate. Now people are calling you on it, and you are trying deflect.
My first posting was a question about why there is this hatred between Ukraine and Russia, prompted by that "guest" that was complaining about the "racism" toward Russians, and how "evil" Ukraine behaves.

Then we got into some "fun" stuff about "Hebrew Yoga", and my contribution of the Meru Institute "goofiness" (which is actually pretty interesting) of putting "posture meanings" to each of the Hebrew letters.

Then I commented about that "guest" posting about that economist's statement (assertion) that the "trade war freeze" meant nothing as it "didn't change anything",.. where I asked for some clarification as to how a "freeze" isn't a freeze. There was no reference to the article containing this assertion, so I asked the "guest" for some information.

I was then accused of being obnoxious (which I may well have been in "guest's" eyes), most likely for "daring" to call into question "guest's" critical thinking skills. I agree that "guest's" question was an honest one, but he provided little to work with to make any comment ON his question.

He then judged my comment (questions) as "worthless", even though they were a (rather snarky) request for additional info to help him out, which makes them obviously not "worthless".
As for calling people cowards for signing in as 'guest', how is your sign in name any different? You aren't revealing your real name. Why should anyone use their real name online in this day and age?
I agree with you entirely. It is very inadvisable to use "real" names in forums, period.

But our anonymity is not the issue. The issue is that I have no idea WHICH anonymous "guest" I'm addressing, and he can then easily "hide" behind (thence "act cowardly") his "super dooper anonymity".
It's dangerous to ask questions. I could lose my job if I ask a question which offends someone. The reason I post here is because I can ask questions anonymously.
If, as you said, ALL of our "anonymous names" are anonymous, why NOT at least use a "local identifier" (an ID used only in this forum) that allows questions to be directed properly?
I didn't expect that you would constantly chime in with stupid comments. I'm not going to thank you for wasting my time.
You are fully free to not read anything with my name on it,.. and I'm perfectly free to comment on anything presented here.

Did someone make you "Free Speech Tsar"?

I'm not wasting your time. You are wasting your time, taking any notice of that which is clearly labeled as "not worthy of my time" (to you) by having my name on it.

Your thinking is as fuzzy and self-contradictory as is the impotence of your "power to censor",.. thank goodness.
You obviously don't have a life. That's why you troll this site. Maybe the Kremlin would hire you? On second thought, they wouldn't. Your comments only alienate.
So, using free speech is indicative of "not having a life"? I have the time to play around in here. That's a crime, apparently? How are you any different? You're more "worthy" because you can't string as many words together as those who can? How does THAT work!? Oh,.. your words are more "potent"! Of course...

I do realize that you'd really love to be the arbiter of "all that is worthy", and "eliminate" people who actually enjoy free speech and the exchange of ideas,.. but luckily, would-be tyrannical censors such as yourself don't (yet) have that power.


Give yourself a "handle" that we can use to judge your "commentary value" over time, and everyone will have much more respect for you than as the "faceless antifa-like" mob member that you appear to be.

Whatcha say, buckeroo? Ya' up to the challenge?

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > You obviously don't have a life. That's why you troll this
> site.
Actually, I'm the one who doesn't have a life and trolls this site.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
Guest wrote: > You obviously don't have a life. That's why you troll this
> site.
Actually, I'm the one who doesn't have a life and trolls this site.
Thus, the need for a Patreon site (and a YouTube channel), where you can post sweaty sexy-ish pictures/vids of you fixing the winches and diesel engine on your "liveaboard boat" (aka your living space), and how you deal with long passages between "islands" in the "tropics" of your world!

..a couple bucks a vid per patron, where you're doing one or two per week, where the "production effort" would take up ALL of your spare time, might give you "a life" to call "living"!

You could do at LEAST as well as DELOS..!! <chuckle!>

Big alohaz! <shaka nui!>


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

I'm not calling for censorship, Salt Bae. I'm calling you a hypocrite. Big difference. You snowflakes always try to take the argument in a bizarre direction. And you take way too much time to say so very little. I'll ignore your posts for now on. I'm new here. I guess I have to learn what all the other guests already know: that you are an obnoxious weirdo.

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