13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

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13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by John »

13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Google CEO Sundar Pichai evades questions about helping China's military

** 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181213

China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification
US blames China for Marriot data breach in plan to create massive database of American citizens
Google CEO Sundar Pichai evades questions about helping China's military

Generational Dynamics, China, Huawei, Canada,
Michael Kovrig, Michael Spavor,
Marriot Hotel, Ministry of State Security, MSS,
Xinjiang province, Uighurs, re-education camps,
Google, Sundar Pichai, Project Dragonfly

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Re: 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by Trevor »

The Taiping Rebellion started in 1850, not 1952. Pretty scary stuff going on right now, but I think we need a financial downtown to light the match.

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Re: 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by John »

Trevor wrote:The Taiping Rebellion started in 1850, not 1952. Pretty scary stuff going on right now, but I think we need a financial downturn to light the match.
Thanks for the correction.

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Post by Goose »

RE: Google. China is pushing its own goals using anything it can for an excuse. When Google refuses the US and favors China it is following the path of many prior to WWII. It strengthens our enemy and causes the increased loss of life of our soldiers. In the WWIII scenario there will be no sanctuary and all of the citizens of all countries remotely involved will be at risk. When a large company makes strategic goals it is for only two things power and profit. As the executives see themselves above it all and secure from any risk their actions make sense for themselves. If history is to be an example of what happens at the end of a conflict they will truly emerge whole. One needs to only look at the big companies of Japan and Germany rebuilt and more powerful than ever. On both sides the industrialists, International Banks, the Wall Street types all made huge profits off the war. The plebes (that's us) paid for it all. These wars continue unabated, the best of Americans blood lays on foreign ground and the elite laugh all the way to their increased wealth (may G-d damn then all).

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Re: 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by utahbob »

This may have flown under the radar, but it will get a lot hotter between the PRC/CCP and the US:
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/chinese- ... t-people-s

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Re: 13-Dec-18

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Goose wrote:RE: Google. China is pushing its own goals using anything it can for an excuse. When Google refuses the US and favors China it is following the path of many prior to WWII. It strengthens our enemy and causes the increased loss of life of our soldiers. In the WWIII scenario there will be no sanctuary and all of the citizens of all countries remotely involved will be at risk. When a large company makes strategic goals it is for only two things power and profit. As the executives see themselves above it all and secure from any risk their actions make sense for themselves. If history is to be an example of what happens at the end of a conflict they will truly emerge whole. One needs to only look at the big companies of Japan and Germany rebuilt and more powerful than ever. On both sides the industrialists, International Banks, the Wall Street types all made huge profits off the war. The plebes (that's us) paid for it all. These wars continue unabated, the best of Americans blood lays on foreign ground and the elite laugh all the way to their increased wealth (may G-d damn then all).
You're quite right, but how is this any different than it ever was throughout all of history?

After wars people are fatigued (of war) and "normal life" is what they want. Part of "normal life" is the mechanisms of commerce and stable access to goods and services.

..and that's what "Industry and Financial Institutions" provide.

In a way, you could see the pre-wartime and wartime gains in wealth by "Industry and Financial Institutions" as a way for "common people" to "bank" their wealth in those institutions, so as to have SOMETHING after the conflict. Not that they do this "banking" consciously or voluntarily, of course.

The "Plebs" always have, and always will, be dependent on that "stable wealth bucket" after a war.

As long as there exists this Generational Dynamics described cycle of wars, there will be a need for SOMEWHERE that the wealth to continue civilization can reside.

So, the solution is to break the cycle, by understanding how the cycle works, and thus allowing for an economic system to emerge that isn't co-dependent with preparing for, and then recovering from, war.

Any suggestions as to how to do that will be gratefully received, I'm sure! :)


Re: 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by Guest »

Is Trump winning the trade war with China? How long is he going to tolerate ZTE and there extremely dangerous tech? John, give me some guidance here.

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Re: 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

..according to the Law of Greek Tragedy, and the Cassandra Principle, it's highly unwise to take "guidance", per se, from those "blessed" by the gods with clear (true) but unbelievable insight as regards "piddly details", as it's only the "high altitude" details they actually know anything about.

It's rather like any predicted "fine-ish details" are switched out once they're predicted, leaving the prophet and his bemused (and/or annoyed) followers, with egg on their faces,.. as usual.

Just sayin'. Best to enjoy the show, with all it's pretty colors and nifty shapes. I likez pretty colors... and I know where I wanna be a bit before the big cavalcade of craziness.

..and if I guess wrong on the timing thing, I didn't waste any time worrying! Win-win!! <chuckle!>

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Re: 13-Dec-18 World View -- China recklessly arrests a second Canadian without justification

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > Is Trump winning the trade war with China? How long is he going to
> tolerate ZTE and there extremely dangerous tech? John, give me
> some guidance here.
This question gets asked and talked about quite a bit in this forum,
and many different predictions have been offered over the years.

When I'm asked, I always answer pretty much the same way: It might
happen tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or thereafter.
It's impossible to predict.

In 1941, nobody predicted that Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor on
December 7. In 1929, nobody predicted a massive stock market panic on
August 28.

Here's an analogy that I sometimes use, related to the reference to
the "straw that breaks the camel's back": If you keep piling one straw
after another onto the camel's back, then you can predict with 100%
certainty that at some point the camel's back will have to break, but
you can't predict in advance which straw will break the camel's back.

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