20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by zzazz »

Even if you are wrong about the singularity and climate change and even if GD is mostly BS and even if you have an overpowering right-wing bias, it was nevertheless a pleasure to read about world events that would otherwise never reach my ears. I'll miss you as much as your fans will.

Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:59 am

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by bluebird »

Thank you for all the articles on Generational Theory. They have broadened my view of the world. Looking forward to your book on China.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

You do realize, people, namely people NOT named John X, that he's now (essentially) giving you the opportunity to contribute what YOU'VE found that others (here) might find interesting,.. right?

(( "The Mixer" is one place to post things, 'though I'd suggest asking John where he'd prefer your contribs,.. as well as inquiring about him creating a special super-thread for "User Dailies", or a thread with "your name" on it. ))

And my guess is that he'll still be "forced" (by his internal "forcer guy") to post those REALLY interesting things that he finds that make posting them non-boring to him.

So, here's your chance. When something particularly "arousing" (in a GD Theory sort of way) comes your way, chuck it in here, and see who'll chew on it.

I like to keep my jaw muscles in tip-top shape, so I'm one who will chew on pretty much anything tossed my way, by the way.


So,.. viva la evolution! ..as it were.

Aloha nui gangies! Nā mahalo to yʻall! <shaka!>

Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 19, 2011 6:43 am

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by mooreupp »

Thank you for doing this for so many years and look forward to seeing what still comes out.

If I may suggest one thing still for the site. I would really like to have one central page with an overview of generational theory. I know the old book was on the main page (now your book on Iran is which I will be reading soon), but think the theory progressed since then and would like something shorter but detailed to point people to when I explain the theory.

Regardless, this site has helped me learn so much about the world, my own country, and people in general. Thank you.


Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by Guest »

John, I have been reading this site for years and trying to spread the info gleaned from it to others who have all rejected it. I understand what it is like to be in the wilderness; I have been there for most of my life. And, truth be told, I like it. It's good to be on the side of right, even if it just means misery.

I buy your books. I hope others do too.

Take care.

Posts: 1212
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:43 am

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by Trevor »

I hope to see more articles in the future, but if not, thank you for all the work you've done. Generational Dynamics is a valuable theory, and this is the only news that I trust.

I may not always have agreed with you, but everything you've written is worth reading. Good luck on your book about China; I look forward to reading it.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by John »

Kathy S wrote: > Hello John,

> I am so sorry to read this morning's article about the suspension
> of your posts; I had begun reading them everyday before all other
> news. I find your theory fascinating, and have forwarded your site
> to many people, most, like me, lovers of the study of history. I
> must say, I've never found reading them "boring!"

> Born in 1960, for years I have watched the values I was raised
> with disappear from much of America. Though I tried very hard to
> raise my own children with the same values, it seemed a losing
> battle as society changed before my eyes...a great upheaval was
> occurring..a vomiting of those American values in the 70's and
> 80's as the generation of the 60's began teaching THEIR dubious
> values in our universities. Your theory put words to my
> feelings...watching the pot come to a boil is very apt. Apt, and
> terrifying. Where are we when we have no values? When we have no
> moral compass...when "anything goes?" When human life itself
> holds no value? It's hard not to lose hope in humanity when people
> are so very predictable, but I keep hoping. It's all we have,
> isn't it?

> Thank you so much for your archives. I will read them all, and I
> look forward to buying your book on China.

> Stay well,

> Sincerely, Kathy
Yes. As much as young people hate the Silent Generation, they managed
the world and kept us out of trouble. Now they're gone, and the world
is in a great deal of trouble.
Silent Guest 1 wrote: > The South Korean/Japan escalating stand off is evidence of
> generational theory dynamics. Oral lore IS history. Obliteration
> of the nuclear family has played a major part in the moral
> degeneration of which Kathy speaks.

> A grey fog envelops the world. The black evil forces seem to be
> pushing the white principled in justice and righteousness to a
> pathetic cliff-hanging fringe.

> 2019 is a pivotal year. If the border wall sellout takes place,
> chaos will reign. No one should miss the ominous sign of the
> French being beacons of hope.
> To all: stay on red alert, be armed and keep your powder dry.
> John please pause in your creative efforts for self-care.

> Regards, Sue
Jullien1 wrote: > Dear John,

> I am so sad, Generational Dynamics is one of the gems of the
> Web. At least can we hope for a continuing existence of your site
> with small articles from times to times as in the beginning of it
> in 2003 and may we see you again daily when your book will be
> published? Thanks for everything,

shoshin wrote: > I will miss these little daily get-togethers. Good luck on your
> book.
utahbob wrote: > John,
> Sorry to see you go off line. Glad to read that you may have a
> periodical updates (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly?) Your website is
> my first read of the day. I will be purchasing a copy of your
> books soon. I am glad that you you spoke to my unit. May you have
> good fortunes in the future. Very respectfully, Bob
Yes, I enjoyed giving that presentation at Fort Devens in 2011.
Thanks for inviting me.

For those who would like to read the presentation, it's still
available on my web site:

http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... p.p604.htm
George-in-RoyalOaks wrote: > Sorry you are no longer going to provide a daily article. I have
> viewed every one scene 2010. Each one has been interesting and
> enlightening.

> Thank you for the your efforts and persistence. I will miss
> reading your thought.
zzazz wrote: > Even if you are wrong about the singularity and climate change and
> even if GD is mostly BS and even if you have an overpowering
> right-wing bias, it was nevertheless a pleasure to read about
> world events that would otherwise never reach my ears. I'll miss
> you as much as your fans will.
Lol! Thanks for your comments in the last year or two. It's always
good to have a class clown around to provide humor when the subject
matter is serious.
bluebird wrote: > John, Thank you for all the articles on Generational Theory. They
> have broadened my view of the world. Looking forward to your book
> on China.
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > You do realize, people, namely people NOT named John X, that he's
> now (essentially) giving you the opportunity to contribute what
> YOU'VE found that others (here) might find interesting,.. right?

> (( "The Mixer" is one place to post things, 'though I'd suggest
> asking John where he'd prefer your contribs,.. as well as
> inquiring about him creating a special super-thread for "User
> Dailies", or a thread with "your name" on it. ))

> And my guess is that he'll still be "forced" (by his internal
> "forcer guy") to post those REALLY interesting things that he
> finds that make posting them non-boring to him.

> So, here's your chance. When something particularly "arousing" (in
> a GD Theory sort of way) comes your way, chuck it in here, and see
> who'll chew on it.

> I like to keep my jaw muscles in tip-top shape, so I'm one who
> will chew on pretty much anything tossed my way, by the way.
> :)
> So,.. viva la evolution! ..as it were.
> Aloha nui gangies! Nā mahalo to yʻall! <shaka!>
mooreupp wrote: > Thank you for doing this for so many years and look forward to
> seeing what still comes out.

> If I may suggest one thing still for the site. I would really like
> to have one central page with an overview of generational theory.
> I know the old book was on the main page (now your book on Iran is
> which I will be reading soon), but think the theory progressed
> since then and would like something shorter but detailed to point
> people to when I explain the theory.

> Regardless, this site has helped me learn so much about the world,
> my own country, and people in general. Thank you.
I'll see what I can do.
Guest wrote: > John, I have been reading this site for years and trying to spread
> the info gleaned from it to others who have all rejected it. I
> understand what it is like to be in the wilderness; I have been
> there for most of my life. And, truth be told, I like it. It's
> good to be on the side of right, even if it just means misery.

> I buy your books. I hope others do too.

> Take care.
That's an interesting way of looking at it.
Trevor wrote: > I hope to see more articles in the future, but if not, thank you
> for all the work you've done. Generational Dynamics is a valuable
> theory, and this is the only news that I trust.

> I may not always have agreed with you, but everything you've
> written is worth reading. Good luck on your book about China; I
> look forward to reading it.
Thanks to all of you for your messages. I really appreciate it.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by John »

My Generational Dynamics articles have always faced up to reality
about what's happening in the world, and I have to face up to reality
in my situation as well. I've been developing Generational Dynamics
since 2003. About a dozen people have wished me well in this forum,
and a similar number through e-mail. After 15 years, there are
probably fewer than 100 people total in the world who even care.

Nothing has happened in the month since I posted the message that what
I need is for someone to hire me and pay me a regular salary as a
journalist, or as an analyst, or as a Senior Software Engineer. The
situation is completely hopeless. The only thing that's changed in
the last month is that the final date is one month closer. Time
passes inexorably. All I'm doing now is figuring out what I want to
get done in the time I have remaining.

I'm also well aware that there are a lot of people in a similar
plight. The velocity of money has been plummeting, and central banks
around the world have been been doing "reverse QE" (quantitative
tightening) and what all that means is that there's a lot less money
in the world than there was, say, during the credit bubble, and so if
there's less money in the world, then fewer people will have money.
At low tide, there's less water for everyone than there was at high
tide. That's why the suicide rate is rising, and there's a "reverse
baby boom."

When I started this in 2003, I had thought that if I was successful
then I could at least expect to make some money on books or articles
or something. Well, Generational Dynamics has been successful almost
beyond belief. I've accomplished things that 20 years ago I would
have thought were mathematically impossible. But the Iran book, which
was supposed to generate some income, has sold about 50 copies, and
the China book will probably be similar. Nobody wants to pay me
anything for articles. It's just the end of the line. In case anyone
ever had any doubts about the brilliance of Greek mythology and the
"Cassandra curse," this should put the doubts to rest.

The "good news" is that the China book is coming along well, and I've
gotten more done in the last two days than in the past month, so
things are moving more quickly now. Every bit of research that I do
about China, and everything I write about China, just gets scarier and
scarier and more horrific. We're truly dealing with insanity writ
large, a country careening out of control that will bring disaster to
themselves and everyone else. I can well understand why people shun
me and don't want to know what's going on in the world, because what's
going on in China would be unbelievable if it weren't actually

I do enjoy writing the World View articles, and I'm obsessed anyway.
One of the commenters above said that he was "so sad," and it's that
way for me too. So I'm thinking about ways that I can post short
analyses in the forum or on my web site, and do so without spending a
lot of time. I hope to post something later today. If I don't post
more, it's because I really want to focus on the China book.

Thanks again for your messages.

Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 19, 2011 6:43 am

Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by mooreupp »

Basically what I was saying is just a kind of short synopsis of it. I kind of felt like I directed a few people over here before and the first question was, "What is this?" which didn't have an easy link to.

Once again, thank you for all the work. It has very much changed how I view the world in so many ways.


Re: 20-Jan-19 World View -- Suspension of daily World View articles

Post by Daily-reader »

So sorry to see you've had no luck in finding employement.

It is a very difficult job market for us older guys in the tech world. I'm under 50 and have been looking for awhile now. The only time I've received any calls or interviews is when I removed all dates from my resume. I'm focusing less on pure techincal jobs and more on people-facing positions in tech areas. I'm having a bit more success there, but have not accepted the lower salary offers.

I'm sure you've looked into all possibilities, but have you considered relocating to the DC area? Many more opportunities available in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia)

I've read GD almost every day for 10+ years . Thank you for all your work, insight, and honesty. This has been one of the few places on the web to get insightful international news and commentary. I'll check back occasionally to look for updates, and lok forward to your China book.

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