** 23-Jun-2019 World View: Vitriolic racial north-south China split
In the last 24 hours I've really become aware of a very deep racial
divide separating northern and southern China. I'm referring to the
article that I posted yesterday about how the Hong Kong protests are
inflaming the north-south split in China.
I cross-posted this article on Breitbart, where it's gotten hundreds
of comments. One thing that I noticed immediately is that no one
seems to be disagreeing with the article. Typically I get people
calling me a neocon or a libtard or worse, but in this case the
article was quoted only to agree with it.
What's most important, however, is that comments have taken a strong
vitriolic racist turn. One person in particular says that the
Cantonese people in Hong Kong will easily be defeated by the CCP army
because they are filthy and weak, too weak to fight, and will collapse
immediately rather than die.
I've also learned a few Chinese words. A southerner is referred to as
a "hao," a Westerner is a "gweilo," and "Cao ni ma wumao" means "F***
your mother, CCP 50 cent Army troll."
I hadn't realized until now the depth of racial hatred between the
"Han" and the "Hao" (assuming I have those terms right), but it also
explains what's going on with the "Patriotic Education Campaign,"
whose purpose is to direct Chinese nationalistic hatred towards Japan,
rather than towards other Chinese.
Ever since the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, the CCP government has been pursuing a
relentless "Patriotic Education Campaign" to stir up nationalistic
hatred against the West, and particularly against Japan. I described
this in my book, and here's a 2015 Diplomat article that describes it:
https://thediplomat.com/2015/08/chinas- ... in-action/
As I described in the article, China's last two massive rebellions
(the Communist Revolution and the Taiping Rebellion) began in the
south and moved against the north. The purpose of the "Patriotic
Education Campaign" is to prevent a new north-south rebellion by
stoking anti-Japanese nationalism. But it won't work. All it means
is that there will be a north-south rebellion AND a war with Japan.
Anyone who thinks that this kind of vitriolic hatred won't
lead to war should remember how the Sino-Japanese war got started.
If you had been around in early 1937, and somebody had said to you,
"Before the end if this year, Japan is going to declare war on China,
and in the 'rape of Nanking,' hundreds of thousands of Chinese
civilians will be summarily beaten, tortured, raped, and slaughtered,
even after surrendering," you would probably have thought that was
ridiculous, but that's exactly what happened.
So we have this same kind of vitriolic hatred in China-Japan relations
and in north-south China relations. During World War II, China faced
an internal rebellion and an external war with Japan. The same thing
is going to happen again.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.
---- Source:
-- Japan / China nationalism / China's WW2 Remembrance: 'Patriotic
Education' in Action
https://thediplomat.com/2015/08/chinas- ... in-action/
(Diplomat, 15-Aug-2015)
---- Related:
** 22-Jun-19 World View -- Hong Kong protests show historic split between northern and southern China
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e190622