Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Burner Prime wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:44 pm
Guest wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:58 pm

What's odd at this time in history also is the benevolence of the most advanced (that was America) which is also ahistorical.

Women ascending in societies is a clear hallmark of a downfall....
Again, Burner knows, as I also came to the conclusion a while back - male/female ratio is everything. There is simply NO selection pressure on women if this is not the case, and they are far lazier and have shorter windows of their prize attractions (youth, fertility, beauty).

Men work really hard due to feminine beauty. If it is not present, what's the point of men keeping up the civilization? There no longer exists any reward for all of their efforts, and they check out. Just saying the obvious, and Burner knows it. Good stuff my man.
Two great points that got their due emphasis. In Japan and Russia, post WWII, woman faced heavy selection pressure due to the lack of available males. That's why today you see the incredible beauty in a large number of their women. The fewer men selected for beauty.

When I return from trips to the East, I am shocked and horrified when I see the absolute disgusting, gross, fat shambling, blobs of limping flesh we call Westerners. Then I have to hear their LOUD voices full of complaints and foul language. It is a real shock and I am mortified every time after spending a short time among people whose fairness becomes ordinary.

Post WWII, the Western (American) victors were ahistorically benevolent to the defeated, especially in scale. We may think this is noble, but may be what has precipitated our decline and may be the factor that leads to our demise. People love to emphasize the benevolence of the Muslim Caliphate when they invaded Europe but look where the Ottoman Empire is now. This plus advances in medicine have probably resulted in the state we have now with a huge population of weaklings and degenerates. I see the weakling males all the time, pasty skin, flabby hairy bodies, neckbearded weebs, seeking out Asian females because they have been deselected by even the morbid shambling beasts we call females in the West.

One final thought on something that 'tim' misses... Let's say Russia lost many of "the best of their humanity" (Germany too). Russian soldiers went into Berlin raping tens of thousands of women whose genes carry on to this day. Then they brutally dominated. Now the current leader of Germany is from Soviet Eastern Germany, so you could say in large part the violent victors carried the century. Germany's current state is due to a combination of actions by the victors, American benevolence and Soviet brutality.

It really is quite obvious, sadly. What's worse is that here you have even family members who will even socially thwart big age gap relationships, which are the only ones worthwhile for an American guy who does well, if he even wants to bother with US females at this point.

What do you recommend? I like Eastern Euro or southern slavs the best, but that part of the world seems to be in the highest risk range by most commenters here. Central and South America have some promise given their lack of overall wealth, but at this point their poor oligarchical bribe culture has clashed with their predisposition genetically to suffer disease, and they are going to be even more restricted (and ok with it) than even America, which is saying a lot. Of course, you can PM me if you consider it better than here on the main thread.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:03 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:44 pm

.... In Japan and Russia, post WWII, woman faced heavy selection pressure due to the lack of available males. That's why today you see the incredible beauty in a large number of their women. The fewer men selected for beauty.

When I return from trips to the East, I am shocked and horrified when I see the absolute disgusting, gross, fat shambling, blobs of limping flesh we call Westerners. Then I have to hear their LOUD voices full of complaints and foul language. It is a real shock and I am mortified every time after spending a short time among people whose fairness becomes ordinary.

I see the weakling males all the time, pasty skin, flabby hairy bodies, neckbearded weebs, seeking out Asian females because they have been deselected by even the morbid shambling beasts we call females in the West.

It really is quite obvious, sadly. What's worse is that here you have even family members who will even socially thwart big age gap relationships, which are the only ones worthwhile for an American guy who does well, if he even wants to bother with US females at this point.

What do you recommend? I like Eastern Euro or southern slavs the best, but that part of the world seems to be in the highest risk range by most commenters here. Central and South America have some promise given their lack of overall wealth, but at this point their poor oligarchical bribe culture has clashed with their predisposition genetically to suffer disease, and they are going to be even more restricted (and ok with it) than even America, which is saying a lot. ...
There is no easy straightforward answer to this. It will always be a personal preference based on a lot of factors like religion, ability to accept and integrate into other cultures, etc.

And there are some like Roosh V, who has hopped all over the world, "sampling" women from many cultures for good and bad reasons. He no longer pursues that life and his recommendation is to stay where you are, close to your roots, and pray to God to provide a woman suitable to you (or not), based on His choice. Though this seems very much faith-based, I can say that looking back on my youth, one woman in particular was placed in my path who in hindsight probably was a perfect match, though I was totally blind to her value at the time.

Aside from the divergent strategies, the point is, any assessment of where women are "optimized" is going to be personal evaluation, and femininity or beauty though a biological goal, alone may not make you happy in the end. This is especially true if your criteria are based on the extremes of logic or lust.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:03 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:44 pm
Guest wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:58 pm

What's odd at this time in history also is the benevolence of the most advanced (that was America) which is also ahistorical.

Women ascending in societies is a clear hallmark of a downfall....
Again, Burner knows, as I also came to the conclusion a while back - male/female ratio is everything. There is simply NO selection pressure on women if this is not the case, and they are far lazier and have shorter windows of their prize attractions (youth, fertility, beauty).

Men work really hard due to feminine beauty. If it is not present, what's the point of men keeping up the civilization? There no longer exists any reward for all of their efforts, and they check out. Just saying the obvious, and Burner knows it. Good stuff my man.
Two great points that got their due emphasis. In Japan and Russia, post WWII, woman faced heavy selection pressure due to the lack of available males. That's why today you see the incredible beauty in a large number of their women. The fewer men selected for beauty.

When I return from trips to the East, I am shocked and horrified when I see the absolute disgusting, gross, fat shambling, blobs of limping flesh we call Westerners. Then I have to hear their LOUD voices full of complaints and foul language. It is a real shock and I am mortified every time after spending a short time among people whose fairness becomes ordinary.

Post WWII, the Western (American) victors were ahistorically benevolent to the defeated, especially in scale. We may think this is noble, but may be what has precipitated our decline and may be the factor that leads to our demise. People love to emphasize the benevolence of the Muslim Caliphate when they invaded Europe but look where the Ottoman Empire is now. This plus advances in medicine have probably resulted in the state we have now with a huge population of weaklings and degenerates. I see the weakling males all the time, pasty skin, flabby hairy bodies, neckbearded weebs, seeking out Asian females because they have been deselected by even the morbid shambling beasts we call females in the West.

One final thought on something that 'tim' misses... Let's say Russia lost many of "the best of their humanity" (Germany too). Russian soldiers went into Berlin raping tens of thousands of women whose genes carry on to this day. Then they brutally dominated. Now the current leader of Germany is from Soviet Eastern Germany, so you could say in large part the violent victors carried the century. Germany's current state is due to a combination of actions by the victors, American benevolence and Soviet brutality.

It really is quite obvious, sadly. What's worse is that here you have even family members who will even socially thwart big age gap relationships, which are the only ones worthwhile for an American guy who does well, if he even wants to bother with US females at this point.

What do you recommend? I like Eastern Euro or southern slavs the best, but that part of the world seems to be in the highest risk range by most commenters here. Central and South America have some promise given their lack of overall wealth, but at this point their poor oligarchical bribe culture has clashed with their predisposition genetically to suffer disease, and they are going to be even more restricted (and ok with it) than even America, which is saying a lot. Of course, you can PM me if you consider it better than here on the main thread.
If you bring foreign women back to the U.S. they will become Americanized (ruined).

Either move abroad and join a foreign culture or devote your life to your own happiness and live as selfishly as you can.

After a certain age, all a man really needs is his health and money to be happy.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Guest wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:36 pm

If you bring foreign women back to the U.S. they will become Americanized (ruined).

Either move abroad and join a foreign culture or devote your life to your own happiness and live as selfishly as you can.

After a certain age, all a man really needs is his health and money to be happy.
'Guest' gets it right again and again.

Unfortunately when you factor the real value of your assets, you find you can't be generous at all. The US is really in about $140T in debt, so the real value of your money is shite. You may be able to buy things cheap now, but it's totally artificial and propped up by an unfathomable debt bubble.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Burner Prime wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:51 pm
The US is really in about $140T in debt, so the real value of your money is shite. You may be able to buy things cheap now, but it's totally artificial and propped up by an unfathomable debt bubble.
The real number is well over $200 trillion. Possibly over $300 trillion post-COVID. The only thing keeping our economy alive now is the dollar's status as a reserve currency.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

DaKardii wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:27 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:51 pm
The US is really in about $140T in debt, so the real value of your money is shite. You may be able to buy things cheap now, but it's totally artificial and propped up by an unfathomable debt bubble.
The real number is well over $200 trillion. Possibly over $300 trillion post-COVID. The only thing keeping our economy alive now is the dollar's status as a reserve currency.
And the dollar is about to go.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Guest wrote:
Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:33 am
DaKardii wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:27 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:51 pm
The US is really in about $140T in debt, so the real value of your money is shite. You may be able to buy things cheap now, but it's totally artificial and propped up by an unfathomable debt bubble.
The real number is well over $200 trillion. Possibly over $300 trillion post-COVID. The only thing keeping our economy alive now is the dollar's status as a reserve currency.
And the dollar is about to go.

There's a big part of me that believes that the collapse of the dollar will be the catalyst that starts the next big war. How it will collapse I cannot say for sure, but I can see one of two scenarios, both which involve the dollar's reserve currency status being undermined:

1) A major crisis in the Middle East that disrupts or collapses the petrodollar system (PdS). Without the PdS, it would be virtually impossible for the dollar to remain a reserve currency at all. In order to do short-term damage control, the US will have no choice but to go to war with whoever messed with the PdS. And it will all go downhill from there.

2) Another currency gaining enough traction to the point where the dollar's status as the number one reserve currency is seriously threatened. In order to prevent a chain reaction that would cause the dollar to lose first its status as the number one reserve currency and then its status as a reserve currency, the US will have no choice but to pursue a hostile foreign policy towards whichever great power(s) is/are pushing this new currency. This policy could easily result in war, and given various other factors, it probably will.

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2020 3:20 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Lightbulb »

I found John’s website Generational Dynamics by accident around 2015 in the run up to the 2016 election. I was researching something about Steve Bannon (who I learned about by accident) that I saw on Brietbart (which I learned about by accident).

I immediately enjoyed very much John’s daily digest of world news. I was disappointed when he stopped posting them. However I understand fully his reasoning in doing so.

I read John’s book “Fraternizing with the Enemy”.

I purchased and read all three of John’s books. I will buy his book on Vietnam when he publishes it.

John is clearly a very smart man. Much smarter than I. I agree with his viewpoints and I am grateful for his research. I am also thankful he took the time to share what he has discovered.

I have long been a believer in cycles. John’s work supports my assumptions with great factual detail and insight.

As I read the forum I noticed some who post on the Generation Dynamics forum are clearly intelligent men whom I view as insightful and wise. Some others seem like they just want to argue.

If John, Navigator, Higgenbotham, Aeden or Tom Mazanec have something to say, I have time to listen. Although I find Aeden difficult to understand as he tends to write in riddles. I would happily pay for a book that explains Aeden’s terminology and references. Because what I do understand of his postings impresses me. I still don’t understand what Higgenbotham means when he says he spent all night “smashing the bots”. Sounds like the name of a violent video game from the 80’s. And who is Bob Bish?

At one point John mentioned that Navigator had a website. I went to it and read his published articles with great interest. I shared what I learned about the Littoral Combat Ship with an acquaintance. He got mad at me. He thought I was anti Navy. Which I am not. My father served with great pride in the Navy. We are a great nation and in need of capable armed forces. But we can’t give brave men inferior equipment and expect them to prevail. Now I mostly keep my opinions to myself.

When Navigator announced that he was writing a book I wanted to read it. I think anything Navigator writes is worth reading. Same goes with John and the others.

But let me say, Higgenbotham and Navigator have both pointed out correctly that we alone are responsible for our individual decisions. Navigator points this fact out in the beginning of his book. And it is truth. Navigator also provides a definition of truth on page 62 of his book.

I take advice from smart people I trust, however I make my own decisions and I live or die by them. As President Bush the younger once ineloquently said, “I’m the Decider”.

It is also a truth that people who give good advice don’t come cheap. They typically want to be paid for their advice. This is understandable. In my view it is always a good idea to get the best tax accountant, lawyer or doctor your money can buy. All these men give advice. But the best advice seldom comes cheap.

I count my blessings that Navigator’s book doesn’t cost $250. instead of $25. I got a great deal.

They say a smart person learns from his mistakes. But a smarter person learns to avoid the mistakes. In a nutshell, what I learned from Navigator’s book is how to avoid mistakes.

Some of the things Navigator writes about I already knew. But many things I did not. For me Navigator’s book was worth the price of admission. It has put me ahead of the game.

Let me relate that back in February 2020 I told my wife we needed to start stocking up on supplies as what I had read in the forum led me to believe we were headed into trouble.

I went to the grocery store and bought extra canned goods. I bought toilet paper at Costco. I bought rice. I bought batteries and Vitamin C. I bought water filters. Not a lot but about double what I normally buy.

In March when the grocery stores were empty and there was no toilet paper I had enough. Not a lot, but enough. I stood in line to get into the grocery stores and Costco which were now filled with empty shelves. I was at the store because I was still stocking up however many of the people standing next to me in line were limited to one item per household if they could get it at all. They didn’t have enough. I thought to myself “I could easily be them. Not having enough.” But I read the postings on the Generational Dynamics forum John has generously provided. I read and decided for myself it was time to act. My wife thinks I’m a genius.

Isaac Newton, a certified genius if there ever was one, once said “If I have seen farther than others is it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” I know how Mr. Newton felt. Despite what my wife thinks I’m not a genius but I’m smart enough that I try to surround myself with giants like John and others. I pay attention when they having something to say.

John is a giant who through his work and writing has allowed me to stand on his shoulders so that I can see farther down the road than many others. John’s work has allowed me to see a storm coming. Not just a thunder storm. A category 5 social, economic and political hurricane is bearing down on me. Thanks John. John didn’t create the future and we shouldn’t kill the messenger. John’s like the weatherman, he’s looked into the past to predict the future and I’m grateful for the advance knowledge he has provided me.

I’ve never been through a hurricane much less a bad hurricane. My first impulse when I see trouble coming is to get out of the way. But I can’t. No one can. Whats coming is inevitable and unavoidable. Just like the Great Depression and WW2.

If I can’t get out of the way how can I avoid the worst of the problems the future will bring my way?

Navigator’s book is about what I can do now and in the near future to mitigate the damage that is coming my way. All storms come to an end. Even category 5 storms come to an end. John’s forecast gives hope for the future. Navigator’s book gives me tools I can use now.

Frankly, I think it’s going to take a bit of luck to survive whats coming. It is a truth that people who are prepared tend to be luckier than people who aren’t prepared. Navigator has helped me increase my odds of being lucky enough to avoid major problems and survive into the future.

Thanks Navigator.

By the way I kicked in another $25. because I support the cause of helping John and after reading the book I think it is easily worth twice what I paid him for it.

For instance, Navigator included in his book a reference to a video that finally helped me understand how the Federal Reserve Banking System works with fractional reserve banking. That alone was worth the $25.

I once knew a man who was in college getting a degree in economics and he couldn’t explain the Federal Reserve System to me. I’m certain his degree (paid for with student loans) cost him more than $25. And now I know more than he does. By the way he couldn’t get a job as an economist. Last I heard he's employed as a building inspector who gripes about his student loan debt.

Thanks Navigator and John and the rest of you for allowing me to stand on your shoulders so that I can see farther than others have.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 24-Dec-2020 World View: Testimony
Lightbulb wrote:
Thu Dec 24, 2020 3:30 am
> I once knew a man who was in college getting a degree in economics
> and he couldn’t explain the Federal Reserve System to me. I’m
> certain his degree (paid for with student loans) cost him more
> than $25. And now I know more than he does. By the way he
> couldn’t get a job as an economist. Last I heard he's employed as
> a building inspector who gripes about his student loan debt.
Are you sure? If the econonist has the right skin color, he could get
a job in Biden's cabinet.

Thank you very much for that amazing testimony. I appreciate it very
much, and I'm sure Navigator, Higgenbotham, Aeden and Mazanec feel the
same way.

And your wife is right.

Posts: 812
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

Very well said Lightbulb! I agree.
Thanks all for your dedication and work helping others.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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