Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jan-2021 World View: What have you done for me lately?

It's amazing how the old saying "What have you done for me lately?"
suddenly applies to Trump with a vengeance.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

The GIGANTIC problem we have is that no-one is willing to do the financial retrenchment that is necessary. Government debt has been out of control for decades. The reason no-one is willing to tackle this problem is that the electorate is completely unwilling to deal with the problem. Everyone wants free money.

We are about to go through the most traumatic financial collapse since, well, probably ever. There have been massive government debts in the past, but not like this, not worldwide, and with no fallback (people in the past knew how to fall back to gold/silver, plus grow their own food).

Politically, the two extremes need to be cut off from power. This will now happen with extremists on the Republican side. It will happen to the extremist Democrats when the fiscal implosion / war with China goes on and the left extreme will want appeasement of China and free stuff forever.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Another GIGANTIC problem is that a few individuals control the media and commerce (Amazon) and they are abusing their monopoly to the hilt. It shows you how a militant and wealthy minority can shut out and shutdown half the country. It's extremely dangerous. Trump hated Bezos and he was said to speak daily of Amazon to the point of obession. Trump wanted to break up what he saw as a dangerous monopoly. He couldn't get it done.

Now everyone has a knife in President Trump, but they are the cowards, not him. Look at how petty and vindictive they are. Now his golf resorts have lost major golf tournaments and people are trying to bankrupt his hotel and real estate empire. They forced department stores to remove Ivanka Trump's successful clothing line off the shelves. It's outrageous.

It also doesn't change the reality of the situation: President Trump just didn't fall out of the sky. He was elected because of legitimate concerns over defacto open borders, violent crime, free trade that has destroyed the industrial base and led to high unemployent and collapsing standards of living, and the reality of racism against white people (especially white males). The reality of daily life in America for a lot of Americans is terible. Trump was elected to help these people. Their plight has not changed; now it will get worse.

Most of my relatives are Asian and they have suffered egregious levels of discrimination based on their race alone. Most of my family are doctors (I'm not) and they have been denied a lot of things because of racial quotas. Donald Trump was championing their cause. I am for merit based promotion. I believe in the American way. It seems America has lost its way. It seems now like it will fall off a cliff.

So Amazon can cut off life support and bankrupt you; Twitter and Facebook can deny you a platform to exprress your ideas and free speech; and the media can pretend like everything is going great and anyone who complains is dismissed as a racist or completely deleted.

Sounds like a great way to kill a country.


Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 11:40 am
** 11-Jan-2021 World View: How will this end?

Will the Democrats' use of the genocidal playbook lead to actual
genocide and ethnic cleansing? No. For that they would at least need
backing from the army, which obviously they don't have.

In fact, what the Democrats are doing is so completely bizarre and
outrageous, and so un-American, that it can't possibly last long.

Still, how is this going to end?

First, Donald Trump and his 75 million supporters are not dead and
buried. Trump says that he has some major announcement coming. We'll
see what he says.

Second, parler is not dead and buried. The Democrats have gotten
parler offline for now, but parler has enough support to build its own
datacenter and cloud to replace Amazon's AWS, and it will be online

In fact, if I were a business using Amazon's AWS, then I would look at
this situation in horror, knowing that Amazon could shut me down at
any time for any foolish reason. No one believes that shutting down
parler had anything to do with violence. It had everything to do with
eliminating a competitor to twitter. If they can come after parler,
they can come after anyone.

Furthermore, Twitter, Google and Facebook made huge amounts of money
because of Trump in the last few years because of Trump. With Trump
gone, and with their contemptuous treatment of Trump supporters,
they're going to lose a lot of money.

But, no worry, the execs will be ok. Many of them are taking jobs in
the Biden administration.

It's quite possible that Parler will come back with a vengeance and
become a major business threat to Twitter. If not Parler, then
another service. This is what always happens.

By the way, another conservative social media service,, has
signed up millions of new users in the last few days. If you access
the site, the reason that it's slow is because it's being overwhelmed
by new users.

Third, and this is how it will really end.

As I've been saying for years, there will be a global financial crisis
and third world war with China, and this will unify the country, and
end all political divisiveness.
Great post John. I have been telling others the same thing, these idiots are so chaotic they can't possibly have this work for them, it's so obviously bad policy and counter productive. They don't have the army, as you say, and the people they are "up against" have guns they can't possibly seize even within a decade. And tops they have 2 years and likely that'll be when this market falls or crashes.

As for your prediction, does the global financial crisis immediately elicit the Chinese war-like attitude or action? Will it really "unify" the country? I don't trust these lefties at all, they lost all credibility and sanity and few will easily forget it --- even should a war take place.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Xeraphim1 wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:57 pm
Navigator wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:41 pm
I saw that John earlier linked Bernard Goldberg, a once liberal, now very conservative journalist. His book "Bias" is great insight into the liberal media.

Here is what Goldberg has to say about Trump and what happened at the capitol. I agree with him. (I will put the link to this at the end):

At the same time, mainstream Republicans should focus their efforts on a bloc that has voted for GOP candidates in the past, but abandoned the party when Donald Trump came along.

They should make their case to those educated, moderate, suburban voters – mostly women – who voted for Joe Biden because they couldn’t stomach four more years of Donald Trump.

https:// ... -of-trump/
One problem with this advice is that just two months ago Trump got 74 million votes, the second most of any candidate in history. Unfortunately for him his opponent won the most votes of any candidate. I don't think nominating a Mitt Romney is going to win elections. It sure didn't in the past.
That Bernie Goldberg article, sorry Navigator, is excrement. He's just 1 step away from a never Trumper, and that's why Bernie has been irrelevant for YEARS now. No more random Bill O'Reilly interviews - sheesh, he's not even interesting to listen to like the washed up but entertaining Dick Morris these days. If I had to waste time on that article, I'd say at least 80% of it is inaccurate and the conclusions are worse.

Here's just 1 though:
It didn’t matter to his fans or his media toadies that the president’s legal team made their case to some 60 judges, some of whom Donald Trump himself had appointed – and that he lost every time out. It didn’t matter to the president’s most loyal, gullible, fan base because it didn’t matter to the president.
This is a leftist talking point. Almost all of the cases weren't heard due to all manner of not wanting to hear them ("standing") because these people are fearful bureaucratic inertia lovers, without spines and unwilling to look at evidence because it in fact shows clearly that Biden won by enormous cheating, fake printed ballots as well as online vote stealing and creation.

Bernie is a hack, let it be known. He's irrelevant and I for one am thankful for that.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Navigator wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 5:16 pm
The GIGANTIC problem we have is that no-one is willing to do the financial retrenchment that is necessary. Government debt has been out of control for decades. The reason no-one is willing to tackle this problem is that the electorate is completely unwilling to deal with the problem. Everyone wants free money.

We are about to go through the most traumatic financial collapse since, well, probably ever. There have been massive government debts in the past, but not like this, not worldwide, and with no fallback (people in the past knew how to fall back to gold/silver, plus grow their own food).

Politically, the two extremes need to be cut off from power. This will now happen with extremists on the Republican side. It will happen to the extremist Democrats when the fiscal implosion / war with China goes on and the left extreme will want appeasement of China and free stuff forever.
You need to read Martin Armstrong, Navi. No, he doesn't know everything and no, Socrates hasn't "never been wrong." But he knows economics as well as anyone.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:05 pm
Now everyone has a knife in President Trump, but they are the cowards, not him. Look at how petty and vindictive they are. Now his golf resorts have lost major golf tournaments and people are trying to bankrupt his hotel and real estate empire. They forced department stores to remove Ivanka Trump's successful clothing line off the shelves. It's outrageous.

It also doesn't change the reality of the situation: President Trump just didn't fall out of the sky. He was elected because of legitimate concerns over defacto open borders, violent crime, free trade that has destroyed the industrial base and led to high unemployent and collapsing standards of living, and the reality of racism against white people (especially white males). The reality of daily life in America for a lot of Americans is terible. Trump was elected to help these people. Their plight has not changed; now it will get worse.

Most of my relatives are Asian and they have suffered egregious levels of discrimination based on their race alone. Most of my family are doctors (I'm not) and they have been denied a lot of things because of racial quotas. Donald Trump was championing their cause. I am for merit based promotion. I believe in the American way. It seems America has lost its way. It seems now like it will fall off a cliff.
Read this three times everyone. No supporter of Trump has ever not known what he is and what he was historically. But his detractors always miss the crucial points that Guest here puts out. He was the natural remedy to the madness of the DC Cartel, at least the one that had to be voted by anyone who actually cared for the country. His style also was required, regardless of if people liked it, because the fighter mentality is the only way anyone could combat the diseased swamp and use their tricks against them, fight fire with fire.

It was always amazing that the stupid RINO establishment types and boomers never could understand something so easy to see. It shows you how your old ways, bias and idealism --- though you've lost slowly and surely for decades --- will get the best of you especially if they have an input of control on you for the status quo (your market investments, SS, medicare, an "easy life and retirement"). This is a generational war and most boomers are clueless as to how closely aligned to the left they are, even if they claim to be "Republicans" or some other stupid political designation that is a fraud at this point, at best.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Navigator wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:41 pm
I saw that John earlier linked Bernard Goldberg, a once liberal, now very conservative journalist. His book "Bias" is great insight into the liberal media.

Here is what Goldberg has to say about Trump and what happened at the capitol. I agree with him. (I will put the link to this at the end):

If the GOP wins them back, they can win elections. But it takes courage to stand up to a bully. Profiles in courage are always hard to come by, but cowards in the age of Donald Trump, unfortunately, have been plentiful.

https:// ... -of-trump/
What a bunch of tired-ass, stale, overused, unoriginal bullshit.

Navigator... meming and trolling again, with a side of gaslighting.... Dood...

"stand up to a bully..." yawnnnnn

"profiles in courage", stolen JFK book title, lol...

Forgot one, how about "Stunning Brave Woman(TM)?"....(cowering in the halls of Congress, only to be consoled by their toxic male counterparts...omegalul)

FFS try to come up with something original. That article could've been written by a bot that complied every criticism of Trump over the past 4 yrs.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook

The January 6 attack on the Capitol building by Trump supporters

** 12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook
** ... tm#e210112

What is the standard Genocide Playbook?
Democrats' attitude to Tea Partiers during Obama administration
The January 6 attack on the Capitol building by Trump supporters
How will this end?

Generational Dynamics, Genocide Playbook, China, Uighurs,
Burma, Myanmar, Rohingys, Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Palestinians,
Nazi Germany, Hitlers, Jews, Rwanda, Hutus, Tutsis,
Tea Partiers, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, n-word, teabaggers,
Keith Olbermann, Janeane Garofalo, Bernard Goldberg,
Lou Dobbs, Neil Cavuto, Abraham Lincoln, Ku Klux Klan, KKK,
Donald Trump, St John's Episcopal Church, Nazi Kristallnacht,
Leon Panetta, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon,,,

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:28 pm
** 12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook

** ... tm#e210112

What is the standard Genocide Playbook?

Democrats' attitude to Tea Partiers during Obama administration The January 6 attack on the Capitol building by Trump supporters
How will this end?
How do crises usually end? Usually, the conservative values get whacked hard. To me elitism, racism, obstructionism, and creating an imaginary perspective are all vulnerable given today's mood. The battle for the remnants of the Republican Party is likely enough to achieve this. Until Trumpism is purged, the ability of the Republicans to be a big tent party is questionable.

I would note actual genocide is rare in the US. Oh, we can exile native populations to reservations. We can ban asian women from immigrating. We can lynch black people. Putting up signs that Irish need not apply worked for a while, but were not genocide. But we aren’t building gas chambers or killing people as much as in Armenia. Also, the above incidents took place in the past. I just didn’t notice the Tea Party people being rounded up and killed in mass. Yes, the Tea Party was unpopular in certain circles, but no one did genocide.

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