Criticism of Generational Dynamics

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Bob Butler
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Liar John

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:25 pm
Democrats are committing horrific "Tulsa massacres" of blacks every weekend
What do you think. The bloods sugar meter says 67. John lied again. The former happens less than once a month. I suppose there are gaps between posts, but it seems the lies from John come continuously. The glucose reading could have serious consequences. John’s opinion does not. Hmm…. I think I will go with the glucose meter?

Again, I agree we have a gun and drug problem. Republicans are doing their best to support Second Amendment rights, and I’m generally with them, but there is a lot of gun violence. We ought to find a way to slow down the violence while making sure law abiding citizens can own and carry weapons. Alas, the Republicans are blocking all movement on this as they are blocking all else. Maybe now that the NRA people have violated the laws regulating such groups in New York, we might have some chance of progress.

I considered what the Tulsa Massacre was. I came to the conclusion that the nature of race riots changed significantly around MLK’s time. Before the Civil Right Movement peaked, the instigators and perpetrators were whites oppressing and murdering blacks. That continued until at least Selma. Later, the black looters and arsonists would wipe out black neighborhoods. Not constructive in my opinion, but it was the oppressed minorities showing rage against oppression that were instigating, not the white supremicists using violence and murdering. It showed a balancing point where the oppression weighed poorly compared to the rage against the oppression. Thus, there was a basic change.

What is happening in Chicago is neither. Drug gangs are fighting for turf. It has become fashionable, when one is to suicide, to take as many people as you can with you. Some of the homicides are race related, but summing everything together no matter what the cause is hardly justified. No race riots of either sort. No single large event causing hundreds of deaths lead by a racially motivated group. Wiki noted that Tulsa was the latest event of it's type in history. That can harry be true if a Tulsa Massacre is happening regularly.


And no, I am not cheering the violence. What evidence do you have of my doing so? I suppose lying makes it easier to make up propaganda, but do you think your followers are stupid? If all your vaunted ability to research is shown to be laziness in generating stalinist propaganda, you don’t think people will notice?

I’d like to believe conservatives aren’t as stupid as you seem to believe. Maybe it is just your following?

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by John »

** 18-Jun-2021 World View: White Supremacist Jackass Butler

More Alinsky crap, trying to avoid the truth.

The news article says nothing about drugs.

Saying that they're drug wars only confirms what I said -- that black
gangs are massacring each other with mass shootings. That's what
White Supremacist Democrats want.


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Liar John

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:25 pm
The news article says nothing about drugs.

Saying that they're drug wars only confirms what I said -- that black gangs are massacring each other with mass shootings. That's what White Supremacist Democrats want.
The article also says nothing about black Democratic handlers either. It reports on genocides without saying much about the causes. Neither have you shown any evidence that the many small events in Chicago are similar to the uniquely large Tulsa Massacre with its group of white oppressors murdering and burning out the blacks. Unlikely, as all the white supremacist groups are too busy fighting for Trump. Oh. I forgot. The January 8 insurrection is inconvenient to your worldview, so you have chosen not to research it.

To me Tulsa and Chicago show important enough distinctions to easily tell the difference. I am beginning to believe that you are unable to tell the difference. Most likely, it isn’t stupidity, but your worldview is engaged in editing out the very real distinctions.

To me, White Supremacist Democrats is an oxymoron. The rural racist faction is lined up with the Republicans. Again, you should try researching history. Compare the Trump cabinet and VP with Biden’s if you want to find the faction that gave power to whites as opposed to making the spread resemble America. If you want to continuing to lie to propagandize for the opposite, go ahead. You are only ruining your own reputation.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by John »

** 18-Jun-2021 World View: White Supremacist Jackass Butler

> "To me, White Supremacist Democrats is an oxymoron."

That's because you're a White Supremacist, and you refuse to admit it.

The following are all White Supremacist policies practiced by Democrat
officials: destroying the black family, defunding police, not
arresting violent criminals, letting violent criminals out of jail,
keeping the police from making gun checks, allowing huge amounts of
fentynal and meth into the courtry, and so forth.

Any Democrat official who practices these White Supremacist policies
is, by definition, a White Supremacist. No oxymoron there.

And the results speak for themselves: Mass shootings and mass
slaughter of blacks in Chicago and other Democrat-run cities, where
the above White Supremacist policies are in force. That's what you
White Supremacist Democrats want. That was true a century ago, and
it's true today.


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Liar John

Post by Bob Butler »

Every once in a while, your lying rants stumble on a little of the truth. I’l point out a few points.

I have repeatedly confirmed we have gun and drug problems. I am doubtful that banning things is overly productive. Banning things the public wants doesn’t often prevent them from getting it. Criminals have guns. Everybody has drugs. Banning alcohol was a mess. Criminals get the chance to profit, at the cost of deaths in turf fights and jail time. Am I enthused by criminalizing what the public wants? Not really. Nor do I see a lot of difference in Democratic and Republican policy since LBJ declared his war on drugs. Massive amounts of drugs crossed the border under both party's administrations.

And drugs are not really a race issue for me. People of all races use drugs, sell drugs, and fight drugs. Same with guns.

During the conservative unraveling years, it was the thing to do to defund government mental health professionals in the name of smaller government. Not an idea that I am overly fond of. You have guys with guns answering mental health and relationship problems which they are not trained to handle. Their way of solving the problem is with a gun. Again, I don’t see this as a racial problem. People of all races have mental or relationship problems. I would see the policy reversed, build up the mental health professionals using funds currently allocated for guys with guns shooting troubled people. Somehow, this has been labeled as defunding the police. Not so simple.

There are places where defunding the police is racial. Some departments have a surplus of bad cops and a racist lethal mind set. They pay attention not to the mayors elected by the people but their culture and unions. In extreme cases, defunding such organizations is a quite viable option. Still, it would be viable only if the county or state police forces are more responsive to democratically elected government. I would not defund the police overall, I would just provide more funding to responsible forces. Defunding would be a last resort against a stubborn bad department, not a blanket policy applicable everywhere.

Gun checks? You must have probable cause before you instigate a search. This should be true of everybody, not a racial issue. Alas, bad cops exist. Carrying while black is viewed as more of a crime than others carrying. No one should be above the law.

And I note you have not provided any evidence of me celebrating destroyed lives or bypassing public desires. You will lie and propagandize without evidence, without researching what you are talking about. I would not recommend it. It clarifies how you fail to research in order to more easily lie and do stalinist propaganda.

Now you can redefine “white supremacist” in odd ways if it makes you feel better about lying. To me, it is easy to tell the homicides committed recently in Chicago from those committed in Tulsa long ago. It is easy to tell a turf fight or a messed up husband from a white supremacist race riot. If you can’t tell the difference, you are really confused.

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Liar John

Post by Bob Butler »

The above exchanges shows much of the problem with Generational Dynamics. Basically, John didn’t know my positions on the issues, so he made up stuff. No research. He just lied. From a larger perspective, he does the same things with Democrats. He doesn’t bother to learn what their real positions are. He lies. He makes stuff up. The trend continues as you go abroad. If he doesn’t like somebody, he lies. He makes stuff up.

I suppose you don’t need any of the restrictions. You just have to know that John lies, he makes stuff up. That’s all you have to know to understand Generational Dynamics.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by spottybrowncow »

John is right.

In absolute terms, the "capital white supremacist riot" was a trivial event.

One more time - a trivial event.

No loss of life attributable to the mob, just one unarmed woman murdered for trespassing by the state, whose murderer's identity has been kept secret thus far.

In any objective assessment, its significance is dwarfed by many ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE by the democrat-sanctioned destruction of the previous year. To suggest otherwise is foolish and dishonest. The minorities suffered worst of all. Compassionate democrat bastards, my ass.

The true significance of the capital incident is that it is being used just as John says, as an excuse to push an anti-middle class agenda.

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Liar John

Post by Bob Butler »

The riot was an attack on our democracy, intended to freeze our election system. It is trivial if you don’t believe in democracy. Some people value democracy.

The divide is that the cavalier / rural / racist / red / Republican culture sees itself as having a superior place in the culture. One is either for this culture, or not. If you are tribally thinking, you are out to build up prejudices about other competing cultres and oppress them in ways from voter suppression to murder.

The opposite is working from principles such as equality, democracy, human rights and rule of law.

So naturally if you are doing something which supports the supposedly superior culture even at the cost of democracy, you would try to label it as trivial. If you value the principles, you do not.

Things were ugly in the Agricultural and Industrial Ages. Tribal thinking - advancing your own class, race or nation - was common. Violence was the preferred method of oppressing people. Each crisis, the above principles makes this oppression more difficult, not to mention machine guns, nukes, proxy wars, insurgent wars and non violent legislative culture change. There is no exception in the Anglo American sequence. I do not anticipate an exception now.

So it is not from a liberal vantage point any sort of battle about class, race or nation. It is about equality, democracy, human rights and rule of law. When I visit the main thread, it is not hard to see white supremacists building up each other’s prejudices and blaming everyone but themselves for the problems of our culture. Others see it through entirely different lenses.

Don’t count on anyone changing their perspectives. If you visit places where divergent viewpoints are welcomed, you would be aware of how seldom perspectives change, where it takes a major failure to cause a change. S&H had that happening only in a crisis, and only after disasters like Atlanta or Hiroshima occurred. Little notice was given to the suffragettes, Gandhi, or the civil rights movement, the increase importance of non violence and legislative change to culture.

None of this addresses John’s habit of lying, of attempting propaganda that will only convince people already convinced.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by spottybrowncow »

The attack on the capital was by a few hundred fools without any chance of success. If they were any real threat, they would have at least been armed, and had an army backing them up. As it turns out, they weren't violent in any sense of the word compared to the democrat city rioters of 2020.

The democrat-sanctioned / blm / antifa riot machine, on the other hand, IS part of an army funded to the tune of billions of dollars by people who want the US democracy to fall. Their goal is to tear people apart by sewing discord. There is a very real chance they'll succeed. They WANT violence, the more they produce, the greater their success. There is absolutely no question which side uses violence (real violence, not "hurt your f*cking candy-ass little feelings = violence" violence) more.

John is probably the greatest arbiter of truth on the internet. He's not perfect, but he's way closer than anyone else. Every time he lets you make another completely and totally idiotic and / or insulting comment and doesn't kick you off this site, it just shows his strength. And when you keep posting, it shows that you know he's right. You just can't tear yourself away. Like a moth to the flame, you keep coming back, because even you know deep down that truth lives here.

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A Very Spotty Cow

Post by Bob Butler »

The attack on the capitol was directed against a constitutional function. In hindsight, it was indeed foolish. It had little chance of success, but Trump was desperate enough to try it anyway. It isn’t my role to excuse Trump’s decisions. But it was the best the White House could do, calling together a bunch or racist organizations who usually have very different targets for an attack on democracy. The attacking forces did have an armed contingent in reserve, but decided not to deploy it.

The violent protests and looters are contra productive elements in the Black Lives Matter cause. The prejudice of the cavalier faction lumps together organizations with very different motivations to justify their perspective. From my perspective, those protesters who go violent give the cops an excuse not to do their jobs. They are hurting themselves by looting. Both are poor decisions. However, when you and your ancestors have been oppressed since the slave ship days, you make poor decisions. There is not much logic to enough being enough. If the oppression goes on long enough, things get irrational.

To blame the oppressed, not the oppressors, is the conservative approach. You don’t try to stop the oppression, you double down on it. This involves confusing the very different motivations of the various people involved.

John is just another partisan internet hack who happens to lie to create his propaganda. He does have some value in understanding the distant parts of the world still embracing prejudice, hatred and oppression. He correctly concludes that disaster would result if these are unleashed. He has a far more questionable role in encouraging prejudice, hate and oppression in his own culture.

I would not say the truth lives here, but the site is one of may places where the cavalier / rural / racist / red / Republican perspective is presented more or less openly. The question is whether they can defend racism, prejudice and violence successfully. Not really. Not without the sort of obvious lies John so regularly employs.

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