Societal collapse

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by John »

I would request that you stop making racist posts. Nobody appreciates
having a racist like you as a forum member.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Societal collapse

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 8:20 pm
I would request that you stop making racist posts. Nobody appreciates having a racist like you as a forum member.
I assume you are talking to me? I have not been advocating one ethnic group as superior or inferior to another. I have been pointing out that the Republicans are on the wrong end of this not-a-crisis as they are associated with certain unpopular opinions. Problems should be solved. People should be equal under law. I think this has been said often enough that I hopefully don't have to say it much more, but a lot of people consider such beliefs clownish.

I consider them American.

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by John »

Yes I was talking to you. The worst racists are the racists who think
they aren't racists, and who spread their hatred through sophistry, as
you do.

By the way, if you don't like where I moved your post, you can delete
it yourself, which would be just as well.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Societal collapse

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:14 pm
Yes I was talking to you. The worst racists are the racists who think they aren't racists, and who spread their hatred through sophistry, as you do.
Americans have oppressed immigrants for quite a while. It is still going on. Where there is oppression, there are generally oppressors. Lately I have encountered those who have redefined things to label those fighting the oppression as bad guys. I would rate those people as worse.

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by spottybrowncow »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:43 pm
John wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:14 pm
Yes I was talking to you. The worst racists are the racists who think they aren't racists, and who spread their hatred through sophistry, as you do.
Americans have oppressed immigrants for quite a while. It is still going on. Where there is oppression, there are generally oppressors. Lately I have encountered those who have redefined things to label those fighting the oppression as bad guys. I would rate those people as worse.
Yes, I agree with you completely Bob, there IS oppression - always has been throughout history, can't imagine a scenario where there won't always be.

But guess what, Bob? There is less oppression in the United States of America now than there has probably has ever been in any such multiracial (if you believe in race) country ever to have existed. Should we raze the country to the ground and start anew? Should we throw out the principles and traditions which have gotten us to be the greatest country in the history of the world, and replace them with the practices of our would-be successors, the CCP, favored by our liberal friends? I personally don't think so. There's always room for improvement, and good people agree we should work to that end, but only in extreme, dire (dare I say unprecedented in terms of EVIL) circumstances, should we throw the baby out with the bathwater.

On another note, a friend of many years told me today his good friend in Detroit called him before the November election to tell him he had received in the mail, completely unsolicited, 6 ballots, one for every member of his family, including his four minor kids. He was shocked - mostly, because there was nothing to stop him from filling them all out and mailing them in. Nothing to stop him, of course, except his personal integrity. I have to hand it to our liberal friends, they HAVE perfected the art of stealing elections, and that's why "all us dumbass uneducated reds" are so upset. Under the guise of "extraordinary Covid circumstances" or "ending voter suppression," pick whatever excuse you want, they have made it INCREDIBLY EASY FOR DISHONEST PEOPLE TO CHEAT. And who has that benefitted?

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Bob Butler
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Re: Societal collapse

Post by Bob Butler »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:43 pm
Yes, I agree with you completely Bob, there IS oppression - always has been throughout history, can't imagine a scenario where there won't always be.

But guess what, Bob? There is less oppression in the United States of America now than there has probably has ever been in any such multiracial (if you believe in race) country ever to have existed. Should we raze the country to the ground and start anew?
I can agree to not throwing away the baby with the bathwater. Thing is, in the last three crisis we have managed to avoid that. A crisis comes along. (And I am going to ignore John’s claim that this is not a crisis. The other turning sites disagree.) The worst problems facing the US are solved. That generally involves purging that element that has perpetuated the worst problems. As the conservative faction has always been the one that need purging, it will be up to you guys to retain what is best about conservative thought while purging the worst.

If the problems are COVID, the economic ruin it brought, the murdering bad cops, the other systematic racism elements, then Trump did not act on the crisis problems and as a result lost enough popularity to lose the election.

Mind you, as in the Georgia runoffs, it was pretty (expletive deleted) close.

It is a common shtick to say a problem has always existed, thus always will. King will always rule. No experimenting with this new democracy thing. All civilizations are built on the cornerstone of slavery. Always will. The government has no authority to regulate the economy, never has needed to, and never will. Periodic depressions getting ever worse can be ignored. The US should not get involved in foreign wars. Containment? No need.

One faction does not see the need to change. Gee, who would that be this time? Who would be perpetuating the problems, obstructing the solutions?

But always when getting rid of the bathwater, we have found a way to save the baby. No need to dump the poor kid this time either. After today’s capitol riots, I am more than ever convinced that there is some dirty bathwater to be gotten rid of. We have to do something about political factions creating a false narrative, of convincing folks that the situation is not as it really is.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

I watch a lot of YouTube interviews and most "preppers" say that no man is an island and you can't live alone (or with just your family) in a bunker forever, but I think they are missing the point. In a grid down situation or a nuclear war, 90% of the population will be dead in a few weeks or months. As one foreign poster who survived the Chechen war pointed out, waterborne infection will kill you before starvation does. An infected cut could kill you with ut heavy grade pharma. I'm not worried about starving to death.

I think having a couple years of food (at least), guns and ammunition, and a hidden bunker could save your life. I know people who have a cabin in the woods and they have lived out there for months without a single person bothering them. I don't see hipsters and welfare queens being able to survive in the wilderness and locate campfires and hidden air vents. I think they will die off quickly. Hide out successfully for a year, and you are 90% of the way there. Maybe the world will be destroyed, and you will die anyway, but escaping urban panic will take you farther along than organizing a neighborhood patrol at the cul de sac. Especially if you live within a few an hour's drive of the hood.

Emerge from your bunker a year afer things fall apart and then see what is going on.

By a solar short wave/ am/fm radio.


Re: Societal collapse

Post by guest »

when society collapses, the people in demand will be those who can do things with their hands.

the last thing a deteriorating society needs is ivory-tower academics preaching to us about their invented concepts.

we will need carpenters, plumbers, machinists, electricians, mechanics, and just plain workers.

puny, physically weak social scientists will be pushed to the margins to starve


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

guest wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:43 am
when society collapses, the people in demand will be those who can do things with their hands.

the last thing a deteriorating society needs is ivory-tower academics preaching to us about their invented concepts.

we will need carpenters, plumbers, machinists, electricians, mechanics, and just plain workers.

puny, physically weak social scientists will be pushed to the margins to starve
We need far fewer grads in such as "critical queer studies" with inflated egos and senses of entitlement, and more plumbers and construction workers.

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by spottybrowncow »

We need this desperately now, not just after SHTF. One of the most memorable things I recall Trump saying was when he talked about "the dignity of work." We not only need more skilled tradesman, we need people who do relatively unskilled but necessary jobs well to feel that they are valued and respected members of society. Imagine if all the people who are presently living on government largesse could be paid at least a little more than they currently make doing nothing, but actually contribute to society. The biggest obstacle to this might be child care for families without fathers present, but that's another whole topic.

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