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Re: Abortion

Post by Higgenbotham »

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:10 am
The whole point is to impose their own way of thought on others. Certain aspects of white culture are imposed by force of government on those belonging to other cultures.
According to this young black woman, imposing "white culture" means having black kids go to museums for school trips.
What is white culture, exactly? Here's what the stats say

Whiteness is hard to define, but apparently it involves lots of vegetables, alcohol and the arts – and names like Yoder
What is white culture, exactly?

I decided to find out by asking the questions that I and many other non-white people have been asked over and over again. I looked for answers in data.

Q: What do white people eat?
A: Vegetables.
The US Department of Agriculture’s latest data shows that the average white American eats 16lb more vegetables at home each year than do non-white Americans (that could add up to 112 medium-sized carrots, 432 cherry tomatoes, or God knows how much kale).

The only thing that white people seem to love more than vegetables is dairy. White Americans eat 185lb of dairy products at home each year, compared with just 106lb for black Americans.

But this isn’t just the result of our appetites: all of these numbers are shaped by structural factors. For example, fruit and vegetable consumption increases each time that a new supermarket is added near to someone’s home, according to a 2002 study. That same study also found that white Americans are four times more likely than black Americans to live in a census tract that has a supermarket.

Q: What do white people drink?
A: Alcohol.
Almost a third of non-Hispanic whites had at least one heavy drinking day in the past year, according to the CDC. Only 16% of black Americans and 24% of Hispanic Americans said the same.

If you’re wondering which drinks white people are drinking, then you have the same question as a team of researchers who followed 2,171 girls from the time they were 11 years old to the time they were 18. As each year passed, the researchers noticed that compared to the black girls, white girls drank a lot more wine (and beer, actually, and, er, spirits, too).

Q: What do white people do for fun?
A: Enjoy the arts.
I turned to my esteemed colleague and friend Amanda and asked what she would like to know about white people. Amanda, herself a white person, replied: “Why do they love guitars so much?” Alas, despite two hours of online research, I couldn’t test her theory about musical instruments and race. (Although I did find out that bassoons are more popular with women than men, which led me to a YouTube clip of a woman playing the bassoon with a comment that read “THIS is how you bassoon”. It made me laugh so hard I had to take a break from writing this.)

Instead, I looked at the latest American Time Use Survey. It was published after the Bureau of Labor Statistics asked 10,500 people in the US how they spend their time. White people are the only racial or ethnic group in the dataset to have a number higher than zero for time spent attending museums or the performing arts. It’s only 36 seconds, but remember, this is a daily average, so that adds up to 219 minutes each year.

I double checked my findings against a 2015 report from the National Endowment for the Arts, which found that white Americans were almost twice as likely as black or Hispanic Americans to have done at least one arts activity in the past year. Their definition of an arts activity was pretty broad – it included “jazz, classical music, opera, musical and non-musical plays, ballet, and visits to an art museum or gallery”.

These numbers feel close to home. When I was growing up, my family never set foot inside a museum, gallery or theatre. Not once. I didn’t think it was strange, I just thought it was like travelling in pairs or taking coaches – an activity reserved only for school trips.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/ ... es-alcohol
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Bob Butler
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White Culture

Post by Bob Butler »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:40 pm
According to this young black woman, imposing "white culture" means having black kids go to museums for school trips.
Sure, there are positive aspects of our culture. We've gone through a bunch of crises. A lot of flaws of the Agricultural Age have been fixed, and they had vegetables and alcohol even back then. That does not mean other flaws do not exist, that more crises are not called for. Going to a museum or eating vegetables at a cost of being forced to have a child while being the victim of prejudice and enduring gunfire isn't ideal. The conservative ideal of continued unchanged culture while forcing suffering on others does not echo in all hearts.

Guest J

Re: Abortion

Post by Guest J »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:40 pm

The whole point is to impose their own way of thought on others. Certain aspects of white culture are imposed by force of government on those belonging to other cultures.
According to this young black woman, imposing "white culture" means having black kids go to museums for school trips.
What is white culture, exactly? Here's what the stats say

Whiteness is hard to define, but apparently it involves lots of vegetables, alcohol and the arts – and names like Yoder

I don't know any blacks or Latinos that go to museums or appreciate art, unless it is making up some BS story about how blacks created the first piano or that Monet or some other famous artist was black. Obviously, our cultures are different. It is obvious to me that we can't live together anymore.

The racism I have faced my whole life as a white person is outrageous. The last black person I worked with went out of his way to get my fired. I left the company and the the team of POCs I worked with was fired en masse a few months later for ineptitude and laziness. I did 99% of the team's work. I was glad to get out of there. That happened back in 2011. I doubt that today they would be fired. They would have kept these dead weights on the payroll to avoid being called racists. Anti-white racism is not a minor issue for me. It has badly affected my life and career. (Though I am in a much better place than the bozos who tormented me years ago.) Blacks are willing to cut off their nose despite their face in order to get white people fired. (My story is a long one, but suffice to say that i knew exactly what would happen when I left that department; the team failed immediately.)

This cannot go on much longer. I have seen it inside major corporations, and the situation is dire.

Go East young man, go east.

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Re: Abortion

Post by Navigator »

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:10 am

In MSNBC’s The Last Word tonight, Lawrence O’Donnell made a point that the Republicans do not know how to nominate a competent speaker that knows how to do the job. For the longest time, the Democrats held Congress and were the speakers. In recent times the Republicans have had the occasional chance, and their people were universally disasters. They tended to resign or retire. True, this is the first time they have had to vote out their own guy, but they simply do not know how to do the job.

From my point of view, a lot of it is just having a different job. The Democrats try to help the people. The Republicans try to force their culture on others. Thus they are an alliance of bigots, religious fanatics and the rich. They made it illegal to follow one’s own morality, and they censor attempts to spread conflicting cultures. The whole point is to impose their own way of thought on others. Certain aspects of white culture are imposed by force of government on those belonging to other cultures.

I am not sure if the bigots, religious fanatics or rich are the worst.

Again, define a property that can be scientifically, repeatedly detected in a fetus, but not in your typical animal grown for meat. Your objection is to a religious doctrine. A religious doctrine. You have no right to impose it on those that do not share it.

Not that you are apt to succeed. Note in your post you quote religions, not cultures. The attempts by conservatives to dictate religious beliefs in conflict with women has resulted in the women winning the vote in the US every single time since Roe was overturned. Come 2024, if conservatives continue to attempt to impose their culture on the women of America, the Democrats are apt to win Congress. There is no other way to restore control of their own bodies. And then the conservative collapse will be on. A right to reproductive health care. Voting rights. An end to gerrymandering. Common sense gun control. Fighting censorship by underling the First Amendment. Etc... You let in a decisive progressive Congress, and they won’t stop at one issue.

I really just ought to shut my mouth and let you cut your own throats. Ah, well. You can’t say you weren’t warned.
Once again, I will go through your points, as you fail to defend yourself against counter-arguments, and just move to new ones.

1 - I had no problem with any of the Republican speakers. They worked on their agendas, just as Democrats worked on theirs. I think that the current voting out of the Speaker by Republicans only hurts them, and is a manifestation of Republican self harm since before the 2020 election.

2 - Democrats do start from the premise of "trying to help people". The problems are with the tactics they use. They amount to force. Forcing the rest of us to pay for social programs that are laden with pork, incompetence, and mismanagement. These efforts have bankrupted the nation, many states, and most cities. And have done little to nothing to "help people", as the poverty rate is the same it was in 1963 and the families of the poor (especially Blacks) have been destroyed.

3 - Republicans are imposing morality - Not True. Premarital sex and Adultery are rampant. Among both parties. And its fully legal. Heck, look at Trump.

4 - A fetus is not a piece of meat. It will become a human being unless steps are taken to kill it. The "option" for men and women is to not engage in unprotected sex unless they want a chance at creating a human being. This is where choice occurs. Once you have created a human being, you are obligated to take care of it. By your argument, parents could just starve an infant and be ok, as forcing them to care for it is "imposing morality".

5 - More than any other group, the Democrats, led by the extreme left, are trying to impose their will on others. Their social programs are always enabled by forced movement of wealth from one group to another. But even more evil, they are making debate illegal. They actively censor or otherwise attempt to shut off the voice of others.

6 - The destruction of the family will result in social destruction, including that of nations, states and communities. Anarchy will be the result. We are already seeing it. The collapse of the national debt will end the social programs of the left, only accelerating this.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Abortion

Post by Bob Butler »

Navigator wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:29 pm
Once again, I will go through your points...
What? You didn’t notice how Republican speakers inevitably retired or resigned?

The theory of democracy is a willingness to pay for what most of the people want. If you are unhappy with democracy, what can I say? Those who are less in want want less. Those who are less in need need less. That does not mean most people do not want or need some help. What are governments for?

Name a bankrupted state? Nation? Liar?

The ghetto mindset is real. Some have been unable to be hired into the American Dream thus distrust and seek alternatives to the American Dream. They may think such things as to get ahead you have to be a pusher, a sports star, a mother good at manipulating welfare, or a criminal. Yes, you have to fight that way of life not give up on the fight.

Yes, the religious fanatics, bigots and rich are attempting to impose their culture on others not of that culture. No matter how unpleasant you might find it to become aware of that fact, it remains true. If you doubt me, try to tell a woman you are not imposing on her. Good luck with that.

Agreed, some aspects of ‘morality’ are not being contested by either party. This doesn’t imply other areas aren’t. One former president (Carter) tries and is close to succeeding in eliminating guinea worms. Trump seems to prefer criminal activity. That neither is trying particularly hard to prevent mutual consenting sex has nothing to do with it. It would be kind of futile for either Carter or Trump to try it. That is one potent drive in humans.

A fetus is a piece of meat. Again, you have not been able to argue otherwise. I doubt you can, yet it is the major way in we differ. Define one property a fetus has which meat animals don’t. If you can’t find such a property, you are trying to impose by government force a religious doctrine. You can’t do that.

Ironic, considering it is DeSantis and others who are crippling what schools teach and are promoting censorship of books and libraries. This is a problem in rural red areas. Democrats are not seeking to force evangelicals to have abortions or promoting bigotry against bigots. They seek freedom, free speech and democracy, not imposing or creating trouble for others. This is definitely a lie.

Again, who has gone bankrupt? Proclaiming lies in unrelated areas will not resolve the abortion question. I will suggest Bidenomics is better than anything the Republicans have been pushing lately, and leave it at that.

You need not blabber lies about the conservative progressive divide and ruin what little credibility you have. Stick with one issue at a time. I feel like I have had to address every issue under the sun in this note. Really work on the property a fetus has that a meat animal doesn’t. All these scattered distractions on other issues count for nothing as you can’t do that. Trying to solve each issue in one paragraph really isn’t adequate. A thread is more like it.

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Re: White Culture

Post by Higgenbotham »

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:45 pm
Higgenbotham wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:40 pm
According to this young black woman, imposing "white culture" means having black kids go to museums for school trips.
Sure, there are positive aspects of our culture. We've gone through a bunch of crises. A lot of flaws of the Agricultural Age have been fixed, and they had vegetables and alcohol even back then. That does not mean other flaws do not exist, that more crises are not called for. Going to a museum or eating vegetables at a cost of being forced to have a child while being the victim of prejudice and enduring gunfire isn't ideal. The conservative ideal of continued unchanged culture while forcing suffering on others does not echo in all hearts.
This young black woman has written an article telling people what she thinks white culture is based on her research into the data. Further, she even went so far as to show exactly what imposing "white culture" on black people meant to her.

Your response is to say, in effect, "No, this young black woman doesn't really fully understand what it means to impose "white culture" on black people. Now I will school this young black woman and tell her what imposing "white culture" on black people really means because, after all, she is just a dumb black person who doesn't really understand what it means."

You might think I am joking or trying to score debate points, but telling black people what they ought to be thinking or telling others what black people are really thinking (when they didn't really say that) is exactly what many if not most white male liberals do as a default and it is actually, uh, racist, and sometimes, uh, sexist.

It's sort of like our discussion of the Pew polls that have put health care costs as the number one or number two concern of Americans for several years running where you replied that health care costs really aren't the number one or number two concern of Americans because it's not going to be on the news tonight. That's like saying that in the years immediately preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union that if Tass didn't report it, it didn't matter.

If you disagree with her, then it would make more sense for you to go find the opinion of another black person and have them tell you what imposing "white culture" means to them. It will probably have nothing to do with "enduring gunfire".
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Bob Butler
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Re: White Culture

Post by Bob Butler »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:52 am
This young black woman has written an article telling people what she thinks white culture is based on her research into the data. Further, she even went so far as to show exactly what imposing "white culture" on black people meant to her.
You cannot describe fully an entire culture in one paragraph. I am not claiming she is lying. Nor does she mention bigotry, abortion or the rich. She just didn't say everything that could be said, certainly not in response to this ongoing discussion.


Re: White Culture

Post by Guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:50 am
You cannot describe fully an entire culture in one paragraph.
You do it all the time.

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Re: Abortion

Post by jdcpapa »

Navigator wrote:Democrats do start from the premise of "trying to help people". The problems are with the tactics they use. They amount to force. Forcing the rest of us to pay for social programs that are laden with pork, incompetence, and mismanagement. These efforts have bankrupted the nation, many states, and most cities.
Bob Butler wrote: Name a bankrupted state? Nation? Liar?
Bankrupt cities and municipalities:
https://www.governing.com/archive/munic ... aults.html

Bankrupt nation:

https://dollarnerdz.com/en/countries-th ... re%20items

https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikepatton ... 9e25cc5a4e

Bankrupt states:
https://www.dailywire.com/news/9-most-b ... on-bandler

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Re: White Culture

Post by jdcpapa »

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:45 pm
Higgenbotham wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:40 pm
According to this young black woman, imposing "white culture" means having black kids go to museums for school trips.
Sure, there are positive aspects of our culture. We've gone through a bunch of crises. A lot of flaws of the Agricultural Age have been fixed, and they had vegetables and alcohol even back then. That does not mean other flaws do not exist, that more crises are not called for. Going to a museum or eating vegetables at a cost of being forced to have a child while being the victim of prejudice and enduring gunfire isn't ideal. The conservative ideal of continued unchanged culture while forcing suffering on others does not echo in all hearts.
https://www.takimag.com/article/the_tal ... erbyshire/

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