Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
El Cid M

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by El Cid M »

El Jefe wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:07 am
Navigator wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:48 am
Guest wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:10 pm

You are not taking free medical care in to account, nor public school costs, nor housing and food stamps. Now way that all costs 9K.

FAIR data sounds like it comes from 1992...

and then there is the human cost. Soaring rates of theft, violent robberies, rapes, and murders. Just ask the NYPD has their lives have improved after BLM, defunding, and mass illegal migration in to the Gotham.
This is the data from F.A.I.R and it is pretty accurate. The key word is AVERAGE, across all illegals, across all situations they are in. And yes it includes education and food stamps. The criminality, and the potential terrorists and 5th Column Chinese are additional issues.
As a white American Hispanic, I'm more worried about 5th column Latinos. They hate the United States and Americans. The Mexican government is openly pro-Russian and is a hive of FSB/GRU activity. You don't have to believe me, GOOGLE it. If you speak Spanish, go online and read the message boards. Mexicans and other Central Americans are all virulently anti-American and pro-Putin, pro China, pro anyone anti-American.

Please become grounded in reality and stop virtue signalling or pretending the problem does not exist; otherwise, we will lose the war.

Until we drop DEI and woke fear of being called racists, we will never address the true dangers among us.
And here is where the rubber hits the road. Successive American administrations have allowed this to happen thinking that they would all be dead or safely away and living in Australia with loads of cash before it caught up with the country. Now it has caught up.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:34 am
Guest wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:59 am
FullMoon wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:19 am

Common ground is found when everyone is fighting for a common cause.
Too bad there isn't any. Not even war with China would you unite us. The Latinos are a 5th column already. Don't believe me? Go on Telegram and read it for yourself.
Recent events in the news regarding conscription and the debate about it got me thinking and I started to reread what I consider to be one of the most important books on my bookshelf. Nicholas Pringle’s ‘The Unknown Warriors’.

In 2005, Pringle wrote to local papers across Britain and appealed to WW2 veterans, as well as people that lived through the war as civilians, to share their thoughts on modern Britain.

He receives hundreds of replies. And honestly, you’d be hard pressed to find a more sobering and upsetting book. The overall consensus is:
• A feeling of regret at having even bothered to fight at all
• A deep worry about what kind of country their grandchildren will inherit
• Despair at the collapse of morals and community
• Feeling like strangers in their own towns and cities
• Fear of going out at night

This was 2005.
What would they think now?

A must read. Buy this book.
I do encourage you to read this yourself. But I’ll give one example. This is part of a response submitted by an elderly woman from Sheffield. A war widow named Elsie. Sadly she’ll have passed on now, but her words and feelings remain.

Dear Mr Pringle,
Thank goodness someone wants to find out what people think of Britain today. I am a widow of Harry Formess, Royal Engineer killed in Burma. I hope you can read my writing. I’m partially blind now. My town is like foreign country to me. My feeling is that men that offered their lives have been betrayed and the dead gave their lives in vain. Most of the older people, me too, say thank goodness we are at the end of our lives. It is no longer the Britain that was fought for.

Lara RH

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Lara RH »

Please tell me why I should fight the Russians and Chinese again? I can't hear you over the DEI and shattering of the dreams of talented white people.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

John wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:24 pm
** 02-Feb-2024 World View: China's attack

Navigator, Trevor, and I and others
have expressed viewa of different
scenarios of how China will
initially launch its attack. These
include attacks on Taiwan, Korea,
and Japan, as well as attacks on the
United States with nuclear weapons
and/or troops crossing the Bering
Strait or crossing the Pacific in
thousands of militarized fishing

But I see the initial attack
differently. I believe that China's
initial attacks will be huge and
crippling, and will be launched internal
to the United States. These attacks
will be massive, coordinated, and affect
every aspect of American life.
  • China will launch dozens of
    simultaneous terrorist attacks on
    American targets, conducted by Chinese
    terrorist groups formed from the (tens
    of) thousands of military-age Chinese
    men without IDs pouring across the
    Southern border and released into cities
    across America with no vetting except to
    come to a court date ten years from
  • They may also be joined by
    military-age men without ID pouring
    across the Southern border from those of
    the 140 countries who are China's
  • Simultaneously, there will be
    massive Chinee cyberattacks on American
    electrical grids, power stations, water
    stations, ports, bridges, buses, transit
    systems, and other infrastructure
    targets. FBI Director Christopher Wray
    warned about this in testimony in
    Congress on Wednesday, saying that the
    hackers aim to "wreak havoc" on the
    entire country.
  • Simultaneously, China will have its
    army of Chinese terrorist groups (see
    above) specifically target strategically
    important individuals, from a list
    culled from China's huge database of
    hundreds of millions of Americans that
    they've been building for years by
    hacking government and commercial
    databases around the world.
    ( ... tm#e181221)
    The database contains name, SS num,
    phone, location, and other personal
    information for each person.
  • Simultaneously, China's military
    will take control of all Huawei routers
    on networks across America and around
    the world. As I wrote years ago, I have
    the skills to use encryption to hide a
    "backdoor" in the code of a Huawei
    router, so that no one could find the
    backdoor without knowing the value of a
    1,024-bit private key. If I have the
    skills, then lots of people in China's
    military also do. So we can be certain
    China's military can control or disable
    every Huawei (or ZTE) router in the
    world, and shut off the vital networks
    they're connected to.
  • Simultaneously, China's military
    will control or disable all Huawei/ZTE
    phones and other electronic
  • Simultaneously, China's military
    will take control of all devices that
    have installed TikTok.
  • Simultaneously, China's military
    will launch dozens of ballistic and
    hypersonic missiles, with nuclear and
    EMS warheads, targeting American cities
    and military bases.
So, the word of the day today is
"multi-tiered," the word that the
administration is using to describe the
planned military response to Iran.

So, my expectation is that when the
Chinese Communists decide to strike, it
will be a multi-tiered attack.

I agree with you on 95%. I do not think the Chinese will nuke American city targets for fear of mass retaliation.

For those that do not remember our previous discussions about this, my feeling is that the threat of mutual mass destruction will keep current leaders from nuclear Armageddon (taking out each other's population), but they will probably still go after military targets (ships at sea, strategic bases with low civilian population, like Guam).

Again, glad to hear that you are doing better.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Lara RH wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 7:47 am
Please tell me why I should fight the Russians and Chinese again? I can't hear you over the DEI and shattering of the dreams of talented white people.
Because as bad as an idea as DEI is (versus hiring/promotion for competence/accomplishment), it has not yet come anywhere close to turning the USA into Russia or China, both of which are actual dictatorships with zero personal liberty.

I still enjoy oodles of personal liberty and am safe, happy and relatively secure. None of this would be true in either place, and if the Russian/Chinese win in the future, a USA occupied and/or controlled by either of these places would be immeasurably worse than either of those two place are now.

The USA continues to be the beacon of hope for the world, even if the beacon is dimmed compared to days gone by.

Posts: 1212
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:43 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

One big issue China has: the more elaborate the attack they have in mind, the more that can go wrong. "No plan survives first contact with the enemy", after all. I'm sure they've got something big in mind, but people make mistakes, they miscalculate, they miss crucial communications, the enemy responds in a way they didn't anticipate, and so on.

When it comes to nuclear weapons, I expect it'll be one of the smaller powers that use them first, such as Pakistan or North Korea. Whoever's losing the war would find them a much more tempting option than a nation that's making advances, even slow ones. China's biggest miscalculation is their assumption their enemies are weak and will just capitulate after the first blow rather than fight.

Dictators tend to do brutal things to whoever gives them bad news, and I doubt Xi's subordinates will be willing to tell him that a certain course of action is impossible with their current capabilities. Prior to the Iraqi invasion, Saddam's cronies told him they could repel a U.S. invasion when they knew damn well that wasn't the case.

In our current circumstances, some things remind me of the buildup to the Second World War, others remind me of the runup to World War I.

To answer Navigator's question about why Russia hasn't gone into full wartime mobilization, cerca 1942, the biggest reason is likely politics. Putin's crushed most of the active anti-war opposition, but there are still plenty who feel that way. Given speaking out may lead to falling out of a 12th story window, most aren't going to be willing to actively push against it so long as it doesn't impact them too badly. Long as the middle and upper classes see it as not worth the risk, they won't do much, so long as they don't personally have to fight.

As for recruitment, they're able to sustain their losses, since you've got plenty of Russians in miserable poverty that see the hiring bonuses as sufficient incentive despite the risk, around 150,000 prisoners that have taken the offer of a pardon, and conscripts who see no way out of their predicament. Terrible as their manpower losses sound, it is nevertheless sustainable. A total mobilization where millions are drafted would change this dynamic and lead people with much less to lose rising up.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Trevor wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:04 pm
As for recruitment, they're able to sustain their losses, since you've got plenty of Russians in miserable poverty that see the hiring bonuses as sufficient incentive despite the risk, around 150,000 prisoners that have taken the offer of a pardon, and conscripts who see no way out of their predicament. Terrible as their manpower losses sound, it is nevertheless sustainable. A total mobilization where millions are drafted would change this dynamic and lead people with much less to lose rising up.
The true number of Russian losses is secret, perhaps even unknown to the shambolic Russian army. Russia has, at best, 7-8 million military age males. Of that number, many are drug addled, have AIDS, are alcoholic, and mentally unbalanced, not that that would keep them out of the Russian army. A huge number of Wagner PMC prisoners are HIV positive. Drug use and alcohol abuse are rampant on the front line. Russia is a country with more grandparents than teenagers; more abortions than live births! The ethnic minorities that make up a huge percentage of Russian dead have meant ethnic unrest across the country. The working class is being decimated. Who will work in Russia's factories, farms, and maintain the already poor infrastructure? Are they going to bring in poorly skilled North Koreans?

The Russian army is still handing out substandard body armor, much of it useless.

Medical care in Russian army is terrible. Many Russian soldiers have endured entirely unnecessary amputations because of poor medical treatment.

Russia is throwing tons of substandard munitions at the Ukrainians, but it has sacrificed its economy to do that much.

I have serious doubts about Russia being able to sustain any of this. Ukraine has been devastated, but so has Russia. And worse, Russia is now an isolated pariah nation. Putin is gambling that Western oil demand will bring acceptance of Ukrainian losses and normalization. I don't see that happening.

And a bullet between Putin's eyes is the quickiest way out of all of this. And the people around Putin know this. Everyone knows this.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:13 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:21 am
Demographic change financed by you, the tax payer.

Migrants are so awesome for the economy that it costs us $380 per day to house & feed them. That's $138,000 per year, more than most American families make per year.

The cost of a plane ticket to Mexico City is only $346, less than it costs us to house one of them for one solitary day.
The following data is from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform): There are now 16.8 Million illegal residents in the USA. The numbers are increasing at a rate in excess of 15% per year. The NET cost of these illegals is 150.6 Billion per year. This puts the rate at right about $9k per year per illegal.

So if an illegal comes here at age 20, and lives to 70 (a reasonable estimate), ON AVERAGE they will cost the USA (including a 2% per year inflation on the current outlay) $760,000 apiece. Note that some do find work and integrate fully into society, but this is already part of the averaging and the total NET cost of illegals, as those that don't cost far more than $9k per year.

But then liberals think that the government can just create additional money at will, ad infinitum. This is literally insane.
Your math is way off...
NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families
The amount on each card will vary depending on the size of the family and whether any income is coming in, according to the details of the contract. A family of four, for instance, could be provided nearly $1,000 each month, which comes out to $35 per day for food. Cards will get refilled every 28 days. ... -for-food/

Food insecurity for Americans, free food for ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:13 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:21 am
Demographic change financed by you, the tax payer.

Migrants are so awesome for the economy that it costs us $380 per day to house & feed them. That's $138,000 per year, more than most American families make per year.

The cost of a plane ticket to Mexico City is only $346, less than it costs us to house one of them for one solitary day.
The following data is from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform): There are now 16.8 Million illegal residents in the USA. The numbers are increasing at a rate in excess of 15% per year. The NET cost of these illegals is 150.6 Billion per year. This puts the rate at right about $9k per year per illegal.

So if an illegal comes here at age 20, and lives to 70 (a reasonable estimate), ON AVERAGE they will cost the USA (including a 2% per year inflation on the current outlay) $760,000 apiece. Note that some do find work and integrate fully into society, but this is already part of the averaging and the total NET cost of illegals, as those that don't cost far more than $9k per year.

But then liberals think that the government can just create additional money at will, ad infinitum. This is literally insane.
Your math is way off...
NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families
The amount on each card will vary depending on the size of the family and whether any income is coming in, according to the details of the contract. A family of four, for instance, could be provided nearly $1,000 each month, which comes out to $35 per day for food. Cards will get refilled every 28 days. ... -for-food/

Food insecurity for Americans,\; free food for ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Guest wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:21 am
Navigator wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:13 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:21 am
Demographic change financed by you, the tax payer.

Migrants are so awesome for the economy that it costs us $380 per day to house & feed them. That's $138,000 per year, more than most American families make per year.

The cost of a plane ticket to Mexico City is only $346, less than it costs us to house one of them for one solitary day.
The following data is from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform): There are now 16.8 Million illegal residents in the USA. The numbers are increasing at a rate in excess of 15% per year. The NET cost of these illegals is 150.6 Billion per year. This puts the rate at right about $9k per year per illegal.

So if an illegal comes here at age 20, and lives to 70 (a reasonable estimate), ON AVERAGE they will cost the USA (including a 2% per year inflation on the current outlay) $760,000 apiece. Note that some do find work and integrate fully into society, but this is already part of the averaging and the total NET cost of illegals, as those that don't cost far more than $9k per year.

But then liberals think that the government can just create additional money at will, ad infinitum. This is literally insane.
Your math is way off...
NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families
The amount on each card will vary depending on the size of the family and whether any income is coming in, according to the details of the contract. A family of four, for instance, could be provided nearly $1,000 each month, which comes out to $35 per day for food. Cards will get refilled every 28 days. ... -for-food/

Food insecurity for Americans,\; free food for ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.
The math is correct. And again, it describes the AVERAGE illegal. And 9K per year, upped 2% per year for each of 50 years adds up to $760K.

The FAIR site does a pretty good job of explaining the current situation and issues, as well as the actual outlays for illegals (and the small percentage they do return as taxes).

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