Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

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Engine fire
Runway mishap
Midair loss of tire
Emergency landing in Los Angeles

United Airlines is having a bad week.

Sabotage, shoddy maintenance, or other?

What's going on at United?

Answer: DEI

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Recap of some recent posts followed by a zerohedge article that was published today.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:08 am
As I walk around and survey the population, I just don't see the strong, healthy, determined, tough young men that existed 3 or 4 decades ago in any significant numbers. I see 32 year olds with man boobs and 22 year olds who look like faggots. The FBI may "hear" them "chattering" on the Internet but that doesn't mean a whole lot, in my opinion.

Related to the above: Wingspread Statement http://gdxforum.com/forum/search.php?ke ... wingspread

"In 1991, a group of scientists met in Racine, Wisconsin, to discuss the effects of living in what many describe as a sea of artificial oestrogens, and issued something called the Wingspread Statement: ‘The concentrations of a number of synthetic hormone agonists and antagonists measured in the US human population today are well within the range and dosages at which effects are seen in wildlife populations,’ the scientists warned.

‘Unless the environmental load of synthetic hormone disruptors is abated and controlled, large-scale dysfunction at the population level is possible’ – which would seem to imply that social sexual choices and behaviour could be affected by exposure.

‘Many wildlife populations are already affected by these compounds,’ the scientists continued. ‘The impacts include thyroid dysfunction in birds and fish; decreased fertility in birds, fish, shellfish and mammals; decreased hatching success in birds, fish and turtles; gross birth deformities in birds, fish and turtles; [...] demasculinization and feminization in male fish, birds and mammals; defeminization and masculinization of female fish and birds; and compromised immune systems in birds and mammals.’

Five years later, Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers came out with the book Our Stolen Future, establishing that hormone effects were not only well-documented, but also subtler and more widespread than anyone had anticipated."

Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:28 pm
Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:33 pm
"The baseless claim that chemicals – particularly in tap water – could turn people gay has gained popularity with conspiracy theorists over the years, most memorably with conservative radio host Alex Jones, who said chemicals in the water were “turning the friggin’ frogs gay.”

No, that's not what people are saying. The effects are in the womb during fetal development.

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/ ... future-pdf
Higgenbotham wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:54 pm
In what might be called the mainstream American culture, which includes exposures to synthetic chemicals, childhood vaccines, standard American diet

First generation: (born around 1960 plus or minus a few years) Parents were not exposed to synthetic chemicals until they were adults. Anecdotally there seem to be a few more obese kids, geeky kids, gay kids, kids with allergies, kids needing orthodontics, etc., but nothing too alarming and kids seem to grow out of some of these problems. The birth rate for this generation falls a bit when adulthood is reached but nothing too dramatic. There may be a few years decrease in life expectancy becoming evident.
Second generation: (born around 1985 plus or minus a few years) First transgenerational effects may be seen, in other words, parents who were exposed to these things during their own fetal and childhood development start to have kids. In addition to what plagues the first generation born around 1960, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, autism, more severe allergies, diabetes, and other disorders become more common and less curable. Some are now common enough to have names and to be screened for. This generation sees a dramatic fall in their birthrate upon reaching adulthood.
Third generation: (born around 2015 plus or minus a few more years) Now going out on a limb. Transgenerational effects are now quite noticeable and influence the culture and economy to a great extent. There are lots more lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults compared to generations born before World War II, so many in fact that an acronym to describe this phenomenon is thought to be needed, LGBT. It is rare for a child not to have some kind of disorder. Disorders become even more severe; for example whereas many children born in 1960 may have been a bit geeky, now many are severely autistic. The birth rate for this generation takes a dramatic fall to less than half of the birthrate of the generation born before World War II.
Fourth generation: (born around 2045 plus or minus a few more years) Now really going out on a limb. Transgenerational effects in the mainstream American culture are now so severe that fertility and lifespan are affected to the point that it is evident mainstream culture is no longer viable. In most cases, disorders are so severe as to be irreversible and in many cases untreatable.
zerohedge article published today:
Scientists Discover Toxic Microplastics In Every Human Placenta Tested In Study

SATURDAY, MAR 09, 2024 - 01:00 PM
Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Harmful microplastics have been found in human placenta, with some of them known to trigger asthma, damage the liver, cause cancer, and impair reproductive function.

The peer-reviewed study, published in the Toxicological Sciences journal on Feb. 17, examined the issue of nano- and microplastic (NMP) pollution in human beings. Researchers found that all 62 tested placenta samples contained microplastics, with concentrations ranging from 6.5 to 790 micrograms per gram of tissue. The placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby while also removing waste products from the child’s blood.

The most prevalent microplastic found in the samples was polyethylene, which accounted for 54 percent of all detected NMPs and was “consistently found in nearly all samples.”

Polyethylene has been associated with several health complications like asthma, hormone disruption impacting reproduction, and mild dermatitis or swelling and irritation of the skin.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and nylon each represented approximately 10 percent of the NMPs by weight. PVC has been linked to damage to the liver and reproductive system. The substance is carcinogenic. While nylon itself is seen as harmless, the material undergoes chemical treatments during the manufacturing processes that can pose health risks.

The remaining 26 percent of microplastics found in the 62 tested placenta were represented by nine other polymers. Matthew Campen, Professor in the UNM Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, who led the team that conducted the study, expressed concerns about the steadily rising presence of microplastics and its potential health implications.

While plastics themselves have traditionally been seen to be biologically inert, microplastics are so small they can cross cell membranes, he noted. Mr. Campen found the concentration of microplastics in the placenta troubling as the tissue was only eight months old when tested. “Other organs of your body are accumulating over much longer periods of time,” he said.

Mr. Campen believes the accumulation of microplastics in human tissue could explain the puzzling rise in certain health problems like colon cancer among people younger than 50, inflammatory bowel disease, and decreasing sperm counts.

“It’s only getting worse, and the trajectory is it will double every 10 to 15 years,” he said. “So, even if we were to stop it today, in 2050 there will be three times as much plastic in the background as there is now. And we’re not going to stop it today.”

Talking about the rising volume of microplastics in the environment, Mr. Campen said that “if we’re seeing effects on placentas, then all mammalian life on this planet could be impacted. That’s not good.”

Microplastic Effects

The presence of microplastics in placentas was first identified in 2020 in a study from Italy. Researchers analyzed six placentas and identified 12 microplastic fragments in four of them. “Microplastics were found in all placental portions: maternal, fetal, and amniochorial membranes,” it said.

“Microplastics carry with them substances which acting as endocrine disruptors could cause long-term effects on human health.”

In 2022, microplastics were discovered in the lungs of a living human being for the first time. Out of the 13 lung samples, 11 had the presence of 39 microplastics. Researchers identified 12 types of microplastics commonly found in bottles, packaging, clothing, and rope.

A recently published study found microplastics in the majority of protein foods like chicken, pork, seafood, beef, and plant-based meat alternatives. The foods sampled in the study included processed, unprocessed, and minimally processed items.

Roughly half the identified microplastics were fibers, which researchers said was consistent with other studies. Almost a third of the microplastics were plastic fragments.

A 2023 study on mice found that three-week exposure to microplastics resulted in “behavioral changes as well as alterations in immune markers in liver and brain tissues. Additionally, we noted that these changes differed depending on age, indicating a possible age-dependent effect.”

Another study conducted in mice found that nanometer-sized particles reached the brains of the animals just two hours after being exposed. A third study found that inhaled microplastic and nanoplastic particles can “alter inflammatory, cardiovascular, and endocrine activity.”

Microplastics have also been found in breast milk. Researchers of the study called the finding a “great concern” given that nanoparticles have also been discovered in human placenta.

“In fact, the chemicals possibly contained in foods, beverages, and personal care products consumed by breastfeeding mothers may be transferred to the offspring, potentially exerting a toxic effect,” they wrote.

“Hence, it is mandatory to increase efforts in scientific research to deepen the knowledge of the potential health impairment caused by MP (microplastics) internalisation and accumulation, especially in infants, and to assess innovative, useful ways to reduce exposure to these contaminants during pregnancy and lactation.”

Since the 1950s, plastic use globally has grown exponentially, leading to the generation of a metric ton of plastic waste for every individual in the world. Roughly a third of the plastic that has been produced is still in use, with much of the remaining discarded or sent to landfills where they start to break down.

Mr. Campen pointed out that many plastics have a long half-life, which refers to the time required for half a sample to degrade.

“So, the half-life of some things is 300 years and the half-life of others is 50 years, but between now and 300 years some of that plastic gets degraded. Those microplastics that we’re seeing in the environment are probably 40 or 50 years old,” he said.
https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/scien ... sted-study
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:08 am
As I walk around and survey the population, I just don't see the strong, healthy, determined, tough young men that existed 3 or 4 decades ago in any significant numbers. I see 32 year olds with man boobs and 22 year olds who look like faggots.
It should have been clarified that this was written from a 1980s perspective of someone suddenly being transported 4 decades forward and looking at the situation today. Given what's known now, I consider such language to be much less appropriate to downright unacceptable. The way I see it now is all people have been damaged to varying degrees and in various ways by environmental contamination. It's not a case of some individuals being damaged and everyone else is fine. If anything, rather than looking at others, I can look at myself and consider how I have been damaged.

In this Dark Age Hovel, I'm pointing out reasons why I think the world is heading into a new dark age, particularly overlooked reasons. I think this is one of them. I gave the general topic one line in my 2018 predictions (underlined below). Other overlooked aspects of this have been discussed in earlier pages (soil loss and soil fertility loss, for example). Things like species loss and weather changes haven't because they're well covered. Though it does seem to be true that the topic of environmental contamination and its effects has gained a lot more traction in the past 5-6 years. Unfortunately, it's too late (in my opinion) to do anything about it from the standpoint of mitigating the brunt of the effects on the overall population. When Theo Colburn said in 1998 that a Manhattan Project for environmental contamination was needed, it was probably not too late. With a great deal of effort, there are things that an individual who is lucky enough to have adequate resources can probably do to protect themselves and their offspring. Though that's not the main reason for the existence of the Dark Age Hovel and I have no qualifications to give any advice, I will talk about it from the perspective of what I personally know and have done.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:49 pm
My more specific predictions would be:
  • There will be a major global financial panic and crisis. Supply chains will break, resulting in unavailability of critical raw materials and components. Global trade will begin to shut down. As it begins to become apparent that the supply chain linkages are permanently broken, the global interlinked financial markets will shut down and cease to exist. This will all happen very quickly. It will not take years from the initial panic.
  • The focus of governments will turn to controlling their panicked and hungry populations. Due to lack of availability of imported goods and adequate storage "sufficient to reconstitute" a system consistent with nation state government, this will prove to be too little too late and most government will devolve to the local level as populations lose faith in their national governments and the national governments lose the resources and ability to control their populations.
  • There will be no large scale nuclear war. Instead, the population will be culled through starvation, local strife (including settling of long-standing scores) and disease. Wave after wave of pandemics will sweep the world.
  • Similar to national economies and governments, centralized utilities will fail or become so decrepit as to be unsafe and unusable. All centralized utilities including the power grid will shut down permanently.
  • The initial worldwide kill rate during the first couple decades following the financial panic will exceed 90%. The global population will be in the range of a few tens of millions when the bottom is hit in two or three centuries. Similar to the last dark age, the world's largest cities will have a population on the order of 25,000 and a large town will be 1,000.
  • Life during the coming dark age will be similar to the last dark age but worse due to environmental damage and pollution.
Theo Colburn in 1998:
DH: The potential problem that you are taking on is huge.

TC: It is extremely huge. When you think about it, you get a funny feeling in your stomach when you think about the implications of the very current research. It is a problem that has forced me, in my position, to say that I think we need a Manhattan Project. A Manhattan-like project. Our military and American industry put their heads together, and within two years or so developed an atom bomb. And then we are going to have to establish an entity that takes the money and designs the research agenda to address this. We have got to come up with screens and assays to test chemicals for these effects. There is not one approved test or assay on the market today or in use to test chemicals for these effects.

Let's look at the problem that we know that hypospadias is occurring in one in a hundred boys. Hypospadias is a condition where the urethra doesn't come out of the end of the penis. The more severe form of hypospadias is where the urethra comes out of the scrotum. This is increasing. This event, that causes this problem, can only happen between days 56 and 84 during gestation. That is, 56 days after conception up to the 84th day is when that problem is laid down. Something interfered with the hormonal message at that time to tell that penis to develop properly with the urethra.

We need to do this research and it needs to be done in a hurry. The science will be done back in the industry laboratories, in the regulatory laboratories and on campuses around the country. The information that comes from these studies will then be reviewed by independent scientists and the results of the work will be communicated independently without any special interest trying to change the objective results that are reached in these studies.

DH: One of the things that strikes me when you are talking is how much we still don't know.

TC: This is one of the things that worries me. We are so hell-bent on finding out what is going on in outer space, and we don't even know how the embryo develops. We truly don't. We don't know at what concentration the hormones act in the developing embryo to tell the embryo how to develop. We are just breaking through on this now. Isn't that ridiculous?

We have got the technology to do this. We haven't paid attention to what is normal. And the problem is, now it may be too late because there isn't anyone in the world who doesn't have a large number of what we call "persistent chemicals" in their body. There isn't a child born today that hasn't been exposed to these chemicals from the day of conception. So we can't go back and find out what was back then or what was normal. This is ridiculous.

DH: How different are we today than we were before the chemical age?

TC: We don't know. We have no way to compare. There is nothing in the literature about what is normal sperm production in any wildlife species that we could find.

I think it is time we get a little more introspective now and start looking internally at how our internal systems work: the environment of our body, the environment in the womb. I hope we are going to see more of this. We need this basic research so we can understand better where the chemical can step in at each little access along the way of development.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontlin ... lborn.html
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Signs of the times. I suppose the 16 items shown in the window are the most common complaints that generate the greatest amount of sales.

While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 7546
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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:54 pm
In what might be called the mainstream American culture, which includes exposures to synthetic chemicals, childhood vaccines, standard American diet

First generation: (born around 1960 plus or minus a few years) Parents were not exposed to synthetic chemicals until they were adults. Anecdotally there seem to be a few more obese kids, geeky kids, gay kids, kids with allergies, kids needing orthodontics, etc., but nothing too alarming and kids seem to grow out of some of these problems. The birth rate for this generation falls a bit when adulthood is reached but nothing too dramatic. There may be a few years decrease in life expectancy becoming evident.
Second generation: (born around 1985 plus or minus a few years) First transgenerational effects may be seen, in other words, parents who were exposed to these things during their own fetal and childhood development start to have kids. In addition to what plagues the first generation born around 1960, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, autism, more severe allergies, diabetes, and other disorders become more common and less curable. Some are now common enough to have names and to be screened for. This generation sees a dramatic fall in their birthrate upon reaching adulthood.
Third generation: (born around 2015 plus or minus a few more years) Now going out on a limb. Transgenerational effects are now quite noticeable and influence the culture and economy to a great extent. There are lots more lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults compared to generations born before World War II, so many in fact that an acronym to describe this phenomenon is thought to be needed, LGBT. It is rare for a child not to have some kind of disorder. Disorders become even more severe; for example whereas many children born in 1960 may have been a bit geeky, now many are severely autistic. The birth rate for this generation takes a dramatic fall to less than half of the birthrate of the generation born before World War II.
Fourth generation: (born around 2045 plus or minus a few more years) Now really going out on a limb. Transgenerational effects in the mainstream American culture are now so severe that fertility and lifespan are affected to the point that it is evident mainstream culture is no longer viable. In most cases, disorders are so severe as to be irreversible and in many cases untreatable.
Reference that discusses transgenerational effects:
Fetal exposures cause disease in future generations. Remarkably, it appears that early life exposures can lead to health problems not only in adulthood, but also down through subsequent generations. For instance, adult diseases linked to newborns' low birth weight, enumerated above, cause adverse effects not only in those babies born small, but also in their children of any birth size, through heritable changes in gene expression that result in a phenomenon known as "epigenetic inheritance." Very different from genetic mutations, which are physical changes in gene structure, epigenetic inheritance is instead characterized by certain genes being turned on or off, but near permanently in ways that can be inherited.

If a genetic mutation is like changing a light fixture, the comparable epigenitic change would involve taping the light switch on or off. Since genes are responsible for making the chemicals that build and repair the body, this unnatural forcing to a permanent on or off position can have far-reaching consequences. In humans, both kinds of genetic changes, mutations as well as epigenetic changes in gene expression, can be passed down to a baby in the womb.

Scientists have recently found heritable epigenetic changes linked to the fungicide vinclozolin and pesticide methoxychlor, which impaired sperm counts and sperm motility not only among animals exposed in utero, but also in three subsequent generations (Anway et al. 2005). In other words, what each of us was exposed to in our mother's womb might affect the health of our great-grandchildren.

Notably, both of these pesticides were recently banned under a federal law that requires pesticides to be safe for newborns and children. The government gives children no explicit protection under the federal law meant to ensure the safety of other commercial chemicals (the Toxic Substances Control Act), even though risks from childhood exposures to industrial chemicals are no lower than those from pesticides.
https://www.ewg.org/research/body-burde ... n-newborns
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Guest »

Despite having access to CCTV, smartphone data, and DNA evidence, US law enforcement is now solving 37% fewer murders than they were in 1965.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

No shortage of food, just money to buy it as GMO and residual chemicals take them out. As the studies indicated
it is basically another toxic vector input.

We haven't paid attention to what is normal.
They do rather care less.
Gut barrier and its factual involvement with chronic diseases, as well to review the biomarkers for identification
of gut barrier integrity. We just went into this for the attack route form the GOF release.
The technician loss was far worse than reported in that cluster node in our area.

https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/aids-like ... -is-taking immune imprinting.
Fetuses never had much of chance as it is relegated to obscurity.

Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all.
The extensive blood work indicated lupus erythematosus that in all probability is part of the EU study mentioned earlier
and will recheck later the tcell inhibition effect trended.

https://gdb.voanews.com/800f0000-c0a8-0 ... 7_n_st.jpg

Fix your inputs chains for bio marker protection. Know your farmer as your life does depend on it in our zone.

Dysfunctions of the epithelial junctional complexes and the consequent increase of intestinal permeability and gut dysbiosis
correlate with the development and progression of other pathological conditions. Your not designed for what they are advancing.

Earlier reference was Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 11:13 PM for brain and blood work for diagnosis of virus issue.
He survived and is good.

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Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

aeden wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:32 pm
https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/aids-like ... -is-taking immune imprinting.
Fetuses never had much of chance as it is relegated to obscurity.

Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all.
The extensive blood work indicated lupus erythematosus that in all probability is part of the EU study mentioned earlier
and will recheck later the tcell inhibition effect trended.
First-trimester COVID Vaccination is 28% More Dangerous than Third-trimester, Another Study Shows
For a safe vaccine "not affecting pregnancy", the trimester would not matter.

FEB 17, 2024

My two recent posts mentioned a disturbing pattern appearing in several studies of children born to COVID-19-vaccinated mothers. For a yet unknown reason, children born to mothers vaccinated during the first trimester of pregnancy consistently show a greater rate of developmental problems compared to vaccinations done during the third trimester.
https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/first-tri ... accination
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 12635
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Boston last week. It was insane. Logan Airport - thousands of Illegals (majority of them were black African men and Hispanic men (Venezuelan?). They were all sleeping on the floor in every hallway. Horribly dirty blankets the only thing they had, not even a change to cloths or a way to wash the ones they had. Many even with small children. Everyone sleeping right next to each other, right on top of each other. Imagine bringing your toddler to sleep on a cold concrete floor in a freezing airport with not enough food. Of course everyone is getting sick!
Main story on the news in the airport terminal - major Chicken Pox outbreak among young children in another migrant shelter (converted YMCA that was never meant to house people) that had spread to area schools. News also mentioned Tuberculosis and Whooping Cough.
Biden open border criminal and bio killer.

Local school infected with Whooping Cough.
The only thing to save their dumb asses is the antibiotic supply chain trump task force already implemented.
They will leverage everything against the taxpayers and have.
Syphilis, strep throat, and other infections as shortages rippled across the US's antibiotic supply
as the brain dead opened the borders to murder.

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