Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Who was your first date.

Medians, central tendencies, and ranges of economic projections,
2023–25 and over the longer run
Change in real GDP

Distribution of participants projections for the change in real GDP, 2023–25 and over the longer run. ... 230322.htm
And you mock lighter fluid.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Not to be outdone Social Justice™ virtue-signaling into “pain inequity” will keep them in suspense from the toolbox.

7-Year Cycles That Crush The Uninformed:
1. unbridled enthusiasm
2. mass confusion
3. sudden disillusionment
4. search for the guilty <--------------
5. punish the innocent
6. rewarding of the non-participants
7. see step one

"The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying but they keep lying anyway, and we keep pretending to believe them." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

August, 1922,
“[T]here is simply no political activity in Russia. It is a field covered only with dead bones.
There is neither protest nor indignation. Everything is exhausted, humiliated, and suppressed.” Melgunov
Also, if you get time read the book Shibo wrote in his 2017 book “War’s New High Land”
18th Central Committee (2012–2017)
The crayon chewers will never want to understand anyways. Waiting for evidence as we marvel at data fragility.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

data fragility
"If not for citizen journalists you'd have no idea how massive these illegal immigrants centers are."

lie cheat steal is all they will be ... rats-media

vote harder
uniparty does care less

said grievance driven

those boys got cut down like blades of grass
i was them
we pity you as you left us to die

we know what awaits you

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

NYSE = Nashville Stock Exchange.
You are useful and cheerful in NY.

The last Democratic Party was maybe under Kennedy.
Truman was right about you SOB's

Red straws in a blue juice box. ... /index.htm

"But these defects are inevitable in the first phase of communist society as it is when it has just emerged, after prolonged birth pangs, from capitalist society. Law can never be higher than the economic structure of society and its cultural development conditioned thereby."

Then the door will be thrown wide open for the transition from the first phase of communist society to its higher phase, and with it to the complete withering away of the state.

Your next ask Don.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

However, the reality is that the sanctuary cities will be directly or indirectly financially supported by the globalist regime in unlimited $ printing as needed as just one part of the purposeful collapse of the American society emanating from the accelerated destruction of these cities outward.
After the locusts run out of Kulak fodder waiting will be cricket powder to the useless idiots reward from the beach bum laconic cackles for good measure stocked up on red straws.

All you have to do is withdraw from the "UN Convention on Refugees"
Quit paying them. It's THAT simple as uniparty takes you out.
Obama appointed judge ruled illegals can carry weapons legally. There you go - dems.

The judge ruled the Second Amendment protects the gun rights of immigrants who entered the US illegally.
Demsheviks are easy.
U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman recently ruled that an illegal immigrant previously charged for carrying a
semi-automatic firearm could legally carry guns under the Second Amendment.

Chicago despite “knowing he was an alien illegally and unlawfully in the United States.”

Vote harder.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Two leadership teams are responsible for the daily operations of SES as Psaki sounds alarm on third party.
To late girly. To revolving door late.

Psaki has deep corporate ties. She previously worked at the Democratic political and corporate communications
firm Global Strategy Group, which was recently revealed to have helped attempt to bust a union at Amazon’s Staten Island warehouse.

Global Strategy Group (GSG) is the strategy consulting arm of KPMG, supporting corporate, private equity, government and non-profit clients throughout the world, operating from offices across 30+ countries.

The name "KPMG" stands for "Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler".
KMG (Klynveld Main Goerdeler) merged with Peat Marwick in 1987.
The firm is multinationally based and operates worldwide.
Based in Amstelveen, Netherlands, with executive offices in New York City,
KPMG is a network of firms in 145 countries with 273,424 employees.
The location of legal incorporation is London, England

In 1979, Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co. (Netherlands), McLintock Main LaFrentz (United Kingdom / United States), and Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft (Germany) formed KMG (Klynveld Main Goerdeler) as a grouping of independent national practices to create a strong European-based international firm.[10] Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft CEO Reinhard Goerdeler (son of leading anti-Nazi activist Carl Goerdeler, who would have become Chancellor if Operation Valkyrie had succeeded) became the first CEO of KMG. In the United States, Main Lafrentz & Co. merged with Hurdman and Cranstoun to form Main Hurdman & Cranstoun.

Walking in circles.
In the video, obtained by Mail Online, the 52-year-old Australian, who was paid £1.7m in 2020, said: “There is no such thing as unconscious bias,
I don’t buy it. Because after every single unconscious bias training that has ever been done, nothing’s ever improved.”

Michael, who took over as chairman in 2017, told staff on Monday to “stop moaning” about the pandemic and the impact of lockdown on people’s lives, adding that they should stop “playing the victim card”.

The online meeting was attended by around a third of the financial services consulting team’s 1,500 staff.
Wed 10 Feb 2021 15.18 EST Michael, who was in hospital with Covid-19 in March last year, later rejoined the call and
apologised to staff who had criticised his choice of words in the comment section of the app used to run the event.

Truman was correct.

And we kept correcting the record when other journalists, and Democratic politicians, sustained the lie.

Those are spoiler alerts not theories as conspire.
Some stay at the campfire. Others keep an eye on it as they left it also.

I guess its third campfire time already as woke progressives vs. right wing conspiracists align with the views of most Americans.

He despairs of any solution short of a constitutional counter-revolution in the courts.
In his view, public employee unions’ ability to raise money and campaign against politicians who oppose them makes them too powerful for a ... st-philip/
disorganized and disinterested public to push back.

Gruber was essentially also correct.
The recent skinny street organizer with the organize Hell should ring a bell.

Manwell with a semiauto in Chicago is just so thick with irony you must just marvel at it also.

AIWS can be a side effect of many drugs. So fix your parallel eco sphere as the fiat despots under an influence do rather actually care less.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

unknown whether it will be possible to restore HPP-2
internet has collapsed in Ukraine
blackout at the Zaporizhzhia NPP
half-life of more than 700 million years
47% of electricity
engineers repaired PL-750kV Dniprovska power line

thread: fafo

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... -in-public

No toothpaste in the tube. They serve interests. Uniparty character.

Taxpayers crushed in moral injury from interests as border language culture is now Camp Kalergi
as the red circle districts for demsheviks reps in no border law already on the books uniparty enabled locusts.
Keynesian intent.

They [the assembly] should look forward to a time, and that not a distant one, when a corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin, will have seized the heads of government, and be spread by them through the body of the people; when they will purchase the voices of the people, and make them pay the price. Human nature is the same on every side of the Atlantic, and will be alike influenced by the same causes. The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered.
Thomas Jefferson

What an astonishing thing it is to watch a civilization destroy itself because it is unable to re-examine the validity,
under totally new circumstances, of an economic ideology. ―Sir James Goldsmith, London Times, Feb 1994

Most reasonable people, because they are reasonable, cannot believe that the goal of the far left is to end America. Elon

5. punish the innocent
6. rewarding of the non-participants
7. see step one

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

at best though she could still land another role in the campaign or in a potential future administration

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

more permanent housing solutions in other crime-ridden progressive-controlled cities
migrants are being packed like cattle into a 'micro-apartment - just before the US presidential election

we can cook ourselves

blackcrack house

they spend years in darkness
trust is shattered
Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:37 am

The Red, White And Blue

Don’t Let the Old Man In. I will miss him.

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