Information and Evidence of the Singularity

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by gerald »

Yes the future will be interesting.

As for my comments. The main heading of this section of John's site is "Science, Technology AND the Singularity." I think my comments may have some relation to this subheading. Sorry if you disagree. If John thinks my comments are irrelevant or inappropriate to the sub heading, John can relocate my postings , delete them, or ask me to stop posting, and I will respect John's wishes. It is John's web sight. As for the links that I have provided, I do that so others can decide for them selves, from my source material, if my comments have any validity, have some interesting possibilities, or are just plain nuts. I am not trying to convince others what to think, I am just trying to present "ideas" and "information" that others can do with as they wish.

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by burt »

Sorry I didn't want to hurt you.
Ma basic education is pysicist (I'v got several different degrees and I worked as a consultant for different companies during 20 years, I noted the importance of human, and after studying psychology, I' m a coach, yet).
So I'm very curious about what we do not know yet on the universe. But it is very important, for me to make a difference between Science and Belief.
When I was 20 I was very interested on flying soccers and aliens, so I came to study the facts, and there is, until now, strictly no proof that an alien came on earth, so this is a belief. Until you give a proof of something a belief is a belief.
+ the probability that we ever meet an alien is very, very low (close to 0, but a probability is never 0), so what I did, was stuying the sites you referenced, with my family and friends, and I arrived at the conclusion that they are not serious, and surely not scientifics.
I never reject an hypothesis I do not know and which interests me before studying it.

Until now the Singularity is a belief, BUT, if you study the power of the computers with geometric scale with a definition of what is "intelligence", you arrive at the conclusion that computers will be as smart as people at aroung 2030.
And as I wrote somewhere that we do not even need to have computer more clever than human but more efficient than humans (so the intellectual blah-blah on "computers will never be more clever that humans" upset me, because it IS out of purpose with the event of the Singularity, alle we need if "brute force" as John says).
As programming computers is very "human cleverness" consumming, as soon as possible we will use computer to program computers, at THAT time, computers will not need any more humans, EXCEPT for giving them the electrical power they need.
On addition of that I can observe every day the fact that most people BELIEVE in what come out from a computer, even if it is stupid. They NEED to have a God and Priests to that God.

So the Singularity is a HIGH PROBABILTY event, and before the end of the century computers will not need any more humans is a MEDIUM probability (so many things can happen before the end of the century, BUT this is on the track of the world we are building yet).

As I do NOT believe (to make a difference between belief and observations) <"human in group" are good for humans>, I'm convinced that at a certain time, computers will be build against the humanity, so I think that (IF we can feed computers with the energy they need, a big IF, but otherwise it will be the end of the civilization) the role of humans in front of the computers will be the same as the dogs in front of human, and this before the end of the century.

On addition of that psychology tell us that human in group are much, much more stupid and easy to manipulate than humans. So I'm convinced that he first super-computers (2020?) will be used to manipulate the population through wordings.

Thank you for having given a new idea on this site, I reject the idea NOT you, you give life here, and this is not because that we, perhaps disagree, now, that we will ever disagree on anything.


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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by rdharper314 »

Ray Kurzweil's exponential plot of the increase of intelligence from the beginning of life is a powerful argument that intelligence will continue to increase with or without us.
The likely near term will see continued leveraging of our own intelligence with the help of machines of our own design. We are integrating with machines rapidly... do we become machines at some point? More data Stephanie.

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by burt »

Just for your information ... ecies.html

We'll be a different species in a very short time, for the better or the worse


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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by vincecate »

rdharper314 wrote: More data Stephanie.
It was, "More input Stephanie, need input". :-)

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by gerald »

burt wrote:Just for your information ... ecies.html

We'll be a different species in a very short time, for the better or the worse


We will be a different specie? maybe? for better or worse, like this?

Enormous cone head of Paracas Peru

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by burt »

Gerald, sorry but there is not ONE proof for Alien on earth, this idea is just a fear for being alone. So I'll not come into discussion on the subject, I've checked the "evidence" of the so-called "starchild" and nothing holds... just a dream.

so what is going to happen is very different: or calculated mutations or a mix of high technology and calculated mutations.
This is the story of Faust, this approach could be a very efficient way to erase life on earth, which could be the ultimate "goal" of this stupid specy called "human", but before that: 2025-2035 is where we will be able to produce computer more "clever" (I should say more efficient on ANY kind of cleverness, whatever definition you give to this word, than any kind of human).

So this period from now to the end of the century (when computers will be able to "reproduce" by themselves) is a fantastic period of time where ANY previous idea will be challenged. Even if I'm only a spectator, anything will become possible (even the stupidest stupidity)

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by gerald »

Burt, - relax, my post was meant to be a bit of satire - a joke. Who knows how the " singularity" will play out. However, there are all kinds of interesting skulls and remains, their meaning is /can be open to question. Just as there are hoaxes and miss understood artifacts. Life should be interesting, after all, life is a puzzle and a game.

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by gerald »

The coming terminator?

Combine a robotic mosquito with biological warfare and you can easily and selectively reduce the human population. ... lance.html

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Re: Information and Evidence of the Singularity

Post by Laustim »

Develop superintelligent computers happening in the laboratories All over the world. The Department of Defense announced our first generation of Intelligent computers battlefield 2015.

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