8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

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8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by John »

8-Jan-15 World View -- The historic dilemma of the West versus the Muslim jihadists

Eurozone inflation rate becomes negative, falling into deflation

** 8-Jan-15 World View -- The historic dilemma of the West versus the Muslim jihadists
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150108

The historic dilemma of the West versus the Muslim jihadists
Eurozone inflation rate becomes negative, falling into deflation

Generational Dynamics, France, Paris, Charlie Hebdo,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh
eurozone, deflation

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by vincecate »

John wrote: Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, about 1.5 billion of them just want to live in peace, have families, feed their children, and grow old gracefully.
I think this 5 min video does a really good job of addressing this issue:


Plot spoiler, most of the Germans under Hitler where peaceful people, Most of the Russians under Stalin where peaceful people, most of the Chinese under Mao where peaceful people, but the peaceful people are irrelivant. It is the radicals that drive things.

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by Raynote »

The millions peaceful people are totally helpless against the determined and armed radicals.

In France, honest peaceful people have been disarmed long ago. Only the police, the deliquents, and the terrorists are armed, and these last two, very well provided. When, very rarely, an honest innocent person defends himself and consequently hurts his attacker, he is sent to prison accused of wilful injuries or disproportionate response, or whatever... That is French "justice".


Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by NoOneImportant »

And Vincecate wrote:
Plot spoiler, most of the Germans under Hitler where peaceful people, Most of the Russians under Stalin where peaceful people, most of the Chinese under Mao where peaceful people, but the peaceful people are irrelevant. It is the radicals that drive things.
Absolutely correct. In radicalism struggles the first and most important enemy is always the enemy within: first it's the weak, and the wishy-washy. After the weak, and wishy-washy are gone, then it's those who don't have the beliefs just exactly correct (Sunni vs Shia, in our case). While Generationally speaking John's comments are probably accurate, what they fail to appreciate is that the Muslim(Sunni) - Muslim (Shite) conflict is only the beginning. What is, for the radical, the "true" objective is the universe. Once there is a resolution of the Sunni-Shia schism within Islam, it needs to be clearly understood that this resolution is only the beginning. John's comments make no provision for dealing with the ideology of radical Islam after the resolution of their internal conflict (I have come to believe that there is no Islam other than radical Islam). I can't stress forcefully enough that Islam is not a religion... it is a mind set. Islam makes no provision for the accommodation of anything other than Islam - it isn't just about Allah, it's about Allah in government, it's about Allah in speech (the "rationale" for todays murders in Paris), it's about Allah in school, it's all about Allah in every single aspect of life. Further, to be clear, and make no mistake, there is an Imam someplace who is willing to issue a fatwa that is going to tell you just exactly what that means, and how you WILL comply with orthodox (as he sees it) Islam, under penalty of death. Understand: there is no aspect of life that is outside of the purview of Islam. There is no freedom of speech, there is nothing that Islam does not invoke itself into. Once the Sunni's kill all the Shia, or visa-versa, the emboldened survivor will come for you. And when they come you will have to make a decision. You will have to submit to Islam in each and every aspect of life, or you will have to resist. Coexistence is not one of your alternate choices. And the choice will be forced upon you, for, you see, there is no other choice for the Muslim when confronted with the non-believer. For, you see, the Muslim when dealing with the apostate is given no latitude; for, in the Muslim's mind, for the apostate, there is only: death, or convert. Anyone who tells you anything other than this is either ignorant of the last 1400 years of Muslim history, or is lying to you.

Read my lips: there is no accommodation of other cultures within Islam. Muslims are not just like you. Get the Western 1960's kumbaya mentality out of your head. The barbarity that has been on display for Christians is an extension of what is being dealt out within Islam between the Sunni, and Shia. It's not a psy-ops, it's what Muslims do to those who differ.


Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by MarvyGuy »

Happy New Year to all - many thanks John for the steady march of excellent posts.

John found this http://www.businessweek.com/news/2015-0 ... -divisions. Looked at La Monde but didn’t see this so not sure what the politik in France is with FN. I can imagine nationalism will push out other parties and you might have a few places that wind up like Italy, Spain and Germany in the 20-30’s. I can see perhaps the US going the same way once folk see that the 2 party systems is no different than a one party system. In all cases one person emerged who arose to a dictatorship and I think the US is at a real risk of this (sicne your current Executive is showing the bounds of the Law are not enforced - he has openly and fully cross the American Rubicon put into palce by Jefferson/Adams/Paine et al).

NoOne – I fully agree with your statement (I expect you will get trolled). The West had it together for a long time but with the “All truth is equal” Islam is spreading in Europe and elsewhere where muslim neighborhoods impose Sharia locally. A search reveals the depth of the problem in Europe. One person compared them to the Borg “You will be assimilated” (reference to Star Trek TNG). It is rare to see someone detail the nature of the problem – Islam is not a religion – and there you did a fantastic job. I prefer the word “Fundamentalist” over “Radical” though since in reality the former is correctly showing that the letter of the Koran and relevant writings are being adhered to while the latter implies someone on a fringe. Radical Islam is fundamental Islam and anything else is apostate to the fundamentalist. I also don’t understand why Western media and gov’t downplay a lot of this – so as John has detailed 2 or 3 incidents of muslim driving car into a crowd in France and each time the French papers state that it was a lunatic lone wolf off their meds (Fort Hood work place violence).

John I found this http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-0 ... ning-again. I do not necessarily agree with all of it since, for example, if you look at a trend on Oil price it was for many years in the 30-40 USD range. I do not think anyone knows what it is worth since QE Infinity skews the market. Anyway I like how you handle it – saying it is coming but not giving a precise date. I have to admit that I like to read the ZH comments - some are really funny but not many are beneficial (in terms of value added/helpful).

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by gerald »

MarvyGuy & NoOneImportant -- Well put , organized religion is a mind trap, in that any thinking out side of the approved questions the validity of the whole, and therefor can't be allowed. I think this kind of thinking leads to a long dark age.

As far as peaceful people, they are like a herd of cattle quietly chewing their cud. With the right stimulation they will stamped right over a cliff and be eaten. Like "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump" http://history.alberta.ca/headsmashedin/

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by gerald »

Saudi War On Shale Goes Nuclear - "No Chance OPEC Will Cut Output" Even With Brent Under $50

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-0 ... t-under-50

OPEC ministers and delegates have blamed non-OPEC producers such as Russia, Mexico and Kazakhstan, as well as U.S. shale and tight oil production, for the oversupply in the market.

U.S. oil production has surged from around 5 million barrels per day to reach a near 30-year record of more than 9 million bpd over the past six years, propelled by the sudden emergence of shale oil output from North Dakota to Texas.
Ironically, it may well end up as a showdown between the Fed and Saudi Arabia, the former doing everything in its power to keep otherwise insolvent companies well-capitalized, and on the other Saudi Arabia doing everything in its power to keep the cash flow drain as high as possible for High Yield debt-funded shale companies, and daring either the Fed, or rather junk bond investors who are scrambling for any source of yield, to back out.

Strike when your enemy appears weak.

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by psCargile »

From my understanding the Shia are less fundimental about Islam, so maybe it's in the world's best interest that they win. But the choice is like having to choose death by knife or gunshhot.

Will the younger generations of Western Civilization submit to or resist Islam?

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by Contrarianoutlook »

Mr. Xenakis, as a European there are a few very important aspects you are forgetting to address when commenting on the European rise of nationalism.

* Studies show most European countries, especially low population countries such as Norway, Denmark and Sweden will become muslim majority country in 30 years if current pre 2012 immigration trend continue. As you have explained with the civil war genocide between muslims this estimation is too conservative as the number of muslim refugees will exponentially increase as genocide continue and spread. This is a real threat to ethnic indo-european Peoples/tribes.

* You often comment how generational crisis trigger inter-ethnic war in Africa and South-East Asia, will not this happen in Europe as well between the new ethnic groups as tensions increase? Isn't it already happening at a slow pace?

* As you commented on the PEGIDA protests, the mainstream conservative parties like Angela Merkel "Christian Democratic Union of Germany" are attacking the protest as slander, and even you attribute neo-nazi image of these protest. This is false, neo-nazi=neo national socialist and not traditional European conservative, European conservatism is built on Locke principles, not the synthesis of Marx and occult thule/ostara theology. When mainstream conservative parties attack conservative rallies such as PEGIDA it only drives normal non-racist anti-immigration Groups With legitimate concerns of the future of their countries further to the nationalist parties.

* There is a growing polarization between left and right in Europe, to the point where it will end up as Hungary with consensus politics being a thing of the past, the side that is not in majority Power, as Democracy is tyranny of the majority will have no other option that to attack the legitimate democratically government legislatively or violently. Just as there is a coming ethnic war, is there not a coming New left-right war replaying the Spanish Civil War but this time accross most countries of Europe?

Thanks for Your time,

A disillusioned Norwegian

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Re: 8-Jan-15 World View -- The West versus Muslim jihadists

Post by gerald »

Contrarianoutlook wrote:Mr. Xenakis, as a European there are a few very important aspects you are forgetting to address when commenting on the European rise of nationalism.

* Studies show most European countries, especially low population countries such as Norway, Denmark and Sweden will become muslim majority country in 30 years if current pre 2012 immigration trend continue. As you have explained with the civil war genocide between muslims this estimation is too conservative as the number of muslim refugees will exponentially increase as genocide continue and spread. This is a real threat to ethnic indo-european Peoples/tribes.

* You often comment how generational crisis trigger inter-ethnic war in Africa and South-East Asia, will not this happen in Europe as well between the new ethnic groups as tensions increase? Isn't it already happening at a slow pace?

* As you commented on the PEGIDA protests, the mainstream conservative parties like Angela Merkel "Christian Democratic Union of Germany" are attacking the protest as slander, and even you attribute neo-nazi image of these protest. This is false, neo-nazi=neo national socialist and not traditional European conservative, European conservatism is built on Locke principles, not the synthesis of Marx and occult thule/ostara theology. When mainstream conservative parties attack conservative rallies such as PEGIDA it only drives normal non-racist anti-immigration Groups With legitimate concerns of the future of their countries further to the nationalist parties.

* There is a growing polarization between left and right in Europe, to the point where it will end up as Hungary with consensus politics being a thing of the past, the side that is not in majority Power, as Democracy is tyranny of the majority will have no other option that to attack the legitimate democratically government legislatively or violently. Just as there is a coming ethnic war, is there not a coming New left-right war replaying the Spanish Civil War but this time accross most countries of Europe?

Thanks for Your time,

A disillusioned Norwegian
To disillusioned Norwegian

Why do you think the politicians appear to be so willing to let foreigners into their country and allow the immigrants to destroy the country and the culture? We have a similar problem in the US. It is as though the politicians WANT to destroy the country --- your thoughts?

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