Religion and Vaccine Arguments

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by Cool Breeze » Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:15 pm

Guest wrote:
Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:12 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:42 pm
Good to see you back, CB.
Thanks, my man.

You will see, and are, what I've said is all coming true.

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by Guest » Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:12 am

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:42 pm
Good to see you back, CB.

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by Cool Breeze » Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:42 pm


Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:40 am

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:04 am ... r-february
Australian Mortality Data for February 2024 Released: The Mass Mortality Event is Clearly Ongoing as Excess Deaths Continue. 2024 COD Data shows a Clear Increase in Cancer and Respiratory deaths.

Men aged 0-44, and women aged 65-84 had their worst ever recorded February mortality in 2024. Males and females aged 75-84 both had their highest January mortality in 2024.
ABS no longer uses a baseline for these data releases, referring only to deaths in the same months in 2022 and 2023. Comparing 2024 deaths with those in 2022 and 2023, it would appear that death rates are “within range” and there is nothing to see. However, the failure to account for typical death rates prior to the “pandemic” is obfuscating the ongoing excess deaths.

I have prepared a baseline against which to assess excess deaths. This baseline inputs the 2015 to 2019 deaths into excel forecast, to forecast the numbers of deaths that would have been expected from 2020 though to 2024 and to arrive at a possible excess death count. Using this approach, the provisional January 2024 deaths are 8%, and the provisional February 2024 deaths are 1.9% above baseline.

It should be noted that the Covid-19 injectables rolled out in February 2021. February 2021 was the last ‘typical’ death month, marked with a red arrow in all of my figures. Thereafter, from March 2021 onwards, deaths inflected upwards, with a clear separation from all prior death levels: 2022 had exceptional excess deaths, 2023 was somewhat lower than 2022, and 2024 to February is running slightly higher than 2023. Highest annual and monthly deaths are highlighted below. The mass mortality event is still ongoing!

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:49 pm ... -telegraph
The Dam Has Broken. UK's Telegraph says COVID shots "may be to blame for increase in excess deaths"

Front page. Penned by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, who has written truthful articles about COVID and deaths before

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Tue May 28, 2024 6:18 am ... -now-admit
We were right! The UK ONS now admit that deaths in the vaccinated were categorised as unvaccinated in 2021

The ONS denied it then but admit it now.
In 2021 when the UK ONS (Office for National statistics) started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we exposed that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the 'unvaccinated'. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group (see this report, for example).

Here is the chart for non-covid mortality rates in weeks 1-38 of 2021 for the 60-69 age groups:


The charts for the other age groups looked much the same.

We asserted that these obvious anomalies were a result of the standard ONS procedure of categorising anyone within 20 days of their first dose as ‘unvaccinated’. However, in our own discussions with the ONS they maintained that, although that method was used for their efficacy calculations, it was not used when it came to mortality. They clearly said that a person dying any time after vaccination was correctly categorised, as a vaccinated death, in the mortality data they regularly released to the public and which formed the basis of a massive public communication campaign encouraging vaccination.

To ‘explain’ the spikes the ONS pushed the implicit assumption that there was a phenomenon called the 'healthy vaccinee' effect, whereby they claimed that people ‘close to death’ were not vaccinated. And they made this bold claim without any data to support it whatsoever.

Apart from the fact that this would have contradicted the NHS policy at the time we showed that, while a healthy vaccinee effect might have partly explained the longer term lower non-covid mortality rates in the vaccinated, it could not possibly have explained those spikes in mortality rates.

They could only be explained by categorising deaths shortly after vaccination as unvaccinated. Yet the ONS, along with many of the staunchest covid vaccine disciples, doubled down on their insistence that such miscategorisation did not occur. To them all the anomalies in the ONS data could only be explained by the hallowed ‘healthy vaccinee effect’.

Later, the ONS did actually claim that there was indeed an ‘unhealthy vaccinee effect’ but did so to explain other anomalies in the data. Clearly the ONS was so self-serving they did not see the contradictions between these claims and simply wanted to have their cake and eat it.

As a result of a subject access request that Clare Craig submitted to the ONS we have now found out that we were correct after all!

Clare has posted on this twitter/X thread, an internal ONS email confirming that the NIMS database of vaccinated people, that the ONS relied upon, had excluded those people who had died before vaccine records had been sent back to the central system:

When we pointed out to the ONS exactly this possibility for miscategorisation in 2021 they continued to deny that it had happened (see Table 8 of our report here).

Why is this so important? Because the ONS data - possibly more so than any other source of data in the world - was used to bolster the claim that the vaccines were highly effective and safe.

And, as we have always argued, and which is now certain, any claims of efficacy and safety based on their data were completely illusionary and subject to the cheap trick of miscategorisation whereby even a placebo - or something even worse - could be ‘shown’ to be safe and effective.

They therefore lied and intentionally created and spread misinformation. We were accused of conspiracy thinking and our reputations were tarnished as a result.

But we were right!

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Mon May 20, 2024 7:21 am ... zation-c75
The trickle of truth/psy-op about vaccine side effects that started with the New York Times article we wrote about a few weeks back continued this week. The Times article somehow catapulted Chris Cuomo, a prominent vaccine pusher, anti-ivermectinite (yes, we’re patenting that), useful idiot for the pharma-industrial complex, and truly one of the LAST people we should be listening to, into truth teller #1 on the subject of vax injury. After the article came out, Cuomo interviewed one of the injured people profiled in the piece and admitted that he too had been affected by his COVID injection.

He then did a much-ballyhooed 180º on ivermectin, admitting last week on a podcast hosted by Patrick Bet-David (about whom we’ve long had our suspicions) that he’s been taking the drug to help with his vaccine side effects, including brain fog.

“Ivermectin was a boogeyman during COVID. That was wrong,” Cuomo told Bet-David. “We were given bad information about ivermectin. The real question is, why?”

Why, indeed, Fredo.

The next dribble in the trickle of truth came on Thursday, when Fredo Cuomo interviewed former CDC director Robert Redfield. “Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people to not to want to get vaccinated,” Redfield told Cuomo.

Rewrite history much, Redfield?

Make no mistake — these people want to be remembered as so-called truth tellers in the made-for-TV movie of their lives playing in their head, but DO NOT BE FOOLED. These people are not to be trusted. The crack in the dam and the sudden permission to talk about once-verboten things like vaccine injury and the efficacy of ivermectin should be very concerning to those of us navigating this fog of war. What are they preparing us for? What’s next? Is Geert Vanden Bossche’s prediction of a mass die off in highly vaccinated countries about to come to pass? Gird your loins.
Someone who has spent a lot of time thinking about truth and lies recently is Dr. Mattias Desmet. He is currently working on a book about sincere speech, and this week he wrote a Substack about “Propaganda, Sincere Speech, and the Intuition of the Samurai” that really is essential reading. Here’s just a taste:

The army of fact checkers claiming to fight ‘fake news’ are part of this problem as well. These ‘ambassadors of Truth’ have little to do with Truth. A few years after the corona crisis, we know that even better than before. The origin of the virus, the mortality of the virus, the efficacy of the vaccines and the safety of the vaccine – the fact checkers promoted fake news and fought correct information. It’s clear to everyone who wants to see it: they are a veritable Orwellian ministry of Truth.

What is truly mind boggling, however, is that even when ‘experts’ as Gates and Fauci admit that the vaccine didn’t stop the spreading of the virus, even when the experts of Imperial College admit the mortality rates of the virus were far lower than their models predicted, a major part of the population doesn’t really want to hear it. Never in history it is demonstrated so convincingly that indeed, the most fundamental passion of the human being is not love, not hate, but the passion for ignorance.

Upon a closer consideration, the problem of deception in society is far more complex than just a bunch of manipulative propagandists who mislead the guileless population. It seems that most people don’t care too much about being deceived. They even seem to admire those who deceive them.

Ultimately, the advice from us — as it is from many who are shining a light on the insanity of this age — is simple: don’t let your guard down and become complacent in thinking that things are returning to “normal.” Don’t believe for a second that this is the beginning of a reawakening, when truth will be revealed, aggrieved parties will be consoled, and opposing sides will come together in peace. It’s far from over.

Stay vigilant, Collapseniks. Lo Iyrah!

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Sun May 19, 2024 6:32 am ... cts-covid/
Ex-CDC Director Admits ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID Vaccines in Young Healthy People — Calls for Independent Review Similar to 9/11 Commission (VIDEO)
Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has come forward with serious allegations against health agencies, claiming they suppressed information about significant side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in younger populations.

Dr. Robert Redfield worked as CDC director from 2018 to January 2021.

According to Dr. Redfield, the potential risks associated with the vaccines were deliberately downplayed, which has led to severe health complications for some individuals.

During a televised discussion with Chris Cuomo, a COVID vaccine-injured himself, Dr. Redfield expressed his concerns about the lack of transparency from major public health institutions such as the NIH, FDA, and CDC.

Dr. Redfield suggested the establishment of an independent review commission, akin to the post-9/11 commission, to thoroughly investigate the decisions made during the pandemic across both the previous and current administrations.

Below is the transcript:
Cuomo: “I mean, the question is, what could we be doing about it? Do you believe that we should have a review commission, a la the 9/11 Commission, not sitting Congressional members, who take a look at all the decisions made during the pandemic for both administrations to see what was right, what was wrong, and what needs to be different?’

Redfield: “You know, Chris, I think it would be useful. The reason I say that is there’s been so much credibility lost in the public science groups, NIH, FDA, CDC, because I think there was a lack of really just transparency. One of the things I used to tell my colleagues, “Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know the answer.” And all too often, people would make up the answer.

“And as you know, those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines, we, like with the rest of your show that you had early on, we got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated.

“The reality is, I was part of Warfree; these are important vaccines. We saved a lot of lives. They’re important for the most vulnerable people, those over 60, 65 years of age. They really aren’t that critical for those that are under 50 or younger. But those vaccines saved a lot of lives. But we have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine.'”‘I have a number of people that are quite ill, and they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine, and we just have to acknowledge that.'” ... or-admits/
IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic
Then comes the crux of the interview:

But the government-imposed individual internment camps were all worth it, right? Social distancing, plus deeply flawed vaccines, prevented 800,000 deaths, headlines last week proclaimed. But when asked whether he believed any science or evidence supported the six-feet rule, Collins said he did not.

“Is that I do not recall or I do not see any evidence supporting six feet?” a Covid subcommittee staff member asked the good doctor. “I did not see evidence, but I’m not sure I would have been shown evidence at that point,” Collins replied.

But what about four years later? “Since then, it has been an awfully large topic. Have you seen any evidence since then supporting six feet?” the staffer asked.

No,” the former NIH director conceded.

Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

by tim » Sun May 19, 2024 6:28 am ... r-BB1mA46p
Chris Pratt pays tribute to Tony McFarr, his stunt double who died suddenly at 47 ... cials-say/
LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - The sudden death of an FCPS student is under investigation.

According to a statement from FCPS officials, it happened Friday at Henry Clay High School. School officials say a student experienced a “medical crisis” in a classroom.

An attorney for the student’s family identifies him as 17-year-old Emmanuel Mwakadi. He says Friday morning, Mwakadi helped break up a fight in a school restroom.

His family says there is no prior history of any health issues. They tell WKYT, that Emmanuel previously played football and wrestling. ... ebb0f26846
Dunwoody High School student dies after medical emergency, principal says
DeKalb County Fire said crews responded to the school, where they found a 15-year-old student in cardiac arrest. ... 51964.html
Michigan student dies 'suddenly' on school trip to robotics competition in Texas
