Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

by Guest » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:38 am

Owner Of San Francisco’s Biggest Hotel Stops Debt Payments
Most helpful comments ( as chosen by the OMAAT community ).

The nice Paul Guest
June 7, 2023, 7:20 am
SF is intriguing to me. For many years it's felt like an over-priced destination, with a public realm that just keeps on deteriorating: the amount of homeless sleepers and "tent cities" is, to most Western European eyes, extraordinary. And, as you walk the streets, the stench of cannabis is pervasive. The hotels have also mostly been below-standard for a long time: as an example, SF seems to have led the charge at removing facilities like full breakfast or room service. On my last visit there an allegedly middle-market city centre hotel only had flasks of stewed (bitter & weak) filter coffee for breakfast, and muffins. One of the hotels you mentioned -- the Hilton Union Square -- struck me as being particularly dismal. On a tour a couple of years back the manager proudly said how they were in the middle of a major refurbishment programme; I asked when the dark and dingy lobby we were in would be done, and he explained that it had already been done... I still love some aspects of SF, but it seems like it is now increasingly a poster child for the consequences of "private wealth but public squalor". It used to be sold to conference managers as a destination that usually added ~20% to the registration numbers over other cities. I don't think the people I work with feel the same any more.
https://onemileatatime.com/news/owner-s ... -payments/

Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

by Guest » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:25 am

San Francisco man says he's witnessing 'collapse' of Western civilization a month after Newsom promised aid
San Francisco has 'become a fourth world country within a first world country,' Gen Z activist says

‘Decline of Western civilization’ starting in San Francisco, Gen Z activist says
A California man who has documented San Francisco's drug and crime crises for years says the city may be the first domino in the "decline of Western civilization."

One month after California Gov. Gavin Newsom promised to crack down on San Francisco's open-air drug markets, a Gen Z activist says far-left politics have made the city a "fourth world country within a first world country."

"We are witnessing the collapse of the Paris of the West and potentially the decline of Western civilization, with San Francisco being the first domino," Darren Mark Stallcup told Fox News.

Stallcup documents the drug and homeless crises in San Francisco — which he refers to as a "fentanyl genocide" — on Twitter. His videos show tent-lined streets, people appearing to overdose or behave erratically under the influence of drugs, violent altercations, crime and more.

"When I go out every morning and count the bodies, when I'm documenting the fentanyl genocide happening in our community," Stallcup said, "my goal is to show the world what's really happening on the streets of San Francisco."

Overdose deaths have soared across California and in the Golden City, where 647 people died from drug overdoses last year. San Francisco is on pace to surpass that figure again this year.

"We have a beautiful city," the 26-year-old Bay Area native said. "Generations of people, good men and women, built this city. Generations of blood, sweat and tears. And I hate to see it all crumble in a decade just because people can't stop voting for this chaos."
https://www.foxnews.com/media/san-franc ... omised-aid

Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

by Guest » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:21 am

San Francisco Tenderloin residents, businesses sue for streets free of drugs, tents

March 14, 2024 / 3:01 PM PDT / AP

Two hotels and several residents of San Francisco's troubled Tenderloin district sued the city on Thursday, alleging it is using the neighborhood as a containment zone for rampant illegal drug use and other vices, making residents terrified to leave their homes and businesses unable to recruit staff.
https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/ne ... elessness/

Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

by Guest » Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:45 am

Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:15 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:22 am
The pot calls the kettle black.
Bob has a one track mind together with misunderstandings and deliberate cobbling together of falsehoods to maintain his cult fantasies and demonic hatred of anything different from his psychotic belief system. Convincing a cult member of the falsehoods inherent in the cult rarely works.
In recent times, the blue values championed have included rule of law, democracy, equality, science, and containment. I would not qualify these things as 'falsehoods'. Trump's habitual criminality, his cheating on elections, his support of racist bigoted groups, promotion of religious superstition and support of Putin's conquest seem to be the conservative answer. I would agree that convincing a cult member to change values rarely works. In the conservative case, what has always been is assumed to continue. The belief seems to be to fight progress. Progressives perceive it differently. What conservativse choose to champion seems very questionable at this time.

As Lincoln quoted, "Woe unto the world because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." You need a crisis as the 'woe due' to remove foul cultural traits. Every four score and seven years, a new birth of freedom. Such should be celebrated rather than fought. It does take a large woe due to get a significant cultural change. I wish it not so, but that is how it seems to be.
National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)

The rule of law has been decriminalized in San Francisco. Criminals have taken priority over victims & quality of life has deteriorated into what you see here. Needles & feces in the streets where children walk & play! Is this what social justice reform is supposed to accomplish?
Left Coast Lawlessness
Progressivism is wrecking cities in the Pacific Northwest.

The anarchy and disorder dominating progressive cities across the West Coast recently hit a new low in Seattle. King County officials are looking to roll out a “safe injection van,” a legal venue at which addicts could shoot up illegal drugs unhindered and “safely.” The first of its kind in the United States, the van would manage to undermine further the rule of law while also doing little to help addicts. Seattle’s urban decay goes deeper, though, with skyrocketing rates of homelessness, an explosion in opioid usage and deaths, and spikes in violent crime.
https://www.city-journal.org/article/le ... awlessness

Re: Political C̶e̶n̶s̶o̶r̶s̶h̶i̶p̶Troll Garbage

by Clarkmod » Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:05 pm

Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:06 pm
Clarkmod wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:16 pm
You were given the opportunity to show that your post in the news thread was something other than a flimsy political attack ad, and your response doesn't meet the rigor required to put your original post back into the news thread, to put it politely.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, McCain aired an ad similar to the one you posted about Trump, after which Sarah Palin upped the ante, saying, "Barack Obama pals around with terrorists." Trump no more pals around with communists than Obama pals around with terrorists. This kind of flimsy, deviant nonsense will be moderated. You can buy an ad if John wants to sell you one.
I suspect any post here will be described by someone who disagrees with it as a “flimsy political attack ad”. It is merely a matter of whether you disagree with it or not. I can see moderators legitimately cleaning up foul language, but not censoring people’s political options that they happen to disagree with. That is what this is. Your censorship according to where you disagree with their political opinion is very much illegitimate.

Trump doesn’t pal around with every communist, but he does with Putin and Kim Jong Ill. The best of all possible world leaders? Can you justify Sarah’s Payton’s comment by naming two similar terrorists that Obama pals around with?

Feel free to post your political troll garbage in your own thread. The history of you posting troll garbage is well known and longstanding; rest assured, nothing will change in John's absence, so you should continue to feel quite at home here too.
John wrote:
Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:38 am
** 04-Jan-2021 World View: Ideological garbage
Bob Butler wrote:
Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:08 am
> The stuff you call garbage? It is no more garbage than what you
> present. It is ideological. It is more about where it is being
> presented. An area intensely concentrated on one perspective
> rejects the other perspective. I am rejected here much as you
> were rejected on MyBB. A place where ideas can constructively
> collide is in many ways to be preferred.
This is a lie, as you're well aware.

I set up the GenerationalDynamics.com web site in 2003 as an
experiment, as I stated at the time. Most people who claim they had
been right about something are simply lying about their previous
views. So I would make analyses, forecasts and predictions, and post
them in articles on that web site. If the predictions turned out to
be right, then I would continue. The predictions would be there for
all time. I couldn't conveniently say that I used to believe such and
such, since that was always verifiable. If the predictions turned out
to be wrong, then I would abandon it. There was no ideology involved
whatsoever, as you're well aware.

So today I can point to a large body of work -- over 6,000 articles
containing thousands of analyses and predictions on hundreds of
countries, all of which are either true or trending true. I've also
written five books. There have been several examples where I was
literally almost the only person in the world making a prediction, and
my prediction turned out to be right, and everyone else's turned out
to be wrong. So the experiment that I set up in 2003 has been a
spectacular success. There is no web site in the world with a better
successful forecasting and analysis record than mine. These are 6,000
data points and five books that prove the validity of generational
theory and Generational Dynamics. That has nothing to do with

So you come into this forum, and flood it with posts describing my
work as ideological garbage. You fabricate lies, and claim that
what you post is the same as mine.

Have you ever written and posted a real article? If you, please
provide a link. I don't believe you're capable of writing a
well-researched article. You're nothing but an ignorant asshole who
gets enjoyment out of posting troll garbage.

This isn't some random forum. This forum is my home. If you can't
respect me and my work in my own home, then you shouldn't be here.

Political Censorship

by Bob Butler » Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:06 pm

Clarkmod wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:16 pm
You were given the opportunity to show that your post in the news thread was something other than a flimsy political attack ad, and your response doesn't meet the rigor required to put your original post back into the news thread, to put it politely.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, McCain aired an ad similar to the one you posted about Trump, after which Sarah Palin upped the ante, saying, "Barack Obama pals around with terrorists." Trump no more pals around with communists than Obama pals around with terrorists. This kind of flimsy, deviant nonsense will be moderated. You can buy an ad if John wants to sell you one.
I suspect any post here will be described by someone who disagrees with it as a “flimsy political attack ad”. It is merely a matter of whether you disagree with it or not. I can see moderators legitimately cleaning up foul language, but not censoring people’s political options that they happen to disagree with. That is what this is. Your censorship according to where you disagree with their political opinion is very much illegitimate.

Trump doesn’t pal around with every communist, but he does with Putin and Kim Jong Ill. The best of all possible world leaders? Can you justify Sarah’s Payton’s comment by naming two similar terrorists that Obama pals around with?

Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

by Guest » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:34 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an exclusive interview Friday with NBC News, called former President Donald Trump a "colorful individual" and said he can work with President Joe Biden.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nb ... k-n1270561

Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

by Guest » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:13 pm

President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would prefer to see U.S. President Joe Biden win a second term, describing him as more experienced and predictable than Donald Trump...
https://apnews.com/article/russia-putin ... 379a8a3bd3

Re: A rose, by any other name...

by Clarkmod » Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:16 pm

Bob Butler wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:24 pm
You have to define the various labels for the words to have any meaning.

Marxism existed primarily in theory, but proposed that the revolutionaries would support and enhance the people. In practice, you got communists who would support and enhance the communists, who were in effect the state. As the time of revolutions passed, the members of the communist party were replaced by the oligarchs. In Russia, the name changed. This did not change the essence. The same people did the same stuff.

In the Gilded Age, we had our Robber Barons. With people like Jobs and Musk, they pretty much still exist, though use of the name has faded. These are our equivalent of oligarchs. Different names. Similar ability to amass wealth and influence the government. If you count the name change as important, you can support your obscure academic. I look at reality rather than names.

Supposedly the old traditional Republicans were gung ho anti communists. They were all for strength, preparedness and containment. In practice, it was the Democrats who acted in Korea and Vietnam. Of late in the Trump era, not so much. Putin is a Trump friend, Trump tried to delay aid to Ukraine and is proposing to leave NATO. Whether the name change is important or not, the new Republicans seem to be against containment and in favor of what the Russian communists have become.

There is also the domestic divide. The Democrats are pro labor, the Republicans pro management. Note Biden walked the picket line with the auto union while Trump visited a non-union shop in response. As a matter of abstract principle, this echos revolutionary favoring of the people or the communists.

The proposition that the Democrats are Communist is this strange at several levels. As I see it, the communists were never for the people, but were in it for themselves. But the Democrats are for the people not the autocrats. Isn’t the government supposed to be for the people?

Speak for yourself. Stop quoting obscure academics who no one has heard of. While you are at it, stop censoring viewpoints favoring your own opinions.
You were given the opportunity to show that your post in the news thread was something other than a flimsy political attack ad, and your response doesn't meet the rigor required to put your original post back into the news thread, to put it politely.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, McCain aired an ad similar to the one you posted about Trump, after which Sarah Palin upped the ante, saying, "Barack Obama pals around with terrorists." Trump no more pals around with communists than Obama pals around with terrorists. This kind of flimsy, deviant nonsense will be moderated. You can buy an ad if John wants to sell you one.

A rose, by any other name...

by Bob Butler » Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:24 pm

You have to define the various labels for the words to have any meaning.

Marxism existed primarily in theory, but proposed that the revolutionaries would support and enhance the people. In practice, you got communists who would support and enhance the communists, who were in effect the state. As the time of revolutions passed, the members of the communist party were replaced by the oligarchs. In Russia, the name changed. This did not change the essence. The same people did the same stuff.

In the Gilded Age, we had our Robber Barons. With people like Jobs and Musk, they pretty much still exist, though use of the name has faded. These are our equivalent of oligarchs. Different names. Similar ability to amass wealth and influence the government. If you count the name change as important, you can support your obscure academic. I look at reality rather than names.

Supposedly the old traditional Republicans were gung ho anti communists. They were all for strength, preparedness and containment. In practice, it was the Democrats who acted in Korea and Vietnam. Of late in the Trump era, not so much. Putin is a Trump friend, Trump tried to delay aid to Ukraine and is proposing to leave NATO. Whether the name change is important or not, the new Republicans seem to be against containment and in favor of what the Russian communists have become.

There is also the domestic divide. The Democrats are pro labor, the Republicans pro management. Note Biden walked the picket line with the auto union while Trump visited a non-union shop in response. As a matter of abstract principle, this echos revolutionary favoring of the people or the communists.

The proposition that the Democrats are Communist is this strange at several levels. As I see it, the communists were never for the people, but were in it for themselves. But the Democrats are for the people not the autocrats. Isn’t the government supposed to be for the people?

Speak for yourself. Stop quoting obscure academics who no one has heard of. While you are at it, stop censoring viewpoints favoring your own opinions.
