Information on this site

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Nathan G
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Information on this site

Post by Nathan G »

I cannot express how awesome I find the amount of research that goes into this website. When I first read Strauss and Howe, I was convinced that I was the only person who had a dream envisioning generational timelines for every civilization in history. Now I see that many other people (clearly more diligent people) have had a remarkable head start in compiling the necessary information. It is maddening, however, to see that this information is not available in a way that is easily categorized.

Now, don't get me wrong, making lists of crises in various countries makes sense as a first step (although even that, so I hear, is a bit out of date). After only looking over this website with cursory look, I can't help but drool with excitement when I come across gems like this:

Or masterpieces like this: ... #lab102096

I will admit that both of these are much, much more than I ever really hoped for. But still, it only seems to be a general overview compare to the detailed charts Strauss and Howe did for the US. Yet, the two sources above were found deep within the website, mentioned offhandedly in a couple of forums. Does this mean that I have only scratched the surface of the research conducted hear? Is there a lot more data that hasn't been published? (I am definitely going to scour WorldCat for John's book ASAP).

What I dream of creating someday would be an online database, capable of adding and accessing generational timelines for every country (or region when the countries are very small) that ever existed.

Anyway, I hope this opinion added something,


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Re: Information on this site

Post by John »

That's what I've always want to do. I've tried to propose
it, and I call it the "world data base." But no one has
shown the least interest in funding it.

Nathan G
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Re: Information on this site

Post by Nathan G »

Thank you very much for your reply, John. I was just very frustrated to realize that much of the work for the daunting task I set for myself has already been done, but the resulting information isn't available to me.

I will definitely be sticking around on this forum to ask more questions, and to offer more research.


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Re: Information on this site

Post by Trevor »

Personally, I wouldn't expect there to be a lot of interest until after the crisis in over. Even Howe's mostly just talking about the Millennial Generation rather than the seasons of history.

Speaking of research, I'm actually having a little difficulty with the cycles when it comes to Russia. The problem is that the collapse of the Soviet Union have characteristics of both a 2T and a 4T. It occurred with protests instead of violence, which would be expected in an awakening. On the other hand, it transformed the region, which indicates a crisis. I'm leaning towards the belief that they're in a crisis era, with increasing xenophobia and nationalism, but I'm not 100 percent sure about this.

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Re: Information on this site

Post by John »

Trevor wrote: > Speaking of research, I'm actually having a little difficulty with
> the cycles when it comes to Russia. The problem is that the
> collapse of the Soviet Union have characteristics of both a 2T and
> a 4T. It occurred with protests instead of violence, which would
> be expected in an awakening. On the other hand, it transformed the
> region, which indicates a crisis. I'm leaning towards the belief
> that they're in a crisis era, with increasing xenophobia and
> nationalism, but I'm not 100 percent sure about this.
I agree that they're in a crisis era.

This idea of transformation is hard to use as a gauge. For example,
America was transformed very little by WW II. Arguably, it was
transformed more by the 1974 Awakening climax, when Nixon resigned.

Similarly, you have the Weimar collapse in Germany in 1917, the 1989
velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia, and the collapse of apartheid in
South Africa in 1991. These are all Awakening climaxes.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was not much different. There was no
war, but the regimes set up by Lenin and Stalin simply collapsed of
their own weight, thanks to younger generations who had no use for


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Re: Information on this site

Post by gerald »

To John and Nathan --

Regarding generational changes of crises or transitions.

You mention city states merging into nations and empires falling apart.

However, if we look at the apparent growing global social turmoil and growing distrust of authority in conjunction with globalization and it's interlocking facets, especially the instantaneous communication BY THE COMMON MAN TO THE WORLD, ( this has never before existed in known history and is what governments are also trying to limit ). In this context, is it not possible that we are heading toward a global crises or transition? And I don't mean just war ( not that I want to rule that out ) but it appears that governments are losing control of the masses and the masses belief in their story lines. Is humanity or at least a tipping point percentage beginning to act like a teenager questioning authority and wanting independence from the party line?

To go a little further out, suppose an event occurs the affects all or most of humanity, natural or otherwise. Would we come together or fall apart into small city states? Events such as a Massive Coronal Mass Ejection destroying all electronics and electronic data ( like the ejection of 1859 before our electronic era ). Or a Tambora volcano event 1815, casing the year with out summer resulting in the worst famine of the 19th century. Or maybe worse, discovering or being forced to acknowledge that we are not alone and we are primitive. Then again, if there is a singularity and the "robots" consider humanity vermin, this is all moot.


Nathan G
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Re: Information on this site

Post by Nathan G »

gerald wrote: To go a little further out, suppose an event occurs the affects all or most of humanity, natural or otherwise. Would we come together or fall apart into small city states? Events such as a Massive Coronal Mass Ejection destroying all electronics and electronic data ( like the ejection of 1859 before our electronic era ). Or a Tambora volcano event 1815, casing the year with out summer resulting in the worst famine of the 19th century. Or maybe worse, discovering or being forced to acknowledge that we are not alone and we are primitive. Then again, if there is a singularity and the "robots" consider humanity vermin, this is all moot.

With John's permission, I have some idea about this.

It doesn't really matter if we come together or fall apart at a world crisis. Either way, the consequence is that all generational cycles would be synchronized. Just as the War of Spanish Succession synchronized Western Europe, and World War II synchronized the western world, then a coming global crisis would theoretically put the whole planet on the same footing. Such an event would be followed by a Global Austerity, a Global Awakening, a Global Unraveling, and finally another global disaster eighty years later.

Personally, I would assume that a natural disaster would cause the Earth to unite (or at least increase globalization), as it already seems to do with Climate Change, et al. I would also assume that a non-natural disaster would cause the Earth to fall apart, as the winners and losers would universally be embittered against each other. But of course, stranger things have happened.


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Re: Information on this site

Post by Endrio143 »

I have some other ideas about generational theory and the Bible that I'll probably post later,

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Re: Information on this site

Post by gerald »

A while back there was a post about ants and that one group of ants fought another group of ants and then ceased fighting after a certain level of death occurred. A question was raised wondering if they would do battle again after the generation that fought died off and raises the question if generational theory could apply to other life forms.----- hmmmmm

Twilight Zone time

The following I am going to attribute to Maximillien de Lafayette from one of his books, I forget which, he has written many and I read it a few years ago. Sorry I can't quote the exact source.

Lafayette describes an advanced society that is quasi militaristic in structure where the young are raised in nurseries and do not know their patients. In the nurseries the weak are allowed to die. Every individual rises in society based upon ability and merit alone. Inheritance and linage are not allowed and are of no consequence. This society has been stable for tens of thousands of years, they are reptilian and live on another planet.

Who is Maximillien de Lafayette? He is a writer of books and magazines.--- He is either an incredible genius, a front for an organization, or an extraterrestrial. Why do I say this? How does one explain the following from his bio on Amazon ... B002P9IPMY

a few details from the bio ---

"He wrote more than 2100 books (1995 books are in print), 22 dictionaries of modern & ancient languages, and 9 encyclopedias in 25 languages, stretched over a period of 50 years. Since 1960,"

"He is a recluse mystic and a spiritual teacher and no longer gives interviews or makes public appearances."

De Lafayette is considered as one of the world leading linguists (Ancient & Modern Languages) and historians of ancient civilizations. He wrote 22 dictionaries of various languages, such as, Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Aramaic, Latin, French, Hittite, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, French, Latin, Azerbaijani, etc.,

De Lafayette is the Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of 7 monthly glossy magazines:
* 2-Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine (International Bestselling magazine, now in its 3rd Season)
* 3-Anunnaki Magazine
* 4-American Psychic & Medium Magazine
* 5-Parapsychology & Mind Power Magazine
* 6-Extraterrestrials Magazine
* 7-4th Dimension Magazine

In 2004, as an expert linguist and a lawyer (Int'l law, French Law, Comparative Arabic Laws, and Islamic Law), de Lafayette was commissioned by Yale University, School of Law to translate from English to Arabic, The White House Draft of the New Constitution of Iraq.

In addition, he wrote & produced numerous musicals, screenplays, documentaries & world premieres around the world.


Believe as you wish.


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