Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by nvm »

Hello John,

I'm an Xer (42 years old) and I've been following your blog for a while. I stumbled upon it by googling "the real value of the dow". Needless to say your writings were all I needed to see in order to act on my gut feeling about the markets. You see, It seemed so strange to me that when looking at the market charts the vast majority of the increase happened from 1985 forward.
I don't know if everything that you predict will happen, but keeping a middle ground could prove to be very dangerous. Needless to say I'm on your boat.

Thanks John!
Last edited by nvm on Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by ainsleyclare »

Hi everyone,
I see lots of posts by people that never introduced themselves- not that there is anything wrong with that- but I would really like to know a little more about some of you. Maybe you are an old-timer from another forum, or whatever, but there are a lot of newbies here (like me!) that would like to know a little more about all of you. So, if you post here and haven't introduced yourself, please do!

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Matt1989 »

"It does not take a long time," said madame, "for an earthquake to swallow a town. Eh well! Tell me how long it takes to prepare the earthquake?"

"A long time, I suppose," said Defarge.

"But when it is ready, it takes place, and grinds to pieces everything before it. In the meantime, it is always preparing, though it is not seen or heard. That is your consolation. Keep it."

—Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by CompGovTeach »

I was googling "economic insanity" and "economic theory must change" when I found this coherent approach for challenging the conventional economic wisdom. I currently teach Advanced Government and Economics to high school seniors in the States. The econ curriculum is inadequate and obsolete so I look for alternative approaches to supplement. Thank you for a great source.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by JimZ »

Hi evryone,

I started reading this site about a year and a half ago, but didn't get around to commenting about who I am once the Forum went up - so here is my story.

I am 48, married with two kids (age 4 and 6) and a loyal Golden Retriever. We live in New Jersey, I work for a Fortune 500 Pharmaceutical company as a senior manager and I have survived a couple of downsizings - one of them wiped out many friends.

This site helped me to limit my losses by at least 20% so far - I made some "wealth preservation" moves right before it really started to tank below Dow 12K. I sent many emails to friends and families. Some listened, most didn't, and now they feel as though they are "in too deep" to cash out now. I quoted extensively from John's analyses.

John, there are many people whom you helped preserve their assets - which does, and will, translate to preserving and protecting their families. Even though the forcast is dire, there are crowns in heaven for you:)

My areas of interest include early american history , christian history as it relates to major changes, military airpower, space exploration and histories of currencies and economics.

I am a borderline Boomer-Gen Xer. As the lastborn I grew up around Boomers, in a traditional home, so I guess I feel more Boomer than Xer.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Barion »

I guess, after a few posts to test the waters, so to speak, I should formally introduce myself.

I'm 36 years old and a resident of Los Angeles. I'm currently a grad student working toward an experimental psychology M.A. and I also work full time in security. I live off student loans and the income from my job, so right now, even though I'm accruing some massive debt, I'm also living comfortably. I intend to get my Ph.D. afterward and hopefully become a professor of psychology, at which time I should earn a good salary and easily pay off my loans.

On the side, I'm also a major science and history buff (I have Asperger syndrome and so these subjects fall under my intensely focused obsessive interests in which I can enjoy devoting hours of study at a time and then retain the knowledge with near-eidetic accuracy). Generational Dynamics appeals to me because it helps explain why, even as we advance on the whole, our progress is so halting, coming in fits and starts, because we keep cycling over and over, repeating many of the same mistakes in new and innovative ways, thus stunting our growth as a society. Essentially, GD helps explain why we're not nearly as advanced as we should be, given our intellectual capacity and amount of time we've been around.

Carl L
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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Carl L »

I've been reading the Generational Dynamics website for years. I first got interested by reading the Fourth Turning when it came out. John has been spot on so far. I'm a Piano Technician in Venice, CA. I read extensively and this subject matter is of great interest to me. My responsibilities include managing all of our financial assets. I am also a great fan of Nassim Taleb, having read both of his books. My one critique of generational theory is that it explains too much. The world is far to complex and unpredictable to fit neatly into such a cyclical theory. That having been said, I do think that the interactions and proclivities of the generations is a significant driver of world events. I truly hope that you are wrong about the coming world war, but I fear that you are not. Thanks for all of the thought and preparation that goes into your site.

Carl L.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Centuron »

Hi all!

I'm a 21 year old student from North Texas, and thus a definite Millenial. I'm working on a degree in music, with a minor in Technical Writing, as well as on becoming a licensed massage therapist. That's the plan anyway. I've been following the GD website for a little over a year and a half now. I've found the theory intriguing (and more so because of its accuracy). Being something of a 'live and let live' demeanor, learning that your generation will be caught up in a huge war was definitely an attention-grabber, too. But it has given world events a new perspective, and this forum has been a great supplement.

Anyway, I figured it was about time I created a presence at least, should any queries arise.

Chim Richalds
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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Chim Richalds »

Hello everyone,

My name is Matt, and I am a 27-year old Urban Planner from Alexandria, Virginia. I guess this puts me on the cusp of Gen-X/Millenial, but I definitely self-identify with the Millenials much more than with Gen-X. I have been reading John's site since 2005, and it has really changed my outlook on life. I've been lurking on these forums for a few months now, but couldn't find time to contribute due to my work schedule. Anyway, I am here now, and have many things I'd like to discuss.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Matt1989 »

Chim Richalds wrote:Hello everyone,

My name is Matt, and I am a 27-year old Urban Planner from Alexandria, Virginia. I guess this puts me on the cusp of Gen-X/Millenial, but I definitely self-identify with the Millenials much more than with Gen-X. I have been reading John's site since 2005, and it has really changed my outlook on life. I've been lurking on these forums for a few months now, but couldn't find time to contribute due to my work schedule. Anyway, I am here now, and have many things I'd like to discuss.
Hey I remember you from the TFT forums! I posted under MichaelEaston. Thank you for your contribution on the Africa project.

And welcome!

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