Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... -out/#A001

Snake on the wall is here indeed and tracked since Doctor Sutton and Doctor Warner also.

Organization - step five of ten is already now here.
Polarization – Propaganda begins to be spread by hate groups.
Preparation – Perpetrators plan the genocide.
Persecution -
Extermination -
Denial -

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The most dangerous weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.

Massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other. valery

Army that defends every border except it's own.

The prophet stood there in Jerusalem, in the midst of the benighted world of nations, like a sentry upon the watch tower; he understands the anxious inquiries of the nation's afar off, and answers them according to the word of Jehovah, which is the plan and chronological measure of the history of the nations, and the key to its interpretation. What, then, is the prophet's reply? He lets the inquirer "see through a glass darkly." Isaiah

Nominal growth tailwinds.

Glass Steagall led to the GFC.
A historical perspective for the juice box loot before the crime
discussed on the Senate floor also three years before televised on CSPAN.
Gruber is correct on the effectual standard going forward.
Pharmakeia means more than dead Empires.
They also know the MMT to growth ratio ruse.
Last edited by aeden on Mon May 13, 2024 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

French revolution illustrates how they turned and devoured their own. Same principle, a different dawn, but are still achieving their desired outcome through long term Hegelian dialectics. America needs to wake up as the gray bitch is being eaten by its own as it bemoans Senator Cotton. Priceless.

Now that large numbers of radical left Red Guards and Great Replacement imports who the globalists intended to weaponize against Heritage America have slipped the leash and turned on their sponsors, suddenly the globalists are paying lip service to the "Western civilization" they've been working flat out to destroy.

Some conveyed NYT is worried the mob will soon come for them. They are scared of more mostly peaceful protests, unable to defend themselves.
Special Education. England helped and their consolation prize is now the same as Germany. Two hags attacking the magna carta was indeed telling. ... ipo=images

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ive-growth
We have a strong influence over the general support.
America won't force us into anything.

value system
that's not the point
try to keep up

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

In context, today saw half of all indicative hedge fund gains year-to-date have been cut in half...

Update (1155ET): An interesting additional tweet: "It's not over until I say it's over..."
— Roaring Kitty (@TheRoaringKitty) May 13, 2024 ... -insomniac

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

@36.20 the front
Carefull since the dead shark eye swamp cults are really really past clueless.
Bidens MMT cult are only educated to the point of insanity.
Toyota current mental entrenchment to twin turbo is the spagetti logic we factored in anyways
and told then not wise.

Models turbocharged with a 2.4-litre four-cylinder engine replacing the 3.5-litre V6 the Tacoma was
the worst Edsel decision since Edsel.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

NGOs are a dark power. Useful idiots.
New Prime Minister Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty. ... ic-treaty/ ... r-in-kyiv/ ... ple-times/
The gunman shot Mr Fico (59) five times, leaving the prime minister in critical condition and still undergoing surgery hours later, interior minister Matus Sutaj Estok told a news briefing.

Slovakia's PM was passing a law that targeted NGOs, it classed them as foreign agents and made it harder for them to operate in the country. He was also against the EU migrant rules.

Now he's shot. Outlier event may not get traction not betting on it.

If you press for world health, economy, and religion your dead in already written. Wake up.
As a taxpayer anythjing on that area is beyond suspect as we struggle and the dead and homeless pile up.
Biden has failed on so many levels even the demsheviks are not pushing him since. They already kicked him to the curb
as he even mocks the Catholics.
He is past 4 on scale of 10 at least. ... oolkit.pdf

As the other nut said we can weaponize the bird flu at our convenience so we read it as done already.
These gain of function lunatics are uniparty.
Also understand is the solar cycle heading into these times and half a time. The science cults will look for answers already in their face.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... -been-shot
Perfidious Albion is just as suspect as every one else. we suggest 99 percent are just crazy.

another level of crazy

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ic-treaty/
We will create new conditions on cohabitation between media and government and they can cry about it all they want.

I agree that professional media have an irreplaceable place in a democratic society. But let’s not confuse the rights of the media with the fact that they’re trying to replace the function of political parties, that they are trying to direct the government, that their rights exempt them from any responsibilities.

In support of our claims, we have significant amount of evidence that a portion of Slovak media grossly abuses their monopoly on spread of information, that they are not fulfilling their legal obligations, basic legal obligations, to truthfully and in a balanced and fair manner, inform the population.

I hope he recovers and kicks the snot out these Marxist idiots and who globalist and press ngo paid cult lunatics out of his zone.
They are cult parasites.

Yea we understand the science assholes.
Pelosi's populist debate was the tell also.
It look like Speaker Johnson had juice box straws sticking out all over Him.
As we said plainly road kill as they ran His ass over and back the open border truck over His ass also.
Taxpayers if this blow a gasket as In Rome no water food or shelter for these traitors for a 1000 miles.
The Beast Whore is not a fairy tale.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... 0620799258
30 min early for thee juice boxes

dumb money is driving the market right now

book four open

Despite having already destroyed their continent with watermelons and active measure greenmasks the only bigger fools are the US.

Hezbollah Leader Threatens To "Open The Sea" To Flood Europe With Migrants.
Swamp retards will wet themselves. Arafat was right you are stupid. Cubed.

The economy is signaling a more volatile, potentially recessionary period. Markets, however, aren’t paying attention.
TFS uniparty will lie cheat steal burn loot murder. Vote harder.

Mickey Kensington Mouse on fent holding a bud light calls.

Markets will stay irrational longer than they are going to stay Housed.
Your circular economy is just the MMT Tammany excuses it is.

Narratives will dominate macro longer than you will remain solvent. ... er1050.jpg

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