Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

Euler's Disk to market noise. Long or short the angular momentum to hold itself upright.
When offered a vantage point they convey a point. Interesting StringVar()
Being stuck at string_var.trace ('w', callback) avails preference.

Something needs to change was noted.

Then they insult ORB
As they say, it is a good alternative to SIFT and SURF.

ORB mixes techniques used in the FAST keypoint detection and the BRIEF descriptor : FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) and BRIEF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features).

TikTok over soup.

soup will not share with TikTok.


The demsheviks formed the minority of the Socialist Democrat Party when they split. It called for a small tightly knit elite who would lead the revolution on behalf of the people. The majority of Demsheviks went with Brandon to make their movement less elitist than in the belief it would attract the support of the uneducated workers and uniparty open border peasants.
They were educated, focused and diligent, an elite who released the predators since the cult creates the crisis
as when they will sleep one day they will wake to silence as Judgment. Then it begins. The warning He told that can be done in Him.

"they were unaware"
Noah Planted.

A cautionary tale for believers to remain vigilant and spiritually aware.

Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord GOD, when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread or a thirst for water,
but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.

This we regard as more than not ahead, not behind. The Wife told five generations are unable to even check the rear-view mirror.
I did not comment on that.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

allowed regular people to share the truth
that was another
sign ... 25NDAA.pdf

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

The Foreclosure Crisis as 10.7 Million STOPPED paying.

They are losing their house because of the on going interest, taxes being raised, and high utility costs.

Scrub did not let if fail. Now you burn.

In 2005 they knew and today burn loot murder lie cheat steal is the tide.

11k behind the rent and 19k in damages to the house was forwarded by one.

8.9 month supply of new housing that is overpriced.

Probability density function dumped in right as anticipated on day one.
The smart ones are screaming just after march sweeps will be past devastating in housing
and segments known here also.

Title 12 Chapter X Part 1026 Subpart G § 1026.51

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

Bureaucracy destroys initiative. Herbert

Ask Fritz and Tony.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

Mining, verifying, blockchain.

Gould Simulation Systems, Inc., of Melville, N.Y., charged the Navy $436 for a sledge hammer,
$435 for a claw hammer and $437 for a 12-foot measuring tape. July 26 1983

He lost them at pack mule hamburgers.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

36% of the U.S. adults believe.
Watch your luggage.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aedens »

Downstream from economics is the active measures culture war and the bucket cult untouched as the disease took another down
in the same town. It happened on both of their watch.

The battle hasn't even started yet.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

foreign aid industry and bureaucracy are not aligned with American interests

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Keeps the sanctions in place, blamed for causing inflation resulting from higher oil. Removes the sanctions, he’ll be branded a putty puppet.

Board vessels to check insurance documents.
Captain Disarray: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

Body farm swamp island.

Noted - Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:31 pm
Although the reasoning behind it's implementation is different from Option #5 outlined in the Bensenson Strategy Group's Salvage Project report (obviously this round they do not want a continuity of Trump government), but what it has the potential to do is disrupt the world economy, which in turn would disrupt our own economy. The "winning" stock market would no longer be able to be the mainstay of Trump's rally cry. It has the added benefit of killing multitudes of people that in their inclusive hearts, the Democrat elite secretly loathe. The left elite hate anyone who is not a leftist elite, regardless of what lies they broadcast.

Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.’
“But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

No they don’t. They are arrogant and convinced they are right and possessed.
When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.
Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself.

No apology can infer effective change as it was given over to since evil is good
and good is evil. That swamp witch is as real as the warning not heard.

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