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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:36 am
by aeden

you are the only thing left

the senate has also lost its mind

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:09 pm
by aeden ... ce=desktop ... -meme.html
Late stage looting unchecked as the agency issue cleaned the decks. Another rhinotopian swamper heading to the loot ship.
Body farm abscess.

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:11 pm
by aeden
Meir Amit straws are any color needed as the Grifter in Chief will do as the Molek it serves.
The age of the Gentiles was told and the duration. The prophetic book is in three parts.
The seven letters represents a period of times.
The Church came into existence at a certain point in history and it has a certain course
and an appointed end as well. Hold the Truth since you see what they are and what they worship.

The stone falls “on the feet” of the statue.
In full appreciation of this age, we can move back to Chapter Four.
Chapter five He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne.
As we warned early get your House in order.

This recent optics in divide et impera is just wax melting on the moleks eternal fate as the warrant sealed.
The agnostics and swamp pagans are not your concern as warned.

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:41 pm
by aeden
Anyways the lunatics bar fight spills out. ... x_tr_hl=en

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:04 am
by aeden
Kalergi Plan
"white science" and urged them to worship "mama Earth"
The death flower. ... S-2018.png

It was the correct reply as when we see red or blue let us know.

The overwhelming majority are too dull to grasp a correct interpretation of the situation. They go on in the routine they acquired in noninflationary periods. Filled with indignation, they attack those who are quicker to apprehend the real causes of the agitation of the market as "profiteers" and lay the blame for their own plight on them. This ignorance of the public is the indispensable basis of the inflationary policy.
Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit, § IV Ch. 21 ¶ 19

Lerner nothing as they are given over.

At least the Zek was profound enough to state deracinated criminal as they emptied the prisons and send them here.
The comment was the state department was past inept. That's why we know when they called they truly are detached
and insane open border fools. No one is against legal immigration and the countless border laws on the books ignored.

Criminals of the 2.11 replacement sticky wage Keynesian molek cults.

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:29 am
by aeden
No evidence provided.

If you want to survive, they will be willing to kill you. And are.
Amos Miller is the opening shot to end you.
You are collateral damage the swamp body farm demands your destruction in others cult affairs.

Economists say this trend of bargain store closures is troubling.
This is Joe Biden’s economy.

You will learn the hard way just as before.

“We rely upon the stupidity of the American voter” ~ Johnathan Gruber.

Taxpayers are dumber than post turtles as the 35 percent we classified past village idiot ratcheting up in phases now.

And in one very regrettable instance, it misled the public about how the plan would work out.

You are to be wiped out as you never existed.

Structural inflation.

They did and will continue to deceive the deceived. Uninparty demsheviks spent you to destruction.

They would not pass a health care bill unless it paid for itself. You are in a land of idiots run by special idiots.

It was pure deficit spending, and enough time has passed to know your just idiots.
Proclivities of whores does fit.

Liberals got what they wanted. Ash is the result of the operation as seen before.

thread: taproot, nachash
Matthew 15:24

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:27 am
by aeden
43-year-old Indonesian transgender woman first started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting her income as a sex worker. The idiot canuks just sent money to study.

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:45 am
by aeden
A gray wolf was mistaken as a coyote and was shot.

Don't send kids to their sickness school. Don't buy their sick food. Don't watch any of their sick filth. Guard your family and especially the children.
Get strong. Get healthy. Clean your mind of useless thoughts. Be resolute, strong and kind. Try to make every move with full intentions.
If it doesn't help you on the path, discard it.

8 suspected Biden migrants found squatting with guns and drugs in a basement in the Bronx.

Thousands and thousands and thousands murdered by open border drug cults based in the swamp.

Their goal is ink black evil.

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:40 pm
by aeden
Last trip to check was feces and failure and chicks in potatoes sacks with eye slit hoods.
Run down was a improve to semantics of a dead zone since Queen of the Damned dumped them in by the thousands then.
It was different when the Druze that survived had to clean up the looters and thieves since no witnesses existed on
the resolution. The survey then indicated over 55000 bachelor's and above levels vanished into the mist.
Then they unleashed the educated debt slaves as they pander to dump debt on what is not already wasting from the
demshevik geniuses to the great sucking sound then that wiped out entire sectors.
The wasting is back as the Engineers just got wiped out.
I can provide the exact date when the dry run was unleased.
9/18/2023 8:16:01 PM ET

When I picked up the equipment for the Home Office update.
He was assured nothing was going to happen. I smiled at His guarded confidence since
I forwarded you did not see it before and its now here on you young Man.
I forwarded some of ours never had a chance as their blood drained into Gods Earth
as the sticky wag wars ensued as the air of simple realism and avarice in those the times.

Macro, technical and fundamental's are what survives lie cheat steal of the locusts.

The news conveyed today the Democratic Party has shifted away from its traditional base of working-class and middle-class Americans.
Start in 1977 and yes before that also.

Data suggests since 1790 on bond cycles and you are not seeing what 60 year of 30 years waves shift.
Sentiment Trader and Isabelnet are a worth the deep dive.
thread: arete

The Damage is Becoming Irreparable…

Ratio of inverted yield = damage

Middle class is vanishing in real time for plantation tyrants.

Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:34 pm
by aeden
Brazil’s government has reportedly announced plans to suspend all contracts with Starlink. Prompting Mr. Musk to offer the service free of charge.
“Starlink will provide free Internet for schools in Brazil if the government won’t honor their contract,” he said in an April 8 social media post.

“The people of Brazil, regardless of their political beliefs, are entitled to freedom of speech, due process, and transparency from their own authorities.”