Jan 23 Blog - High Oil prices caused by China's growth

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Re: Jan 23 Blog - High Oil prices caused by China's growth

Post by tobyguy »

freddyv wrote:

I understand fully what you are saying but your perspective is limited and your disrepect for those who have greater experience than you is obvious.

No you don't understand what I'm saying. It's your lack of understanding and interpretation that is limited. I will explain below.
freddyv wrote: Arguing that supply and demand is not the cause of high oil prices is incorrect.
You keep saying the above but fail to back up your statement. In 2008 China used more oil than all years prior. Still, it fell 75%, starting in the summer months and well before the economy in China started tanking (or at the very least before it was evident). The numbers don't add up, period. If you're going to argue a point, back it up and general statements like China was using every last bit of oil is hardly a point without backing it up.
freddyv wrote: If a bubble bursts and the social mood turns sour people then point out the social mood as a cause but Generational Dynamics is the container into which all of these fit. Human nature itself, IMO, is the great container into which all of the above fit.
You have it backwards. Bubbles don't cause social mood. Social moods cause bubbles - this is what I was referring to when I said it's your lack of understanding that is limited.
freddyv wrote: so you both act like an angry child when confronted with opposing viewpoints.
You amaze me. You insult people who differ in opinion and then accuse them of being childish - you do the exact things you accuse others of.
Review this thread and ask yourself, who's the one insulting others? Getting personal? Getting off topic? It's you.
freddyv wrote: Viewpoints that you really can't understand unless you respect your elders, and there's the rub. John points out again and again how this is classic generational behavior, becoming more and more desctructive with each generation until finally we hit bottom and start all over. I have a few years on you and I respect the opinions of those older than I so I believe them when they tell me something, even if they tell me I am wrong...no, especially when they tell me I am wrong. That is the only way that I see to break the generation crisis, or at least for me not to be taken down by it.
Like I said... it's you who's acting in such a manner - are you that arogant? Spend 10 minutes and review your responses in this thread. Do you fit in that category too? Or are you an exception?
freddyv wrote: One of the things you may notice is that I tend to cut John more slack than I would you or Gordo, that's because John is older and I assume he knows more. He's not always right but he sees from a higher perspective than I. As I have become more aware of Generational Dynamics I have found it is a new source of wisdom for me that I could only otherwise achieve through actual experience. I find that I can often tell a persons' age by his writing and thinking and that is a very powerful tool, if one chooses to use it.
I've always been weary of those that choose to treat a particulr theory as a hammer and the world as it's nail. Believing in any single theory about what drives human nature is limiting by definition. One of the first things I learned in University (History), was that ones age, degree, credentials, etc., in themselves can not prove a point. That does not mean I disrepect elders or people with more wisdom than I. But when I see something I don't agree with, I challenge it. If you can't handle that challenge don't take part in the discussion.
freddyv wrote: Perhaps you could sit back for a second and re-read some of your posts and note how you react when you are criticized? To me it seems that you only want to argue and fight without any attempt at coming to a conclusion or learning anything new. Imagine if you could truly come to respect the voices of your elders, especially when they point out that you are wrong.
There you go again. Damb... Take your own advice please.
Please recall who the one is that gets personal and throws around insults (eg. calling people "fools").
I have tried very hard to stick to my point. I have tried very hard to not get personal. I stick to my line of thinking and have presented convincing arguments (and backed them up) about Chinese oil demand/supply in itself and how it can be hardly explained to have increased the price of oil - because I stuck to my points. Contrary to your statement "when they point out that you are wrong", you have completely failed to backup any such claim, period. The data all works against you (no one in this thread has pointed to any data except blanket statements about chinese consumption).

Your accusations are unfounded, unsupported and arrogant (to say the least).

Finally. If John is half that man you claim him to be (and I'm sure he is), I'd be surprised if he didn't find arguments that challenged his line of thinking thought-prevoking [perhaps]

On the other hand, I'm sure he's got his fair share of groupies and people who pick up after him - I'm sure he finds those people... shall I say, "less stimulating"....

As someone put it so well.... “You can only be called a hypocrite if you judge others first.”


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Re: Jan 23 Blog - High Oil prices caused by China's growth

Post by freddyv »


Hey, my friend, sorry to get you so upset. I have really tried to lower the temerature a bit but it takes two to argue so I'll bow out. It is obvious that we don't mix well.

I appologize if I've been offensive.


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